Investigation of the Qarax by Dahir Calisow

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Agent 47

21st Divsion of Somali National Army
Dahir Alasow has no credibility whatsoever. He called for the destruction of the SFG when the cabinet picks were released. He was unhappy with the cabinet positions given to HG.

Similarly, he was recently caught extorting another journalist.

@Inquisitive_ knew better than OP and chose to stop using him a news source in light of these revelations.
You know you could do your own investigation instead of listening to him word to word:trumpsmirk:


Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
Dahir Alasow has no credibility whatsoever. He called for the destruction of the SFG when the cabinet picks were released. He was unhappy with the cabinet positions given to HG.

Similarly, he was recently caught extorting another journalist.

@Inquisitive_ knew better than OP and chose to stop using him a news source in light of these revelations.

Bruh the sfg is hiring former high ranking shabaab and giving them top positions in the government, shortly after the biggest explosion ever happens. You think I give a fok about calisow:ivers: What he's saying corroborates with things I always thought to be true


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
That's pretty foked up, you should probably take a break from somali forums:jaynerd:
He's wrong for what he said I disagree with him personally I wholeheartedly believe that all Somalis should come together and destroy somaliland totally annihilating everything on sight if it move spray it like brother Malcolm x said by any means necessary in sha Allah


Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
He's wrong for what he said I disagree with him personally I wholeheartedly believe that all Somalis should come together and destroy somaliland totally annihilating everything on sight if it move spray it like brother Malcolm x said by any means necessary in sha Allah

That already happened when you were still a cumstain:pachah1:
I did some excessive research where I spent hours inside my basement conducting serious observation.

We are simply not clever enough to defeat Al Shabaab.

That's what my final thesis told me.
Bruh the sfg is hiring former high ranking shabaab and giving them top positions in the government, shortly after the biggest explosion ever happens. You think I give a fok about calisow:ivers: What he's saying corroborates with things I always thought to be true

The alshabab thing might not be true. Wait a little longer until it is verified mudane. It could be nonsense that is being peddled by dowladiids, or a fake story pushed by a shitty news site for revenue.
This current government is just shit, weak leadership, half of MPs who don't even show up to their jobs, weak intelligence by nisa, no bomb detectors what are they actually doing there?


Intellectual saqajaan
Here me out for a second without freaking out. s\Stable regions should be allowed to secede, given full international recognition and let them look after their clans' interests. The reason PL and SL are way more stable than Mogadishu is because the people who run those places have thir peoples' interests in mind, whereas the collection of fuckwits in Mogadishu have no connection to Mogadishu. I know this is not the time to propose this but it's a viable solution. These can later negotiate for collective security etc.


Intellectual saqajaan
This government gave the former Taliyaha amniyaatka alshabaab who is literally the logistics of alshabaab, the position of sirdoonka qaranka :shookgabre:. Okay, you forgive the guy for being shabaab, but then you give him the highest position of security in the country :faysalwtf:. It's like Bin Laden(if he existed lol) being director of the FBI:faysalwtf:
:dead: Director Bin Laden. He'd still have a job unlike Comey though.

Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
Here me out for a second without freaking out. s\Stable regions should be allowed to secede, given full international recognition and let them look after their clans' interests. The reason PL and SL are way more stable than Mogadishu is because the people who run those places have thir peoples' interests in mind, whereas the collection of fuckwits in Mogadishu have no connection to Mogadishu. I know this is not the time to propose this but it's a viable solution. These can later negotiate for collective security etc.

That is utterly preposterous! Never in my life would I accept such a thing. That would be a black day in Somali history if that was ever to happen. Only "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome infested, brain dead zombies would even think of such a insane proposition.



Intellectual saqajaan
That is utterly preposterous! Never in my life would I accept such a thing. That would be a black day in Somali history if that was ever to happen. Only "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome infested, brain dead zombies would even think of such a insane proposition.

So you'd rather have people who have no connection to Mogadishu and who don't care about the people there running them and making deals with terrorist groups? If the inhabitants of Mogadishu ruled themselves, priority number one for them would be not getting slaughtered, not getting the next check from int'l groups with ulterior motives. I'm not saying it's a permanent solution. I'm saying it will be a reprieve from the current situation.

Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
Best to negotiate with Al shabaab. It's simply impossible defeat them.

Al kebaab somehow have higher IQ than Somalis

NEVER! They only deserve Somali bullets and Somali steel. They only deserve death and destruction, ultimate brutality, a crushing victory is the only way forward. The reason why they are alive and kicking is because of incompetency in the SNA and AMISOM. Once that is gone, they will be destroyed.

Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
So you'd rather have people who have no connection to Mogadishu and who don't care about the people there running them and making deals with terrorist groups? If the inhabitants of Mogadishu ruled themselves, priority number one for them would be not getting slaughtered, not getting the next check from int'l groups with ulterior motives. I'm not saying it's a permanent solution. I'm saying it will be a reprieve from the current situation.

Isn't that what is already happening in Somalia or supposed to happen? Federal states? You don't need full secession to be able to do that. What you need is a strong government without any incompetency and corruption, without any Qabiil loyalties.
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