Investigation of the Qarax by Dahir Calisow

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Intellectual saqajaan
NEVER! They only deserve Somali bullets and Somali steel. They only deserve death and destruction, ultimate brutality, a crushing victory is the only way forward. The reason why they are alive and kicking is because of incompetency in the SNA and AMISOM. Once that is gone, they will be destroyed.
I agree with you. But this is not about to happen because people in charge don't have the populations interests in mind.


Intellectual saqajaan
Isn't that what is already happening in Somalia or supposed to happen? Federal states? You don't need full secession to be able to do that. What you need is a strong government without any incompetency and corruption, without any Qabiil loyalties.
No this is not what's happening. Security arrangements in Mogadishu are managed by AMISOM and people that pardon and promote AS leaders. The locals have no say. This mass murder doesn't bother many in the federal government because they're not from there.

Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
No this is not what's happening. Security arrangements in Mogadishu are managed by AMISOM and people that pardon and promote AS leaders. The locals have no say. This mass murder doesn't bother many in the federal government because they're not from there.

Yes those who don't bother should be kicked out, only those who are willing to do something to help should be part of the government. But secession? That's insane. Don't encourage the "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome infected people.


Intellectual saqajaan
Which is why those individuals need to be taken out of the government. A strong leader would purge those who are corrupt or would put Qabiil over the people.
And who's going to take them out of the government?? Will they voluntarily self report themselves and get them out? This is childish. You're asking criminals to not be criminals. The best solution is to empower the locals and let them run things.

Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
And who's going to take them out of the government?? Will they voluntarily self report themselves and get them out? This is childish. You're asking criminals to not be criminals. The best solution is to empower the locals and let them run things.

I'm not saying forcefully remove them. In this current situation, that is impossible, which is why I indicated a strong leader would be able to do, something that we don't have right now. Yes, I agree empowering the locals is the best solution right now, but NOT secession.


Intellectual saqajaan
I'm not saying forcefully remove them. In this current situation, that is impossible, which is why I indicated a strong leader would be able to do, something that we don't have right now. Yes, I agree empowering the locals is the best solution right now, but NOT secession.
I know why you're against secession. It's not as bad as you think. Somalis running separate stable countries will look to each other for security and trade, effectively becoming a large functioning country. Remember, all a federal country is is a bunch of small countries with trade and security agreements.

Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
I know why you're against secession. It's not as bad as you think. Somalis running separate stable countries will look to each other for security and trade, effectively becoming a large functioning country. Remember, all a federal country is is a bunch of small countries with trade and security agreements.

Secession is up there as the worst thing to happen to our people. Just look at the ideologically poisoned population of SL. Since their completely illegal declaration of independence, their villainous and corrupt politicians have deceived the people, the people don't want to unify anymore, oh the horror! Just imagine, Puntland, Jubaland etc get their independence, they will never join Somalia again.

You don't understand the Somali mind when it is infected by the parasite "Muh Qabiil", I have extensively studied this for years, you have not. The mind doesn't think for itself, it automatically follows the sheep which then follow a certain Qabiilist politician who says "Muh Qabiil" deserves this, "Muh Qabiil" deserves that, we should get independence because this Qabiil did this to "Muh Qabiil" and so on and so forth. The human mind remembers repetitive words and statements best so it keeps this information, little does it know that this volatile information which has been laced with a deadly parasite can bury itself deep into the brain, it only comes out when certain triggers are activated as in politics, the words "Somalia, Somali, Somaliland, Puntland and so on. Then this parasite will get into the areas of the brain where speech is controlled and take it over. The person infected will start to repeat what those villainous politicians have said. The longer the parasite stays the bigger it gets, it feeds on intelligence, logic and the brains capacity to think for itself. This carries on until the infected person becomes a brain dead "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome zombie that knows nothing but "Muh Qabiil".

So far on this forum, the only person who has successfully been cured is @Sanweyn14. Other people on this forum are already immune to this terrible disease because of their upbringing, whereas others have become or are close to becoming brain dead zombies.

If you have a population of those types, which will inevitably happen once independence is achieved then all you are going to see is war over borders and resources and atrocities that will be on par with the civil war itself.

You will never change my mind over this, I will only be satisfied once the beautiful Somali flag is flown over every single city in Somalia.


Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
Here me out for a second without freaking out. s\Stable regions should be allowed to secede, given full international recognition and let them look after their clans' interests. The reason PL and SL are way more stable than Mogadishu is because the people who run those places have thir peoples' interests in mind, whereas the collection of fuckwits in Mogadishu have no connection to Mogadishu. I know this is not the time to propose this but it's a viable solution. These can later negotiate for collective security etc.

I couldn't agree more. The reality is reer mogidishu need to fully control their land as If it's a maamul goboleed:francis:. If I was from Mogadishu I'd call for the peaceful removal of all non natives in positions of power. The city has the most potential out of somali cities but needs people who are from there to control it
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Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
:dead: Director Bin Laden. He'd still have a job unlike Comey though.
You gotta admit, the idea of Bin Laden was pretty genius. I died when they finally caught him & buried him at sea. They did it immediately to respect Islamic traditions:mjlol:. You'd think the FBI/CIA could've come up with a better ending to that fiction novel. Why do authors always lose the plot near the end of the book:pachah1:
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