Is it me? Hear me out, but notice the similarities between Somalia and Nazi Germany.

Somalia and Djibouti are essentially the same ethnicity, same language, but different border and name, much like Germany and Austria (which led to the Anschluss).

Somalia has lands in Kenya, that it seeks (similar to Germany and the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia (now Czechia)

Somalia has lands in Ethopia that it is bitter about (like Germany and the Polish Corridor)

Somalia, like Germany had essentially a homogenus populace; one ethnicity, one language, one religion.

I think had no Oagden War occured, or that the coup didn't happen, Somalia would be alot better.
Do you know what life was like for somalis who were suddenly forced to live under ethiopian occupation ? no freedom of speech, freedom of movement, could not trade freely, their land wasn’t even considered theirs anymore .. the ethio state would displace them and try to settle amharas and others on their soil, military crackdowns, attempts to forcibly culturally assimilate them (they’d even ban them from ethnic dances 🤣) . Heavily taxed, even if they were to pay taxes nothing would be invested into the somali region, they had little to no schools, roads, hospitals just random ass military outposts laying around.

very hard for the newly formed somali republic to ignore that tbh

