is it sonkor or sokor

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Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf

We're talking about a thermos right? Not a fridge..
it took me so long to figure it out. 'talaagada keen' :wtf:

another weird one is instead of lugo or cago... adimo :wtf:
My Somali is a mix of Southern and Central.

That's a good mix. You avoid a lot of the loan words, since these are mostly from the north, and ur grammar should be on point from the Central Somali influence. Now if u stayed in a northern city for a few months like Burco or Ceerigaabo or Laascaanood you'd be a triple threat, cuz you'd have some heavy vocab and maahmaahyo to go along with it all.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I say sonkor but I have seen other folks in my family using sokor aswell.
Fridge talaagad/kalaaseer


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Sxb @666 , this is my take on weaknesses and strengths of the Somali spoken by region

Southern Somali (Anything south of Galguduud, with some exceptions)

Weakness: Grammatically unsound. For example words are shortened by cutting off their endings, eg. 'waa cunaa' instead of 'waan cunayaa'. Also, some of the accents from this region are quite peculiar and can be difficult for an untrained ear.

Strength: Not too many loan words when compared to Northern Somali.

Northern Somali (Djibouti, Somaliland and most of Ogadenia)

Weakness: Too many loanwords from English and Arabic. Examples: Laydh- English (Somali term 'nal'), malqaacad-Arabic (Somali term 'qaado), gidaar-Arabic (somali word 'darbi), jaar-Arabic (somali term 'daris'), beed-Arabic (Somali term 'ukun'), milix- arabic (Somali word 'cusbo'). Another weakness is that in some parts of the north (not all) the waqooyi accent can get quite thick.

Strength: Though it's absorbed quite a few loanwords it's also done a remarkable job of preserving the old and very rich classical Somali vocabulary. That's why most of the renowned poets are from the north. Also, grammatically Northern Somali is excellent.

Central (Puntland, Mudug/Galguduud)

Weaknesses: No real weaknesses. It's is grammatically sound, does not have a lot of loanwords, the accent is pretty standard and readily understood by all Somalis. But it does fall short of the richness and sophistication of the classical vocabulary preserved in Northern Somali.

Strengths: It's strength lies in not having any real weaknesses.

Welcome back :denzelnigga: the foremost somali nationalist has returned. :denzelnigga:

So what you were saying is that my dialect is the greastest :mjpls:


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Everyone here is an idiot.

If you say Sonkor I hope you die slowly nacalaadyahow.

Its mindi not midi

Canjeelo not Canjeero

Qaado not Malqacad

Fadhiiso not fariiso

Waryaa or Waryaahe

Aabe not Aabo.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Everyone here is an idiot.

If you say Sonkor I hope you die slowly nacalaadyahow.

Its mindi not midi

Canjeelo not Canjeero

Qaado not Malqacad

Fadhiiso not fariiso

Waryaa or Waryaahe

Aabe not Aabo.

This one is the most important.

Just think about, these people have probably said this word wrong 10mil+ times. :mjcry:


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Everyone here is an idiot.

If you say Sonkor I hope you die slowly nacalaadyahow.

Its mindi not midi

Canjeelo not Canjeero

Qaado not Malqacad

Fadhiiso not fariiso

Waryaa or Waryaahe

Aabe not Aabo.
this niggas mixing like 10 different dialects, at least be consistent :lol:

and u say aabe :susp:

do u salute when u say that too? 'aabe can i have some canjeelo :salute:'


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
this niggas mixing like 10 different dialects, at least be consistent :lol:

and u say aabe :susp:

do u salute when u say that too? 'aabe can i have some canjeelo :salute:'

Im just using original Somali.

Those are Mudug Somali words (i.e original Somali).

If you don't use them then don't call yourself Somali.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Sabaayad not Loxoox (GTFO here with that we wuz Yemeni shit)

qaboow not whatever the f*ck you call it.

We need to cleanse hutu-Somali out of Somalia.
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