Is Socialism the answer


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
I don't look to foreigners, I put full blame on the rebel groups/factions btw I do believe that pan somalism was purposely destroyed before it could bloom, by foreign interference.
Yes I blame Somalis within the most, if it wasn't for people inside Somalia working against each other these foriegners wouldn't dare invade us and usurp native political groups.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Till this day no president can say he did better or was respected more then barre and I'm not a kacaanist it's the objective truth we are a un colony and don't even have a centralised government
Same I am very removed from his tribe and I got nothing to do with him but Barre was the most successful and independent Somali president.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
The biggest hindrance has always been unjustified foreign interference and conflict. It's no joke or exaggeration.

Take for example the economic developments i described happening in Somalia the last few years thanks in large parts to the private sector:

What prevented this from happening sooner was not just security/stability but sactions on major Somali enterprises and financial services, by the US without any real evidence of it going to fund terrorism. Many hundreds of millions of dollars of Somali peoples money was frozen in the process.

Freeing it up in 2020 led to everything from delivery of financial services/banking, telecom, software development, media, power/electricity, real estate, markets and construction, schools/universities and hospitals being built and paying back millions of freezed assets and re-investing it into development.
Thse guys have always been our opps walahi since when eere they allowed tk freeze millions of $ owned by Somalis?
Thse guys have always been our opps walahi since when eere they allowed tk freeze millions of $ owned by Somalis?

The big take away is that they fought for that economic freedom and succeeded finally in the end. Same will hold true for all else soon enough.

Somalis being enterprising and commercial oriented people and Muslim/communal oriented. Gives them an inclination towards both a capitalist and socialist aspects.
The big take away is that they fought for that economic freedom and succeeded finally in the end. Same will hold true for all else soon enough.

Somalis being enterprising and commercial oriented people and Muslim/communal oriented. Gives them an inclination towards both a capitalist and socialist aspects.

Reer Galbeed fought for that same economic freedom, as well as fought for the freedom to self-govern. Freedom to self-govern un-interfered resulted in it being the most peaceful region.

Currently there’s a freedom of movement, there’s a freedom of economy, there’s a freedom of business. So the most important thing is peace first, and we can say the Somali region is the most peaceful region in the whole of Ethiopia. And that was brought by the agreement between ONLF and the government.”

Economic freedom in the same vain has been absolutely transformative.

You can see some of the other developments here:
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Same I am very removed from his tribe and I got nothing to do with him but Barre was the most successful and independent Somali president.
You can say anything about that guy, his bad tactics, shit at geopolitics or his urge for more weapons but he is a legend for begin perpetrating the war for galbeed, peak somalinimo.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
The big take away is that they fought for that economic freedom and succeeded finally in the end. Same will hold true for all else soon enough.

Somalis being enterprising and commercial oriented people and Muslim/communal oriented. Gives them an inclination towards both a capitalist and socialist aspects.
Yes if we manage to run our country how we Somalis naturally function as a community we will find great success inshallah. But that requires us to be politically united enough to push foriegn intervention out of Somalia
Yes if we manage to run our country how we Somalis naturally function as a community we will find great success inshallah. But that requires us to be politically united enough to push foriegn intervention out of Somalia

We have to fight for the right to run our regions without interference. We managed to do it pretty successfully in the past as your first few posts have shown an example of and as can be seen currently elsewhere.

It only took ICU 6 months to achieve peace, stability and unity in southern part of Somalia during 2006, let that sink in: it didn't come through foreign intervention which reverted things and birthed alshabaab.

United Nations officials now concede that the country was in better shape during the brief reign of Somalia’s Islamist movement last year. “It was more peaceful,” Mr. Laroche said. “And much easier for us to work. The Islamists didn’t cause us any problems.”

Mr. Ould-Abdallah called those six months, which were essentially the only epoch of peace most Somalis have tasted for years, Somalia’s “golden era.
The remarkable transition from clan rivalry toward relative stability under the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) in 2006

Unity cannot be forced, the most important thing is to create stability through reconcilation/agreements and economic integration. This is the most important lesson we can learn from the Ogaden situation i just described.
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mumbo jumbo. somalis are struggling in welfare states.

They are not actually in comparison. They have better living standards, access to education, health care and their basic needs are met, that's all thanks to the welfare system.

Same services was given to them during the Kacaan
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Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
We have to fight for the right to run our regions without interference. We managed to do it pretty successfully in the past as your first few posts have shown an example of and as can be seen currently elsewhere.

It only took ICU 6 months to achieve peace, stability and unity in southern part of Somalia during 2006, let that sink in: it didn't come through foreign intervention which reverted things and birthed alshabaab.

Unity cannot be forced, the most important thing is to create stability through reconcilation/agreements and economic integration. This is the most important lesson we can learn from the Ogaden situation i just described.
Yes Somalis must be forceful again and fight for the right to self governance as bad as that sounds.
But we shouldn't openly antagonise the powers of the world as Siad did during Ogaden war which costed us severely.
Yes Somalis must be forceful again and fight for the right to self governance as bad as that sounds.
But we shouldn't openly antagonise the powers of the world as Siad did during Ogaden war which costed us severely.

You cannot bring about unity and stability with only force.

Before the US backed ethopian army dismantled the ICU , in this 2006 interview you can see one of the leaders say

''We are perpared to work with them. But without even talking with us for a single moment all we are getting is threats .... What crime have we commited? We are running our country we have created peace and stability in our country. We have never threathened the US. Messages are constantly coming that they will work with other countries to conquer Somalia by force. Our answer is force does not work' if you over power someone that does not mean that somebody will sleep or go away for good''

The ICU did not force things. Nor did they antagonise world powers or the US.

