India Hate Has Now Spread To YouTube!

Im worried for Somalia proper though, started to see some Pajeets working vocational jobs in Mogadishu and Bosaso. They have infiltrated the job market there, especially for highly specialized work like elevator repair.

inshallah we will have our own mini idi amin and kick them all out

wallahi o billahi I have a deep serious hatred for hindus i habaar them at every opportunity possible


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
I might be bias since my one of my neighbour in my childhood home where Indian family. They where great people. Not only them but they community was very welcoming and I am still friends till this with a few of them. My maybe I lucked out. So why all the hate?
I met that youtuber in a border town in Laos.

He's just the typical English retard who thinks he's superior to foreigners. Don't like India much, but I'll never agree with some pro-colonization Brit ever. The shit he says about Indians, he would 100% say about Africans.


I might be bias since my one of my neighbour in my childhood home where Indian family. They where great people. Not only them but they community was very welcoming and I am still friends till this with a few of them. My maybe I lucked out. So why all the hate?
There's a difference between well off integrated Indians and FOB Indians the latter is who you see all the hate directed at because you can spot them a mile away. I have a hunch it also links to the whole caste system
''Look at this fine piece of British Architecture''

The biggest tourist attraction in India is the Taj Mahal which is an Islamic architecture of a Tomb and Mosque

Not only do they showcase it the promote the country while they actively hate Muslims and Islam

It is also crumbling due to Anti-Muslim neglect.

Taj Mahal is crumbling due to anti-Muslim neglect, say critics​

Cracked marble and a leaking dome prompt fears that the regional leader of the northern Indian state, a Hindu nationalist, is deliberately letting the Mughal monument rot

The British can go toss themselves, they empowered the Hindu's against the Muslims and dismantled its leadership. Foster anti-Muslim sentiment. As well as destroy it's economic infrastructure that helped sustain things.

How can he criticize it when his country paved a way for this to happen?
I met that youtuber in a border town in Laos.

He's just the typical English retard who thinks he's superior to foreigners. Don't like India much, but I'll never agree with some pro-colonization Brit ever. The shit he says about Indians, he would 100% say about Africans.
Laos now that’s a county of not heard of in a while,how was your trip

