Is it true Oromos are invading Somalia?


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its a very real problem, that has spawned with somalia being a weak state

Thats interesting, theres a clear line of division on this issue, and they all have one thing in common.

Im not against documented and written immigration. But this is unrestricted, where they come in impersonate somalis and then will switch back to take land. I would not be suprised if they start Guilt tripping. Whats crazy oromia has much more opportunities then somalia.

There should also be no naturalization process for people who migrate, you must need somali dna
And what are somalis bringing to the table exactly?? 😂😂😂 dont kill me. Their region has more stability than all of somalia itself and they are in war rn. somalis have serious serious cuqdad toward them yet they are the ones working hard taking the jobs our people dont even want to do. How can you even be mad at that? An oromo is not better than a somali and a somali is not better than an oromo.

your talking about history, whats the point in that? Do you find pride in what the people in the past used to do?? It was THEIR accomplishment, not yours. Look at our country as a whole today. We are a diseased people. Oromos have the upper hand and they are using the nationalism card to take as much land as they want. How can you even be mad at that?

You sound like a right wing nationalist
I think we found ourselves an oromo. :sass1:


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Same with somalis, why they going to europe? Cant they fix their failed state instead of building another mans land? Same exact principle. You have hatred for oromos but they by far are more hardworking than somalis. Only reason ogaden region is peaceful is because oromos have a bigger enemy which is the amhara. If it wasnt for them, they wouldve expanded into the somali region long time ago

people go where there is opportunity. There is opportunity in galbeed and the somalis there refuse to take it. One mans trash is another mans treasure
Why are oromos going to somalia when they have a peaceful stable country and going to a country with internal turmoils? Its the opposite of what somalis are doing.


Why are oromos going to somalia when they have a peaceful stable country and going to a country with internal turmoils? Its the opposite of what somalis are doing.
As i said, one mans trash is another mans treasure. If i was oromo i would take somalis hatred for each other as opportunity to snatch up every last bit of land. Its just a very masculine thing to do and shows strength in an ethnicity.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
The real expansionist you should be worrying about is the administration of Addis Ababa not miskeen Hararghe Oromos fleeing poverty who have paternal lineage to Darood Hawiye & Dir therefore making them Somali as well.

These "Oromos" are just returning to their homeland. Somalis should learn to assimilate & stfu. It's not a big deal.

People move. So what?


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
As i said, one mans trash is another mans treasure. If i was oromo i would take somalis hatred for each other as opportunity to snatch up every last bit of land. Its just a very masculine thing to do and shows strength in an ethnicity.
It isnt masculine they come as beggars and lowlifes to get sympathy from the locals and leech off their hard work 😂 and besides some somali cities are clocking in and deporting them


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
The real expansionist you should be worrying about is the administration of Addis Ababa not miskeen Hararghe Oromos fleeing poverty who have paternal lineage to Darood Hawiye & Dir therefore making them Somali as well.
They are both qashin and those hararghe oromos are oromo even if they have somali blood they left the fold and cant be re-educated


It isnt masculine they come as beggars and lowlifes to get sympathy from the locals and leech off their hard work 😂 and besides some somali cities are clocking in and deporting them
Clear the hatred you have in your heart. Oromos have done nothing wrong to somalis. You sound low iq. Deporting innocent women children and men is wrong if they fled for a better life. They are hardworking good individuals who even learn our language and have open minds. Instead of being stubborn, learn from them. Locals do NOT work hard dont kill me off. They sit outside sipping shax doing fkd all day long whereas poor somali women do all the work.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
They are both qashin and those hararghe oromos are oromo even if they have somali blood they left the fold and cant be re-educated
They are regular muslim Somalis who just speak Oromo now.

They are almost no different to us computicating in English besides them having additional Ethiopian admixture.

Major clans like Gurgura have joined the Afran Qallo confederation live in the last century. Those "Oromo" in Dire Dawa are also just Somalis. It's still a majority Somali city.


They are regular muslim Somalis who just speak Oromo now.

They are almost no different to us computicating in English besides them having additional Ethiopian admixture.

Major clans like Gurgura have joined the Afran Qallo confederation live in the last century. Those "Oromo" in Dire Dawa are also just Somalis. It's still a majority Somali city.
Literally, some people genuinely have major cuqdad in their hearts toward them. Its giving ‘great replacement’ vibes


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
They are regular muslim Somalis who just speak Oromo now.