The Ogaden war was to liberate it so they can decide for themselves, it was a last resort when all diplomatic avenues, political lobbying, negotiations etc was exhausted and deteriorating situation in Ogaden demanded it.

Siad Barre wasn't trying to forcefully take Ogaden. See the advisor to Siad Barre explain:

''Somalia is not saying that Western Somali region must join it, But that it must be allowed to exercise it's right to self-determination, just as Djibouti was allowed to excercize her rights. Even if they choose to unite with Ethiopia or to be on their own - that will not be the concern of Somalia. Somalia only supports Western Somalia only in it's right to fight for independence''

Siad Barre for example did not invade Djibouti and force anything about , he instead lobbied for it's independence allowed them to form their own government without interference by Somalia. Both leading up to and post-indepence France & Ethiopia tried to interfere.

Even during the backdrop of those insurgencies in the 1980s he continued to negotiate and lobby for the progress of NFD and Ogaden Somalis. Even for their own autonomy and protection within the respective countries of Ethiopia and Kenya.

He did not antagonize the powers of the world. They all switched position in the middle of the Ogaden war and have been before that working since the inception to undermine Somalia so they could service Ethiopia through various means both covert or overt and install a puppet leader/govt that would be favorable to their interests. The Soviet for example told Siad Barre that Somalia should come under Ethiopia or recieve no support.
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Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
You cannot bring about unity and stability with only force.

Before the US backed ethopian army dismantled the ICU , in this 2006 interview you can see one of the leaders say

''We are perpared to work with them. But without even talking with us for a single moment all we are getting is threats .... What crime have we commited? We are running our country we have created peace and stability in our country. We have never threathened the US. Messages are constantly coming that they will work with other countries to conquer Somalia by force. Our answer is force does not work' if you over power someone that does not mean that somebody will sleep or go away for good''

The ICU did not force things. Nor did they antagonise world powers or the US.

The Ogaden war was to liberate it so they can decide for themselves, it was a last resort when all diplomatic avenues, political lobbying, negotiations etc was exhausted and deteriorating situation in Ogaden demanded it.

Siad Barre wasn't trying to forcefully take Ogaden. See the advisor to Siad Barre explain:

''Somalia is not saying that Western Somali region must join it, But that it must be allowed to exercise it's right to self-determination, just as Djibouti was allowed to excercize her rights. Even if they choose to unite with Ethiopia or to be on their own - that will not be the concern of Somalia. Somalia only supports Western Somalia only in it's right to fight for independence''

Siad Barre for example did not invade Djibouti and force anything about , he instead lobbied for it's independence allowed them to form their own government without interference by Somalia. Both leading up to and post-indepence France & Ethiopia tried to interfere.

Even during the backdrop of those insurgencies in the 1980s he continued to negotiate and lobby for the progress of NFD and Ogaden Somalis. Even for their own autonomy and protection within the respective countries of Ethiopia and Kenya.

He did not antagonize the powers of the world. They all switched position in the middle of the Ogaden war and have been before that working since the inception to undermine Somalia so they could service Ethiopia through various means both covert or overt and install a puppet leader/govt that would be favorable to their interests. The soviet for example said that Somalia should come under Ethiopia or recieve no support.
Completely agree it was Soviets who tried to make Somalia join Ethiopia and even south yenen under this "Red Sea Federation" if I remember correctly. Siad Barre obviously declined.

and I have many Sources on the ICU, they were not at all terrorist or wanted to wage jihad against the west they just wanted tk restore government to the state. AS is a different thing that arose after the invasion.

When k argue with ethiopians about 2006 they say "it was because we needed to destory Al Shabab" but AS didn't even exist at the time??? It was simply a Somali government that the US wanted to destroy.
Completely agree it was Soviets who tried to make Somalia join Ethiopia and even south yenen under this "Red Sea Federation" if I remember correctly. Siad Barre obviously declined.

and I have many Sources on the ICU, they were not at all terrorist or wanted to wage jihad against the west they just wanted tk restore government to the state. AS is a different thing that arose after the invasion.

When k argue with ethiopians about 2006 they say "it was because we needed to destory Al Shabab" but AS didn't even exist at the time??? It was simply a Somali government that the US wanted to destroy.

They werent ''all'?? , they were not terrorists in any respects. If they were explain why Terrorist incidents exploded right after US-backed invasion, along with other conflicts.


Connected to this was the Al-Barakat Business Conglomerates that i spoke about earlier that was set up to aid Somalia that the United states undermined and shut down without any evidence of Terrorism funding.

It was not only a crucial lifeline but funding sources for the rebuilding and stabilization of Somalia.

Al-Barakaat: The Little Charity That Could Have Saved Somalia
Warde adds that at the time of the September 11 attacks Al-Barakaat was Somalia's largest business group with "subsidiaries involved in banking, telecommunications, and construction."
The charity's model consisted of wiring money (much like Western Union) from expatriate Somalians to their families in Somalia-- for means of survival -- not terrorism. Warde explains that although the global money transfers understandably raised initial suspicion, accusations that Al-Barakaat was "closely associated with or controlled by the terrorist group Al-Itihaad Al-Islamiya (AIAI)," which in turn gave a portion of money to Osama bin Laden "were dismissed by intelligence professionals, and attributed to political and business rivalries within the community."
Nope, that isn’t viable for Somalis. Somalis should be made to work. I agree with everything except giving money for free to young people.
It doesn't work for Somalis since we would exploit the system. But we're not just talking about welfare handouts but also childcare support, easy access to healthcare etc., all the other stuff a government can do to make life easier.

