Is Every Qabiil It’s Own Ethnic Group?

I wish there was truth to every qabil being it’s own Ethnicity It would be less embarrassing then being the own ethnicity and killing eachother

If Qabils killing eachother was actually a thing, we would have seized to exist as a people long time ago. Because we would have wiped each-other out.

So don't buy into that rubbish narrative.
Disclaimer: I do believe (as of now) that Somalis are a single ethnic group, I am mostly playing devil's advocate, as I've seen many Somalis from diverse clan backgrounds make the argument that a Somali ethnicity does not exist, in their opinion as of lately.

What if a society rejects the concept of being Somali? I'm sure there has been instances in history where ethnic groups have split over time, after migrations or any other reason that might cause a shift in identity. Wouldn't those claiming their qabiil is an ethnicity in itself be justified to do so?

What does genetic unity entail? I've seen those make the argument that since the paternal haplogroups of Somalis are diverse, especially with beesha Dir having majority haplogroup T, that there is in fact no genetic unity amongst Somalis. Not to mention, the very prominent ana Arab people that overlap the two main groups that most commonly reject being Somali and/or claim Arab ancestry. I personally think this obsession with paternal lineage is overrated, why is autosomal DNA thrown out the window by these folk?

Did the regional identities encompass all Somali people? With each of those names, is there evidence of Somalis from diverse clan backgrounds identifying as that? Or is is just one clan?

Isn't inter connectivity crucial to civilization building? There's no way Somalis were the only interconnected people on this continent. Lived as strangers, I'm assuming meant no trade, no migration, no conquering of neighboring lands, etc. :dwill:

You fundamentally misunderstand DNA. Haplogroups are not the be-all and end-all of genetics. For example, you share more absolute genes with your maternal cousin than with your second paternal cousin. When we look at Somalis as a whole, considering the entire roster of genes that define us, there is very little difference. The fact that we only have around three major haplogroup lines is remarkable, especially compared to most European countries, which have around seven significant haplogroups.

If a Somali male, for example, were to marry into a Mongolian tribe, in about ten generations, most of his genetic contribution would be gone, leaving only a set of alleles (since women do not carry the alleles for the Y chromosome). Conversely, if a Mongolian man married into a Somali tribe, the descendants of both would be considered part of the group they married into, as all other genetic markers would have been replaced over generations by those found in ethnic Somalis.


Inaba Caadi Maaha
You fundamentally misunderstand DNA. Haplogroups are not the be-all and end-all of genetics. For example, you share more absolute genes with your maternal cousin than with your second paternal cousin. When we look at Somalis as a whole, considering the entire roster of genes that define us, there is very little difference. The fact that we only have around three major haplogroup lines is remarkable, especially compared to most European countries, which have around seven significant haplogroups.

If a Somali male, for example, were to marry into a Mongolian tribe, in about ten generations, most of his genetic contribution would be gone, leaving only a set of alleles (since women do not carry the alleles for the Y chromosome). Conversely, if a Mongolian man married into a Somali tribe, the descendants of both would be considered part of the group they married into, as all other genetic markers would have been replaced over generations by those found in ethnic Somalis.

I, understood that as much. I was talking about the people who take paternal haplogroups as the end all determining factor as to what they identify as, you basically provided the exact counter argument I would provide them. The scenario you describe in the second paragraph is exactly what I would think when I see these folk yapping about paternal haplogroups.

Throughout history, men probably travelled father distances away from their places of origin. If a Chinese merchant lands up in India, immediately given four wives and entire haram, happens to produce 200 descendants within 50 years, within 120 he might have an entire village that descends from him. If majority of their DNA, is Indian, why would one consider them to be different due to the Y-chromosome the males in this village happened to carry? This is what some Somalis do when distancing themselves from other Somalis.