Is there any truth to this myth of Oromos living in northern Somalia?

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Oromo were squatting in the north and assimilated hararis/afar/somalis etc during the adal civil war, nobody would confront them until Somalis started organizing themselves and pushed them out. Many Oromo converted to Islam and were not seen as an enemy to the adal state. This is why their migration wasnt viewed as something that needed to be stopped. The Habasha threat was greater. Adal, when it was Harari only, also faced a Somali/afar migration, therefore oromo did not do anything that wasnt new, everyone migrants at some point in their history. Oromo are only made fun of because they were the last to do it.

I was agreeing with you until you said Adal was Harari only when it also composed with nothern Somalis and Afars. You need to cut with the Harari supremacist revisionist bullshit. Adal only faced Oromo expansion so that's another lie you stated.

These are Ethiopian sources so go read it. Even they are more honest.

Here: Sultanate was a Somali Sultanate&f=false

Young Popeye

Call me pops
I was agreeing with you until you said Adal was Harari only when it also composed with nothern Somalis and Afars. You need to cut with the Harari supremacist revisionist bullshit. Adal only faced Oromo expansion so that's another lie you stated.

These are Ethiopian sources so go read it. Even they are more honest.

Here: Sultanate was a Somali Sultanate&f=false

That was later on, the Adal sultanate and Adal as a region is different. Adal sultante was multicultural yes but the Adal region was very different over the centuries. You can believe that Afar Somalis and hararis had the same population and been around since the last ice age all you want. Everyone is a migrant at one point in their history.


That was later on, the Adal sultanate and Adal as a region is different. Adal sultante was multicultural yes but the Adal region was very different over the centuries. You can believe that Afar Somalis and hararis had the same population and been around since the last ice age all you want. Everyone is a migrant at one point in their history.

Somalis did not migrate from the north though. It's their ancestral homeland and northern Somalis were the majority and rulers of Adal Sultanate admitted by most scholars. Afars and Harari people were simply part of the kingdom but with a minority status. Nothing offensive about it but that is a historical fact whether you like it or not.

Now we can go back to Ifat period and it will still tell you it was dominated by Somalis. :samwelcome:

Here is an authentic source stating that Ifat Sultanate was a Somali Sultanate.


Source: Sultanate was a Somali Muslim Sultanate&f=false

Ifat Sultanate capital called Zeila was also predominantly Somali.

Here is a 13th century historian called Ibn Sa'id who stated that Zeila was predominantly Somali.


Source:'id+zeila&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjR0Zew7-3cAhWFfMAKHbAfD8AQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=ibn sa'id zeila&f=false

So what migration are you talking about? :manny:
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Somalia needs a strong curriculum that can teach Somali history.

Whenever I engage odays in FKD, i'm stunned about how little they know about Somali history.

Oromo's aren't a threat. Just 40million customers that we need to get a market share on.

Young Popeye

Call me pops
Somalis did not migrate from the north though. It's their homeland and northern Somalis were the majority and rulers of Adal Sultanate admitted by most scholars. Afars and Harari people were simply part of the kingdom but with a minority status. Nothing offensive about it but that is a historical fact whether you like it or not.

Now we can go back to Ifat period and it will still tell you it was dominated by Somalis. :samwelcome:

Here is an authentic source stating that Ifat Sultanate was a Somali Sultanate.


Source: Sultanate was a Somali Muslim Sultanate&f=false

Ifat Sultanate capital called Zeila was also predominantly Somali.

Here is a 13th century historian called Ibn Sa'id that stated Zeila was predominantly Somali.


Source:'id+zeila&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjR0Zew7-3cAhWFfMAKHbAfD8AQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=ibn sa'id zeila&f=false

So what migration are you talking about? :manny:

Tell me about the habusheed, your clan claims it was a marriage but it was a migration. If you think Issaq went to Harar to marry a harari lady then explain where harar was on the map. The town known as Harar today, had a different name so its not solely the only Harar, just whats left of harar. The term harar extends into the north thats why they named SL capital Hargeysa. BTW the link is from 1975 outdated incorrect info just take a look at the recent sources. some other facts about zaila, it was known as aftal, it was liberated by hararis from the turks in 17th or 18th century.
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Tell me about the habusheed, your clan claims it was a marriage but it was a migration. If you think Issaq went to Harar to marry a harari lady then explain where harar was on the map. The town known as Harar today, had a different name so its not Harar. The term harar extends into the north thats why they named SL capital Hargeysa. BTW the link is from 1975 outdated incorrect info just take a look at the recent sources. some other facts about zaila, it was known as aftal, it was liberated by hararis from the turks in 17th or 18th century.

Both Darood and Isaaq are pure Somalis with a fake Arab daddy myth which they made up in the 13th century but it has been debunked by science since genetically they are proven to be pure Somalis. Stop focusing on their myth, every tribe creates myths. Where did Isaaq migrate from hmm? Their ancestral homeland was Sanaag (northern Somalia) just like the Daroods but that doesn't matter anyway.

What matters is you're bullshitting. Zeila was always known as Zeila even since Hijra and according to medieval authors that visited Zeila confirmed it was always dominated by ethnic Somalis. Also, the sources I posted are all authentic so deal with it.

As for Hargeisa. It literally means “the place where hide is sold” in the Somali language. Here:

I mean if you want to deny Somali presence in the north. Just remember Somalis also established a kingdom in Hararghe known as Dawaro Sultanate in the 10th century. Here:

Lastly, Turks never ruled Zeila nor did Hararis ever liberate shit. They couldn't even defend Harar, what the mother of f*ck are you talking about?
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Young Popeye

Call me pops
Both Darood and Isaaq are pure Somalis with a fake Arab daddy myth which they made up in the 13th century but genetically they are proven Somalis. Stop focusing on their myth, every tribes create myths. Where did Isaaq migrate from hmm? Their ancestral homeland was Sanaag just like the Daroods but that doesn't matter.

