IOG reportedly hospitalised in Paris for serious heart problem

That is not likely, his maternal ties with Mahad 'Ase, Cisse and Gadabuursi elite would never allow Isaaq any power in Djibouti.
His wife runs the place as critics of IOG like to point out so if he he passes away the most likely one to succedede him would be her half Afar son who's the head of the PM office. Djibouti isn't like Somaliland or Somalia where clans have play in the politics, you have a family or dynasty running that place and it only would take a coup or popular uprising to overthrow them from power.
This guy just won't croak

His wife runs the place as critics of IOG like to point out so if he he passes away the most likely one to succedede him would be her half Afar son who's the head of the PM office. Djibouti isn't like Somaliland or Somalia where clans have play in the politics, you have a family or dynasty running that place and it only would take a coup or popular uprising to overthrow them from power.
the army would never stand for that. They didn’t fight the civil war for a fang tooth president.


His wife runs the place as critics of IOG like to point out so if he he passes away the most likely one to succedede him would be her half Afar son who's the head of the PM office. Djibouti isn't like Somaliland or Somalia where clans have play in the politics, you have a family or dynasty running that place and it only would take a coup or popular uprising to overthrow them from power.

Only the Mamasan Ciise will be in power in Djibouti. They're the Head of Intelligence, the Army, the Secret services and all the most sensitive posts. Those who try and say his wife has any say does not know how Djibouti is run. The bigger and more powerful Ciise subclan, the Yonis Muuse are currently all languishing in prisons. Guelle's reer abti, the Mahad Case Samaroon have had to ally with the Afars and the Yonis Muuse or are Guelle's lackeys.

Politics in Djibouti is complicated but one thing is for sure. The Mamasan will always rule.
Only the Mamasan Ciise will be in power in Djibouti. They're the Head of Intelligence, the Army, the Secret services and all the most sensitive posts. Those who try and say his wife has any say does not know how Djibouti is run. The bigger and more powerful Ciise subclan, the Yonis Muuse are currently all languishing in prisons. Guelle's reer abti, the Mahad Case Samaroon have had to ally with the Afars and the Yonis Muuse or are Guelle's lackeys.

Politics in Djibouti is complicated but one thing is for sure. The Mamasan will always rule.
Sorry to say this to you but you aren't actually aware of how the politics in that place is run like cuz what you just wrote isn't something the oppositionist groups of that regime have ever said but that there's a family running the country like it's their own property like they own 90% of the wealth of the country. So please don't apply what exists in Somalia or Somaliland to Djibouti they're two different realties.
the army would never stand for that. They didn’t fight the civil war for a fang tooth president.
They control the army and intelligence but when he's gone there's possibility they can change the regime where one of their own takes the power or help the country to transition to democratic multi party system.