Is it strange to not really be attracted to Somali women?

I've heard many cases like this, where ethnics will put their women on a very high pedastel imagining them as ultra religious, pure, intelligent, hard-working virgins. The low self esteem ethnic man then thinks of these women as out of his league and unattainable, relegating them as his "sisters" in the back of his mind. While the majority of Somali women fit the above standards, don't ever consider them out of your league or "sisters", because at the end of the day they're still women. They have the same desires as you and if you talk to them they surely won't see you as "just a brother".


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
The consequences of extreme Somali sex segregation post-2010, especially in Europe where it occurred way earlier than that. They can't even talk to each other 10 feet apart. This is why there are so many socially awkward and emotionally inept Somalis, again especially in Europe. You should consider doing an experiment by talking to Somali customer service workers: young men are dismissive and unhelpful while young women will tense up and not give eye contact (I find the latter to be worse). I dont think it has anything to do with Somalis seeing a random Somali as a sibling and cant possibly fall in love with them. It's a convenient and weird excuse no one else uses. What a big difference with their parents who had no issue doing respectful shukansi much younger than their kids were.

The consequences of extreme Somali sex segregation post-2010, especially in Europe where it occurred way earlier than that. They can't even talk to each other 10 feet apart. This is why there are so many socially awkward and emotionally inept Somalis, again especially in Europe. You should consider doing an experiment by talking to Somali customer service workers: young men are dismissive and unhelpful while young women will tense up and not give eye contact. I dont think it has anything to do with Somalis seeing a random Somali as a sibling and cant possibly fall in love with them. It's a convenient and weird excuse no one else uses. What a big difference with their parents who had no issue doing respectful shukansi much younger than their kids were.

LOOOOOL Abdi you’re spot on 😂😂
I’ve seen this in real life. When I was in my late teens and early 20s I too would get tense and weird, thank God I grew out of it.


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement, T-Y16897 Arabi
I'm talking from a pure physical stance. I don't know if it's because I've lived in Europe all my life but it feels weird to shukaanshi with Somali girl or to look at them romantically like other races
Yes it’s odd. Idk how people can feel this about any ethnicity but especially not finding your own attractive is super weird


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
LOOOOOL Abdi you’re spot on 😂😂
I’ve seen this in real life. When I was in my late teens and early 20s I too would get tense and weird, thank God I grew out of it.

I am seeing people my age act like this! I don't tolerate this behavior. It's very disrespectful. If i sense you will behave this way before I speak to you, I dont bother if I need you. I much rather deal with people from other races. It's even worse if they're emotionally unstable too.
The consequences of extreme Somali sex segregation post-2010, especially in Europe where it occurred way earlier than that. They can't even talk to each other 10 feet apart.

Where did that come from though? I too noticed the same thing around the same time as well and it only got worse.

I remember when my oldest cousin was getting married in ~2009, it was in a single hall, the men and women mixed and I witnessed the groom and bride standing together on the stage.

Just over a decade later, her sister got married in a segregated ceremony. I was amongst the men and never got to see her that day with the groom.

The Niqab as well, I scarcely remember seeing them during my school days (2005 - 2015) now both my married cousins wear them, my brothers wife wears it too. When I visit my home town, its not rare to see it

The worst part is how some of us pretend it was always like this, like we did not grow up together as children. I am highly suspicious of the whole thing. None of it seems organic.
That’s your own preference. For me I’d like 4 wives from each side of the continent. One Guinean wife from the west, a Tunisian from the north, a Somali from the east and a Zimbabwean from the south 💪🏾.
@Angelina @AbdiFreedom It's like that in the West/diaspora but I hear things are more lax back home. People shukaansi openly and marrying very young is still extremely common.
100% it’s lax back home and it was lax when our parents were young. Back home lot are the extreme opposite they’ll banter and flirt with each other in public and the women will verbally abuse the men and the men would laugh and find it funny and still try and get the girls number and crazily enough even after cussing out the guy sometimes even after trying to intimidate the man they’ll give their number. Weird courting ritual indeed 😂
When I’m back home, I’m out here looking at these people thinking they can’t be real.
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The only Somali in Arabia
@Angelina @AbdiFreedom It's like that in the West/diaspora but I hear things are more lax back home. People shukaansi openly and marrying very young is still extremely common.
Im actually back home right now and im shocked, the women here,even the most shy ones, have the audacity to talk to other men normally, when every somali female i knew back home never spoke to the opposite gender unless they were ciyal suuq and smoking e cigs.
Social life here is the end all and be all of all life, its impossible to be a homebody.