They are almost no different to us computicating in English besides them having additional Ethiopian admixture.

Major clans like Gurgura have joined the Afran Qallo confederation live in the last century. Those "Oromo" in Dire Dawa are also just Somalis. It's still a majority Somali city.
There's a reason these people rebelled against Ethiopia during the galbeed war & campgained to join Somalia under the "Abo Somali" faction.

These people are Somali and they know it to this day. Ask any Afran Qallo what abtirsi they count to & they'll tell you their clans. Warra Absame being a major one. I forgot the others beside Gurgura.

Is this video not proof enough these are your niggas? They preserved your traditional geeljire culture better then 99% of your clans yet they're not Somali? Because they speak Afaan Oromo like you speak English rn in the west? Ina illahi.


Instead of spreading hate, how about you niggas reassimilate them? Look at all that beautiful green land in harar you're loosing out on because you want to play Nazi.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
There's a reason these people rebelled against Ethiopia during the galbeed war & campgained to join Somalia under the "Abo Somali" faction.

These people are Somali and they know it to this day. Ask any Afran Qallo what abtirsi they count to & they'll tell you their clans. Warra Absame being a major one. I forgot the others beside Gurgura.

Is this video not proof enough these are your niggas? They preserved your traditional geeljire culture better then 99% of your clans yet they're not Somali? Because they speak Afaan Oromo like you speak English rn in the west? Ina illahi.

View attachment 343656

Instead of spreading hate, how about you niggas reassimilate them? Look at all that beautiful green land in harar you're loosing out on because you want to play Nazi.
Same clan still lives in Harar. Yeah the Oromos in Harar are Afran Qallo made up of all those Somali clans I mentioned. You were never replaced :mjlol:

once again just talk to these niggas like I have & have a open mind instead of being faccist cawaans.



Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Literally, some people genuinely have major cuqdad in their hearts toward them. Its giving ‘great replacement’ vibes
Its embarrassing to come out of western Somalis. They look like the biggest munafiqs saying this shit.

And ironically the whole time they were targeting THEIR OWN PEOPLE. Wallahi God couldn't have written a bigger irony for our people.

Its no wonder Somalis are in the state we are in. They want to unite all Somalis by spreading even more qabyalaad to other Somalis. You can't make this shit up.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Clear the hatred you have in your heart. Oromos have done nothing wrong to somalis. You sound low iq. Deporting innocent women children and men is wrong if they fled for a better life. They are hardworking good individuals who even learn our language and have open minds. Instead of being stubborn, learn from them. Locals do NOT work hard dont kill me off. They sit outside sipping shax doing fkd all day long whereas poor somali women do all the work.
Ofc your bringing feminist elements into this debate also how is it fair that all our major cities have oromos residing in them but you wouldnt find the same in oromiya? This isnt mutual exchange.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
There's a reason these people rebelled against Ethiopia during the galbeed war & campgained to join Somalia under the "Abo Somali" faction.

These people are Somali and they know it to this day. Ask any Afran Qallo what abtirsi they count to & they'll tell you their clans. Warra Absame being a major one. I forgot the others beside Gurgura.

Is this video not proof enough these are your niggas? They preserved your traditional geeljire culture better then 99% of your clans yet they're not Somali? Because they speak Afaan Oromo like you speak English rn in the west? Ina illahi.

View attachment 343656

Instead of spreading hate, how about you niggas reassimilate them? Look at all that beautiful green land in harar you're loosing out on because you want to play Nazi.
Those people are not learning a new language and culture just like that they are gone and are oromo and we should see them as such also I see plenty of "Hararghe Oromos" who havr accepted their label and openly hate on somalis.
Clear the hatred you have in your heart. Oromos have done nothing wrong to somalis. You sound low iq. Deporting innocent women children and men is wrong if they fled for a better life. They are hardworking good individuals who even learn our language and have open minds. Instead of being stubborn, learn from them. Locals do NOT work hard dont kill me off. They sit outside sipping shax doing fkd all day long whereas poor somali women do all the work.
No way you think oromos actually work. Wtf all I saw them doing in hargeisa was begging. They just come up to you after Jummah salah begging for money, why not go and beg in your own region then? They’re a net negative anywhere they go.

It’s not an accident that every ethnic group in Ethiopia hates them, they’ve shown you time and time again they can’t be trusted.