It's funny how you folks are using [bantu/oromo expansion] as a scare tactic and red herring(s) to detract from the general sense of restlessness and discontent people feel. For once could you not interject that into the conversation.
It's just hard to wear blue and white when it's soiled with old blood. And everyone refuses to pay for the flag's dry cleaning. It's hard to sing an anthem that people pay lip service to. It's hard to be confident in a foreign-appointed leader that barely has jurisdictional authority over a city, even with the assistance of AMISOM. It's hard to take the government seriously when AMISOM fills their bellies and wallets when the real counter-Al Shabaab forces are a ragtag band of poorly paid and ill-equipped Somalis. It's hard to build beautiful buildings when brainwashed renegades are constantly going demolishment man on them.
It's hard for Somalia to reunite when we have brain-dead Somalis who still describe Aideed, AY, and Afweyne in positive terms.
Some of these Somalis even described Aideed or Siyad Barre as a "Lion of Africa" while glossing over the very real crimes that occurred in our country during the 1980s and 1990s.
Unity isn't something that should be demanded. We're supposed to work for unity by setting aside our own egos, tribal pride, and arrogance.
That's our problem as Somalis. We're unable to place ourselves in other people's shoes.