is africa an embarassing continent or what?

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Africa is not a country
you wanna play that correction game huh? Ok
Some of you people are truly embarrassing with your self-hate. You've done nothing for your people but and moan and you want Somalia and Africa to prosper? Africa doesn't need man-babies and airheads who cry about being "embarrassed" to be African. If you feel that way, f*ck off and marry your cadaan/madow/martian boyfriend/girlfriend and get the f*ck outta our genepool, you bakhtis.

As for Aid. Anyone intelligent enough to do some research knows it's largely a myth and has done more harm than good. It is also a lie that Somalia has received "billions" in Aid. Somalia get's Aid "pledges". It's very different to actually getting Aid. I can pledge to give each of you $1 million dollars each by tomorrow, that doesn't mean i will. The only thing Somali has ever actually received is a few million here and there, mostly towards paying for the politicians and administration, which I am wholeheartedly against. It also helps.when your country's resources aren't being plundered. I think I read somewhere, an estimated $20 billion+ worth of fish has been plundered from Somalia's coastline since 1991.

Oh, and as for the whole Africa gets Aid so why does it remain a shithole nonsense? Just read this article:
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As i live and breathe
A lot of African countries have larger GDP's than some Europe countries and yet they remain shitholes :stopit:

Why? Well, corruption for starters. Money isn't the problem, these African countries are making enough money to feed their people and provide basic services, but they don't. The money isn't being used for developing the countries. So until corruption is done away with Africa will be remain a shithole.

Secondly, Africans still have primitive mindsets. When you have people who would rather visit a witch doctor than a medically trained one you got an issue :snoop: And don't even get me started on the baby raping :ohlord:(They think it cures Aids)

Thirdly, European/Asian meddling. To this day the western and Asian world make more money out of Africa than they send in so called "aid". This stuff is hurting us more than it's helping. You grow dependant on foreign aid instead of your government providing it for you. And so this becomes a question of corruption again.

I'm sure there are many other reasons Africa remains a shithole but these are the main ones in my opinion. Africa better get its shit together or the world will eventually move on without us :kanyeshrug:
somalia already got billions in aid but where is it? what did hsm do with the billions he asked for? even the developments in hamar was mostly by local business men and diaspora going back as well as turkish investments. And it's the fact that these foreign powers are allowed to meddle makes the case in point.

Don't believe these stories about AID, believe me I have first hand experience of this, whenever you hear about foreign aid by western countries 95% of it is a scam, it's bribe money, it's money that goes back into their own pockets, that's their intention.

It's like the trillion of so called development aid to Iraq after they destroyed the country, that money went to their own cooperation whom just put it in the bank and never invested anything of significance back into the country, reporters even wrote about it, they even fund ISIS with it and various other terrorist groups.

They make you believe your leaders stole that money, but they never even receive anything, the world bank allocated billions to Somalia for development aid, 90% of that money is stolen by Western organisation, the other 10% is mostly taken by Ethiopia/Kenya and their subsidiaries, this is the latest headline of a long list of them.

UK foreign aid fraud investigations 'quadruple in last five years'


Your superior
Africa is very embarrassing but I have deep respect for the Rwanda of today, Botswana, Namibia, Gabon, etc. Let's be glad we have these people in our continent since they lessen our embarassing situation. We also have Nigeria and Ghana who are intelligent and they are the representatives of Africa in the Western workplace and Western society.

We need to thank the good parts of Africa.
Don't forget Angola
Colonialism is still screwing over many African countries. You can see this in countries like Zimbabwe and even Kenya (thanks to the goodshephard for pointing out earlier today).

A number of good African leaders have been deposed off by westerners. You have seen what the did to lumumba and sankara. They even rekt gadafi (bad dictator but good for country).
Don't believe these stories about AID, believe me I have first hand experience of this, whenever you hear about foreign aid by western countries 95% of it is a scam, it's bribe money, it's money that goes back into their own pockets, that's their intention.

It's like the trillion of so called development aid to Iraq after they destroyed the country, that money went to their own cooperation whom just put it in the bank and never invested anything of significance back into the country, reporters even wrote about it, they even fund ISIS with it and various other terrorist groups.

They make you believe your leaders stole that money, but they never even receive anything, the world bank allocated billions to Somalia for development aid, 90% of that money is stolen by Western organisation, the other 10% is mostly taken by Ethiopia/Kenya and their subsidiaries, this is the latest headline of a long list of them.

UK foreign aid fraud investigations 'quadruple in last five years'

Walaahi it's ridiculous. If I didn't have any conscience or iman, I would become an NGO-worker. They steal aid money, travel to exotic locales, run up bills in expensive hotels, attend a few seminars and conferences, take a few photos with starving Africans to put on Instagram or their blog and act like we should be grateful. Some of them are even CIA spies and operatives. Whichever Somali president that gets rid of these parasitic cockroaches has my support.
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