Is PSF Now Part Of SNA?


Not affiliated with HAG, puntland1st, CBB, MBB, SL
Me and you we’re not the same, you destroyed your own cities and fled abroad whilst we’ve been investing and visiting ours, at this rate I even doubt that we share blood/kinship.
You are so full of hate !! Aren’t you diaspora too? Learn to not generalise. The actions of the USC have nothing to do with random individuals and people return and invest in Mogadishu all the time.
These people are backwards. They think people see Somalis through Qabil. It shows how fucking stupid and ignorant many Somalis are.
They see the collective land that the Somali's inhabit as shit. No land that Somali's inhabit is better than another until we eradicate qabil. Why is it that I'm being barred from places just because of my station in life. Heck Idm calling my own region shit either. Why is it that a qabil has more power that they can subjugate the rest of us and we have no say in the governance of our cities? Your family members can get harmed, killed, and land stolen from you but no justice will be served due to how low you are in qabil standing. Here in Canada I can work in any city and make a decent living. Back home I can't even do that. We are truly in the dark ages.
Your parents were qaxooti. Don't try to deflect now. The fact is that all Somalis were forced to flee during the civil war. The fact is also that Somalia has widespread corruption and poverty in all regions that is not even comparable to other countries, instead of throwing your Somali brothers under the bus for cheap political points. Understand that we are all in the same boat.

And who said I can't go back to Somalia? I was in fucking Mogadishu in 2022
Does not apply to me, my family is still in somalia, and PL far exceeds your hottentot dumpster fire of a city you call a “capital”, hana sheeganin balayo ku sheegate. There’s no way people as low as you can equal me.


Guul iyo Gobanimo
Does not apply to me, my family is still in somalia, and PL far exceeds your hottentot dumpster fire of a city you call a “capital”, hana sheeganin balayo ku sheegate. There’s no way people as low as you can call yourself equal to me.
Astagfurallah, during the holy month of Ramadan. You spewing qabyaalad. May Allah punish you.
Does not apply to me, my family is still in somalia, and PL far exceeds your hottentot dumpster fire of a city you call a “capital”, hana sheeganin balayo ku sheegate. There’s no way people as low as you can call yourself equal to me.
In the month of Ramadan your spewing such hatred. At least abstain from saying such words this month. How can Allah's creation be lower than another?
Does not apply to me, my family is still in somalia, and PL far exceeds your hottentot dumpster fire of a city you call a “capital”, hana sheeganin balayo ku sheegate. There’s no way people as low as you can equal me.

Bro you went full MJ mode on us.

Revealing Boston Rob GIF by Peacock

I can't even say that to a gaalo human being, let alone qof somali oo Muslim ah cajiib.

