Incels are having plastic surgery to attract women, but it won't work

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Women are not objects to be used and abused.

Its there body and they have the choice to choose who they give it to.

I'm sick and tired of talking to guys on sspot who seem to forget that women are human beings.

The bit in bold is sickening.
So don't be surprised by who they give it to and that some will be left out , however I do agree that their is no reason for them to be entitled to something that doesn't belong to them


@mrlog did complain why he has women thighs here in the forums long time ago. Perhaps the incels surgery violent revolution is well over- due. :ohno:

Huuno walaahi bilaahi I am 6’2 and mascular.
If u saw my murqo u’d probably get weak in the knees and say “ala ba’ayeeey”

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