Alla hooognayaaaayyyy muxuu yiri? Alla muxuu is faaniyay WHAT A LIAR LMAO! those wet dreams of actually being accepted in high school should probably never leave your bedroom. It's really sad that you have to make up stories to try hide the fact that nobody cared for you in high school. You were the kid in the back planning the shooting@Nana.H Just because your brothers might have been molested in jail doesn't mean everybody is the same. Back in
school/college I use to beat up over 7ft negroes that you love to get drilled by, they use to call me "Lion-heart" to the
point their black/mixed race girls use to lust after me.
Wassakh waaxida ka bax meesha weel yuhu wuxu anshax xumadiisa la imanaya daawadda! Waryaa hadaa nin rag tahay waxaas kuma hadleen. Anaguu booto noo wadaa sakhajanka. War i makhal nice attempt to lose your virginity, but i have standards. If all these mixed girls really 'lust' after you, you wouldn't make this sad attempt to hook up with a stranger online. Fucking degenerate. pathetic@Nana.H Lets have a bet shall we.Bring me the biggest Negro from your area, if I beat him you will get down on all fours and
suck my Somali dick and swallow it with pride. Do we have a deal?
If you want to marry a Somali, cool. But no Muslim should only be limited to their ethnicity when there's 1.7 billion of us![]()
Dumb skinny, go ask to marry a paki or middle eastern female, her family would laugh at you
Pakistani and Middle Eastern are very loyal to their men.
Race mixing will continue to increase as more people travel and interact in our ever globalizing world. It's not going to be far off before we see mixed Somalis involved in politics back home. @Canuck will one day find a Somali-Oromo Mayor of Las Canod that will drive her over the edge and lead her to form a political party dedicated to wiping out the Oromos wherever they are.
Arabs don't marry out, not even out of their tribe. This khaleeji family refused to let their daughter marry to my Yemeni friend. There are many known similar cases.
Pakistanis are just as strict and would probably kill their daughter lol.
Arabs don't marry out, not even out of their tribe. This khaleeji family refused to let their daughter marry to my Yemeni friend. There are many known similar cases.
Pakistanis are just as strict and would probably kill their daughter lol.
Looooool i can't back out of you pathetic bet if i didn't want to be a part of it to begin with. You just asked this 'cow' to suck you off you desperate piece of shit, don't get all pissed cause you got rejected & oh yeah, i'm sure you did do all that. You ever thing of writing children's fairytales you have? These are so interesting lol fucking toolI guess you backed out from the bet, don't confuse asking you to suck my ****
if I win as "hook" up you dumb cow. Next time don't underestimate our power.
I once head butted a black guy he couldn't stop bleeding from the nose walle,
perhaps you would have liked to give him a hug and wipe his blood away?
"In deeply religious and conservative Saudi society, women must obtain government consent to marry non-Saudis and marrying non-Gulf Arabs and non-Arab carries severe social stigma."
b-but As Long As He's Muslim™®©*
kkkkkkkk only applies to females
From a personal standpoint I disagree with interrmarriage in general. Not on the topic of what individuals do themselves.
One thing i don't understand is this ''romanticization'' of interracial marriages. Everywhere you see people in the west promote and fetishize it and tossing out the usual catch phrase ''Cute babies'' and ''I am not racist look at me i'm very progressive''. The thirst usually driven by media.
I'm afraid i don't suffer from ''The grass is greener on the other side'' syndrome. Don't get me wrong i have entertained the idea before, but now i have a more mature outlook on things. There is absoulutely no romantics behind interracial marriages, if anything its more bothersome and complex. Issues like different Backgrounds, values, language barriers and culture clashes. Incompatibility and questions like how will he/she's Family interract with my Family as there is less familiarities.That ''Cute mixed baby'' they long after will grow up with severe Identity issues.
Some people are too nonchalant when it comes to marriage they mostly do it out of lust, fetish and shallow beliefs. This is a serious life long contract not a fling or a one night stand.
Thats why there is a pack full of Somali widows ditched by their Ajnabi revert ex- husbands unable to wed any, because Somali men don't want to be their rebound material.
.At end of the day my philosophy can be summed up with ''Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know''
@Hafez stop worrying what my subclan is doing you should worry about that you're not even taller than your shower curtain get you and your dirty crusty ass neck outta here shit looks nasty as f*ck