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It's funny how you folks are using [bantu/oromo expansion] as a scare tactic and red herring(s) to detract from the general sense of restlessness and discontent people feel. For once could you not interject that into the conversation.

It's just hard to wear blue and white when it's soiled with old blood. And everyone refuses to pay for the flag's dry cleaning. It's hard to sing an anthem that people pay lip service to. It's hard to be confident in a foreign-appointed leader that barely has jurisdictional authority over a city, even with the assistance of AMISOM. It's hard to take the government seriously when AMISOM fills their bellies and wallets when the real counter-Al Shabaab forces are a ragtag band of poorly paid and ill-equipped Somalis. It's hard to build beautiful buildings when brainwashed renegades are constantly going demolishment man on them.

It's hard for Somalia to reunite when we have brain-dead Somalis who still describe Aideed, AY, and Afweyne in positive terms.

Some of these Somalis even described Aideed or Siyad Barre as a "Lion of Africa" while glossing over the very real crimes that occurred in our country during the 1980s and 1990s.

Unity isn't something that should be demanded. We're supposed to work for unity by setting aside our own egos, tribal pride, and arrogance.

That's our problem as Somalis. We're unable to place ourselves in other people's shoes.
With each passing year, it seems as if the fate that befell Yugoslavia will also befall Somalia.

It's only a matter of time.

Without the hammer and sickle though.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I'd actually prefer if Puntland leaves Somalia, then we the Mareehan wont have no more competition.
We'll be calling the shots from Hargeisa to Muqdisho lol
I wish them and Ogaden leave Somalia, it would certainly make the new Kacaan Manifest destiny more realistic :denzelnigga:
I think for now its a dead cause because there is absolutely nothing different between all somali leaders. They always view UN and Ethiopia as something positive. They are extremely docile to trangression against our Sovereignty, people, safety and politics from organizations and neighbouring countries. Marka I can see somalia just being stuck in cycle of just civil and the "state building" we see today.
do bantus visit you in your nightmares? this fear is not normal

What fear? we just dont want them claiming our identity and our land. How is that fear in anyway?
I consider it good common seense and collective self preservation.
its funny how i was saying the same thing about oromos. No disagreement or reaction on that, But only when we speak of the miskeen martyr ''Bantus'' you and @ciddhartha come in defense mode.

Am i missing something? are both of you bantu orphans?
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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Somalia is gone. It's dead. The whole region with be Yugoslavia 2.0 - not only Somalia, but also Ethiopia since Ethiopia as a state is unsustainable for the long run. Too many disgruntled groups who wants out.

The whole of the Horn will break up into 7 or 8 sovereign states.
What fear? we just dont want them claiming our identity and our land. How is that fear in anyway?
I consider it good common seense and collective self preservation.
its funny how i was saying the same thing about oromos. No disagreement or reaction on that, But only when we speak of the miskeen martyr ''Bantus'' you and @ciddhartha come in defense mode.

Am i missing something? are both of you bantu orphans?
I would suggest you do something about Somali Bantus, 'cause whining about them aint gonna achieve anything.
I would suggest you do something about Somali Bantus, 'cause whining about them aint gonna achieve anything.

Whinning about what? saying that they are not somali and have no claim to any land inside Somalia is not whinning. Its just speaking true fact. They just have to live it saaxiib.

Im sorry if i offended you, but the truth is the truth. :axvmm9o:

Now complain a little bit about my opinion on Oromos in Somalia.
Somalia is gone. It's dead. The whole region with be Yugoslavia 2.0 - not only Somalia, but also Ethiopia since Ethiopia as a state is unsustainable for the long run. Too many disgruntled groups who wants out.

The whole of the Horn will break up into 7 or 8 sovereign states.
the day ethiopia collapses and they start pouring into somalia with their 90 million population :eminemdamn:


Suldaanka Gobyare
Nah Ethiopia will remain a strong state unlike s they possess a strong military. Even though there are rebel factions in Ethiopia, they would never let the country plunge into deep civil war like s.

Yugoslavia divided on ethnic differences not clan.


What fear? we just dont want them claiming our identity and our land. How is that fear in anyway?
I consider it good common seense and collective self preservation.
its funny how i was saying the same thing about oromos. No disagreement or reaction on that, But only when we speak of the miskeen martyr ''Bantus'' you and @ciddhartha come in defense mode.

Am i missing something? are both of you bantu orphans?
you need to relax bro
Nah Ethiopia will remain a strong state unlike s they possess a strong military. Even though there are rebel factions in Ethiopia, they would never let the country plunge into deep civil war like s.

Yugoslavia divided on ethnic differences not clan.

Doubt it Strong military or not will not prevent a civil outburst. Lets not act like ethiopia never went through a brutal civil war with rebel fractions.

Ethiopian Civil War

The Ethiopian Civil War began on 12 September 1974 when the Marxist Derg staged a coup d'état against Emperor Haile Selassie, and lasted until the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), a coalition of rebel groups, overthrew the government in 1991.[9] The war left at least 1.4 million dead.

But if you want to diss somalis and kiss ethiopian ass then go ahead.


Suldaanka Gobyare
Doubt it Strong military or not will not prevent a civil outburst. Lets not act like ethiopia never went through a brutal civil war with rebel fractions.

Ethiopian Civil War

The Ethiopian Civil War began on 12 September 1974 when the Marxist Derg staged a coup d'état against Emperor Haile Selassie, and lasted until the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), a coalition of rebel groups, overthrew the government in 1991.[9] The war left at least 1.4 million dead.

But if you want to diss somalis and kiss ethiopian ass then go ahead.

Warya ceebteena astur hurry bro.
Warya ceebteena astur hurry bro.

There is no ceeb, throughout the world there is conflict ,civil war and violence. Even among ethnically/racially culturally same people.
Its not something uncommon place. One example is north and south korea

People get up dust it off and move on. As should we!


Suldaanka Gobyare
There is no ceeb, throughout the world there is conflict ,civil war and violence. Even among ethnically/racially culturally same people.
Its not something uncommon place. One example is north and south korea

People get up dust it off and move on. As should we!
I've moved on. It's majority of the s who haven't moved on.
Only thing you're proving is Ethiopia kicked Somalia's ass while having a civil war, that's why I said ceebteena astur.

What a powerful military for fighting off internal and external forces and managing to pull through.

1,4 million is nothing compared to their population. Ethiopia had a population of 48 million in 1990.
Somalia 6 Million and they lost 1 million people too.

Of course war is normal. I mean if Rwanda can move on from Genocide, why can't these big forehead s move on?
s are a anarchic folk that love licking the boots of foreigners and getting curbstomped by them, whilst sabotaging each other.

Just keep it real.

s have a long way to go, but they have already reached their bottom, from now on the can only go up Up UP
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