Interracial Marriages

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Is it good or bad for the Somali community
Whats your take on this?



From a purely reproductive standpoint males are disposable and females are extremely valuable. That's because theoretically u just need one man to impregnate countless women and grow/replenish a peoples population, while on the other hand you would need many many women for this to occur. It's not just because we are physically and mentally stronger than women that men are sent off to war and made to do dangerous jobs, it's also because on a subconscious level humans understand that the majority of men are disposable and not required for the continuation of ones ethnicity, while women are. Why do you think Somali nomads only sell and ship male camels to Arabia and not female ones?

So when Somali women marry out it's a net loss to the population potential of the Somali ethnicity and a net gain for whichever ethnicity she marries into, as she will be having their children and not ours. When a Somali male marries out it's a net gain for our ethnicity because we are increasing the number of women who can give birth to Somali children, since ethnicity in our culture is traced through patrilineal descent. And even if a Somali man decides not to marry and have children it's still not a net loss for us because his reproductive role will and can be replaced by another Somali male via polygamy or serial marriage.

Because humans understand all of the above on a subconscious level, real men have a visceral dislike for other men marrying their women even if they can't articulate why in precise terms.
From a purely reproductive standpoint males are disposable and females are extremely valuable. That's because theoretically u just need one man to impregnate countless women and grow/replenish a peoples population, while on the other hand you would need many many women for this to occur. It's not just because we are physically and mentally stronger than women that men are sent off to war and made to do dangerous jobs, it's also because on a subconscious level humans understand that the majority of men are disposable and not required for the continuation of ones ethnicity, while women are. Why do you think Somali nomads only sell and ship male camels to Arabia and not female ones?

So when Somali women marry out it's a net loss to the population potential of the Somali ethnicity and a net gain for whichever ethnicity she marries into, as she will be having their children and not ours. When a Somali male marries out it's a net gain for our ethnicity because we are increasing the number of women who can give birth to Somali children, since ethnicity in our culture is traced through patrilineal descent. And even if a Somali man decides not to marry and have children it's still not a net loss for us because his reproductive role will and can be replaced by another Somali male via polygamy or serial marriage.

Because humans understand all of the above on a subconscious level, real men have a visceral dislike for other men marrying their women even if they can't articulate why in precise terms.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
If you want to marry a Somali, cool. But no Muslim should only be limited to their ethnicity when there's 1.7 billion of us :zhqjlmx:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Did u read my reply? If you did and it didn't resonate with u, I would recommend u look into testosterone replacement therapy.
No why should I feel different when some random girl marries cadaan or whatever? I believe the feeling your talking about is called entitlement
What's the point of having interracial marriages, the kids life is hell. I believe it's better to have one race. The Chinese don't like interracial marriages, so that last kid will have challenges in China, I don't know about Somalia though.


If you want to marry a Somali, cool. But no Muslim should only be limited to their ethnicity when there's 1.7 billion of us :zhqjlmx:
This whole 'unmah' thing is bull, no one cares i only see silly somalis running with this notion. If their wad an ummah, poor somalis wouldnt ve abused in saudia. I only see xalimos using this ' aslong as hes muslim' tagline, soon they gonna become the thais of the muslim world


I'm okay with it so long as it isn't with Madows or East Asians.

Their genes are too strong. Your kid will not look anything like you.
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