Interracial Marriages

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I'm against interracial marriage, but goddamn i really really can't stand Somali guys :mjcry:

Trust me there are lots of good Somali guys out there. If u can't stand us then you won't be open enough to see the good ones, and you'll have a self-fulling prophecy on your hands. Have an open mind and view each Somali guy as an individual and not a member of a collective who share the same traits.


Mad about what? ending up with drug dealers and jailbirds ? Be my guest. :drakekidding::drakelaugh:




tfw no habesha gf
I welcome them (only if it's the man who married the foreigner). Means more mixed qts like Maya Jama

Also as Amun said, no East Asian or black, their genes are too strong and the kid will look way too non-somali


Suldaanka Gobyare
I welcome them (only if it's the man who married the foreigner). Means more mixed qts like Maya Jama

Also as Amun said, no East Asian or black, their genes are too strong and the kid will look way too non-somali
lol Maya Jama getting drilled by a Black man.

Many examples of Somali men impregnating ajnabi women and the daughters become s kkkkkkkkk


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Looks like two different species astagfurullah


A blacker more niggerer version of Lukaku, didn't even know that was possible

lol Maya Jama getting drilled by a Black man.

Many examples of Somali men impregnating ajnabi women and the daughters become s kkkkkkkkk
Not different from the full-blooded xalimos wanting to be with different races.

We go by the sons nigga.



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Nah nigga the Swedish genes too strong, Swedish pussy was made for the BBC


We respectfully transfer that L

Mad about what? ending up with drug dealers and jailbirds ? Be my guest. :drakekidding::drakelaugh:


Lol you sound so hurt which drugdealer steal ya girl? And these 'jailbirds' are the same ones that would make you their little in jail. I'm sure you'd like that though since you're already acting like one. :siilaanyolaugh:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Tbf it's mostly a meme, just last week I attended 2 Somali weddings, there's no real danger of miscegenation. The SJWs and Cabiidoos can bark all they want, they will never change us.


@Nana.H Just because your brothers might have been molested in jail doesn't mean everybody is the same. Back in
school/college I use to beat up over 7ft negroes that you love to get drilled by, they use to call me "Lion-heart" to the
point their black/mixed race girls use to lust after me.
Race mixing will continue to increase as more people travel and interact in our ever globalizing world. It's not going to be far off before we see mixed Somalis involved in politics back home. @Canuck will one day find a Somali-Oromo Mayor of Las Canod that will drive her over the edge and lead her to form a political party dedicated to wiping out the Oromos wherever they are.
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