Insane news from Tajikistan


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
Diaspora needs to head back to somalia or this is what awaits us in the next few centuries (if we are even alive)


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
So theres no difference between Muslims in Russia and Muslims in Palestine

OK :russ:

Your defence of zionists is so shameful.

Where did I mention Israel?

We are comparing American Imperialism with Russian Imperialism. No one mentioned apartheid here?



I don't want to say all are like that and some of them really are deeply religious people... but maaaaaaaaany Central Asians are like that and I think it's because of the Soviet times. I used to work with an old man from Central Asia and he told me that people used to pray salaah in secret.

anyways, it was that same old man... he identified as a Muslim but then ramadan came and he openly said he wasn't fasting for ramadan. I don't think it was just his own personal thing but I think it had to do with what you're talking about.
The thing is, it doesn’t matter if the people are religious or secular, they still view themselves as Muslim, and are against this law. Hijab is very common in Tajikistan, and this law cannot be enforced or implemented. The government is one of the most authoritarian dictatorships in the world, is very corrupt with no regard for human rights. It is the 4th poorest in Asia. All they are doing is making extremists khawarij like daesh gain power from these actions, it won’t impact Tajik society which is becoming more religious and returning to their pre-soviet ways.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
The thing is, it doesn’t matter if the people are religious or secular, they still view themselves as Muslim, and are against this law.

I'm sure many of them- I would think the vast majority- are against it. many Tajiks are deeply religious Muslims, alhamdulilah. and even the ones who are not as religious- I don't think they would favor this law.

They are under a continuation of Soviet-style dictatorship. I would assume they don't have a say and this is being imposed on them from the top down. I would further assume that this just another move in a larger, international yhd-masonic plot against Islam and against religion in general, though more especially Islam.

Hijab is very common in Tajikistan, and this law cannot be enforced or implemented. The government is one of the most authoritarian dictatorships in the world, is very corrupt with no regard for human rights. It is the 4th poorest in Asia. All they are doing is making extremists khawarij like daesh gain power from these actions, it won’t impact Tajik society which is becoming more religious and returning to their pre-soviet ways.

we'll see what happens insha'Allah. I have no idea what happens there in the future or where this goes. but I seriously hope that tajiks can at least have the freedom to practice their faith and to learn about their dīn.

Muslims of Central Asia are an important part of the ummah. Imam Bukhari was from there. insha'Allah, Allah will replace this anti-Islam government and insha'Allah Central Asia will be the home of more great scholars like Imam Bukhari in the future.
There is a large multi-pronged war against Islam and Muslims. Many pretend to be Muslims and cheer on anything that dismantles Islam and Muslims. Feminists are a large part of it. You will see them screaming and crying oppression about women not being able to undress and study in western style schooling systems but will either remains silent or celebrate the banning of Hijab and other Islamic obligations. Their patterns are easy to see.

I’ve always stressed that red pill and feminist movements desire the deen to suit their needs rather than actually submit and follow .Hence why you see them Silent on issues pertaining banning of the hijab or whatever Islamic obligation.
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Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I’ve always stressed that red pill and feminist movements desire the deen to suit them rather than actually submit and follow .Hence why you see them Silent on issues pertaining banning of the hijab or whatever Islamic obligation.

have you ever seen a feminist or a red piller talk about tawheed?
have you ever seen a feminist or a red piller talk about tawheed?


They’d rather nit pick Hadith to feed their macho like behaviour or their feminist motto . Inshallah Muslims are waking up to this and Shiekh’s are addressing these issues in their Friday sermons.

If we Muslims want a successful life following the sunnah is the way and the deen not these movements