The only Somali in Arabia
100% it’s lax back home and it was lax when our parents were young. Back home lot are the extreme opposite they’ll banter and flirt with each other in public and the women will verbally abuse the men and the men would laugh and find it funny and still try and get the girls number and crazily enough even after cussing out the guy sometimes even after trying to intimidate the man they’ll give their number. Weird courting ritual indeed 😂
When I’m back home, I’m out here looking at these people thinking they can’t be real.
I see even niqabis flirting here. But really, life in somalia is so fucking boring young people do almost nothing else.
100% it’s lax back home and it was lax when our parents were young. Back home lot are the extreme opposite they’ll banter and flirt with each other in public and the women will verbally abuse the men and the men would laugh and find it funny and still try and get the girls number and crazily enough even after cussing out the guy sometimes even after trying to intimidate the man they’ll give their number. Weird courting ritual indeed 😂
When I’m back home, I’m out here looking at these people thinking they can’t be real.
The consequences of extreme Somali sex segregation post-2010, especially in Europe where it occurred way earlier than that. They can't even talk to each other 10 feet apart. This is why there are so many socially awkward and emotionally inept Somalis, again especially in Europe. You should consider doing an experiment by talking to Somali customer service workers: young men are dismissive and unhelpful while young women will tense up and not give eye contact (I find the latter to be worse). I dont think it has anything to do with Somalis seeing a random Somali as a sibling and cant possibly fall in love with them. It's a convenient and weird excuse no one else uses. What a big difference with their parents who had no issue doing respectful shukansi much younger than their kids were.

That’s wierd,whenever I see a fellow Somali I welcome and try to help them no matter where I meet them.
100% it’s lax back home and it was lax when our parents were young. Back home lot are the extreme opposite they’ll banter and flirt with each other in public and the women will verbally abuse the men and the men would laugh and find it funny and still try and get the girls number and crazily enough even after cussing out the guy sometimes even after trying to intimidate the man they’ll give their number. Weird courting ritual indeed 😂
When I’m back home, I’m out here looking at these people thinking they can’t be real.


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I think there’s Some really good valid points made on this thread but I’m surprised that one glaringly obvious point hasn’t been made.

It’s never the people who are actually connected to their culture/community that make complaints about not being attracted to people from their own ethnicity, it’s the ones who are disconnected from it and thereby ignorant towards it.

The ones who call their ethnic counterparts their “brother, sister” and can’t see them in any other way usually have an ingrained ignorance towards their people, they don’t realize the great diversity of the people within their culture in terms of life experience, thought patterns, lifestyle and even things like physical looks, in essence they stereotype their own people and think that they’re the “different” ones and that they don’t fit in, while they look to native whites in their region and think that those people have a greater diversity (they only know more about the natives in the land they live in so they can see the diversity more clearly) and treat those people like individuals, which allows them to feel/think they fit in more with those people. Essentially it’s a form of self racism/stereotyping.

How can you think someone from your ethnic background is your “brother or sister” if you don’t stereotype them into being only a certain way and not their own individual person? The problem in that case is clearly the one who thinks they’re different from the rest and they’re the individual while the rest are all stereotypes, what a sick disease to have, clearly these people are ignorant of their own people and their own community, with very shallow thoughts towards them.

I’ve seen this phenomenon with a lot of Somali women but it isn’t just the women, a lot of Somali guys I grew up with also thought this way, they thought all Somali girls were stereotypically the same and that they were the “different” ones. Kinda sad if you ask me. You see it with East Asian women too, they’ve fallen for the “Asian nerd” stereotype but it’s usually the ones who are completely disconnected from their culture.
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