What matters is you're bullshitting. Zeila was always known as Zeila since Hijra and according to medieval authors that visited Zeila was always dominated by ethnic Somalis.

Turks never ruled Zeila nor did Hararis ever liberate shit. They couldn't even defend Harar, what the mother of f*ck are you talking about?

Somali clans are not myths but its better to say that if it will stop tribalism. Darod is an old tribe, they use to be called jabarta and got assimilated by various tribes.

There's no way Samale was in Sanaag before hararis even those darod half breed hararis will tell you that. Oromo paid tax to the Harari kingdom, they wanted Hararis to assimilate them for the past hundred years. There's difference between Oromo squatting and Oromo assimilating into Harari culture, the Amhara assimilated them and raised a large army under Menelik. Harar refused to do the same, so to say Harar monarchs didnt control harar is ridiculous. I think i told u already Oromo were not viewed as a threat because they converted. This book will even tell you how the oromo began attacking Harar once the army had left to fight habasha, read it. the Oromos devastated the region&f=false


Somali clans are not myths but its better to say that if it will stop tribalism. Darod is an old tribe, they use to be called jabarta and got assimilated by various tribes.

There's no way Samale was in Sanaag before hararis even those darod half breed hararis will tell you that. Oromo paid tax to the Harari kingdom, they wanted Hararis to assimilate them for the past hundred years. There's difference between Oromo squatting and Oromo assimilating into Harari culture, the Amhara assimilated them and raised a large army under Menelik. Harar refused to do the same, so to say Harar monarchs didnt control harar is ridiculous. I think i told u already Oromo were not viewed as a threat because they converted. This book will even tell you how the oromo began attacking Harar once the army had left to fight habasha, read it. amir muhammad was away on campaign the Oromos devastated the region&f=false

What the f*ck are you talking about? Sanaag and whole of northern Somalia is the ancestral homeland for Somalis. Since when did Hararis even live in Sanaag? You guys migrated from Shewa to Hararghe, chill the f*ck out!

I'm sorry but the Darood myth says an Arab man from Yemen married a local Dir woman in Sanaag which gave birth to the Darood clan. That is what the myth says and it's been debunked since genetically Darood are pure Somalis. Why are you denying science for? Darood are not Jeberti, you're talking about Tigrays and Hararis are genetically different from Somalis so don't bother claiming them.

If you're going to speak with nonsensical bullshit. Please back it with sources like me and by the way, your sources are talking about Harar Imamate and I agree we Somalis have nothing to do with it.

What you missed reading from my last post was you can deny Somali presence in the north all you want. But just remember Somalis also established a kingdom in Hararghe known as Dawaro Sultanate in the 10th century. Here:

They also established a small kingdom in the north which was the preceded state of Ifat Sultanate called Adal kingdom centred in Zeila. According to Al-Yaqubi in the 9th century, it was dominated by the Dir clan.


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Young Popeye

Call me pops
What the f*ck are you talking about? Sanaag and whole of northern Somalia is the ancestral homeland for Somalis. Since when did Hararis even live in Sanaag? You guys migrated from Shewa to Hararghe, chill the f*ck out!

I'm sorry but the Darood myth says an Arab man from Yemen married a local Dir woman in Sanaag which gave birth to the Darood clan. That is what the myth says and it's been debunked since genetically Darood are pure Somalis. Why are you denying science for? Darood are not Jeberti, you're talking about Tigrays and Hararis are genetically different from Somalis so don't bother claiming them.

If you're going to speak with nonsensical bullshit. Please back it with sources like me and by the way, your sources are talking about Harar Imamate and I agree we Somalis have nothing to do with it.

What you missed reading from my last post was you can deny Somali presence in the north all you want. But just remember Somalis also established a kingdom in Hararghe known as Dawaro Sultanate in the 10th century. Here:

They also established a small kingdom in the north which was the preceded state of Ifat Sultanate called Adal kingdom centred in Zeila. According to Al-Yaqubi in the 9th century, it was dominated by the Dir clan.



Every clan in the horn can claim the north as well, because the evidence shows the ancestor of the cushites originated from the north. Let me chew some qat and ill debate you till the end of time on the subject.
What the f*ck are you talking about? Sanaag and whole of northern Somalia is the ancestral homeland for Somalis. Since when did Hararis even live in Sanaag? You guys migrated from Shewa to Hararghe, chill the f*ck out!

I'm sorry but the Darood myth says an Arab man from Yemen married a local Dir woman in Sanaag which gave birth to the Darood clan. That is what the myth says and it's been debunked since genetically Darood are pure Somalis. Why are you denying science for? Darood are not Jeberti, you're talking about Tigrays and Hararis are genetically different from Somalis so don't bother claiming them.

If you're going to speak with nonsensical bullshit. Please back it with sources like me and by the way, your sources are talking about Harar Imamate and I agree we Somalis have nothing to do with it.

What you missed reading from my last post was you can deny Somali presence in the north all you want. But just remember Somalis also established a kingdom in Hararghe known as Dawaro Sultanate in the 10th century. Here:

They also established a small kingdom in the north which was the preceded state of Ifat Sultanate called Adal kingdom centred in Zeila. According to Al-Yaqubi in the 9th century, it was dominated by the Dir clan.



This is one of those instances where I believe genetics, Herbert S. Lewis, and the logic of the rivers and the camels."All the evidence is for the reverse." Apollo has this one nailed.

ApolloUseful idiotStaff MemberModerator
Aug 25, 2015
Factz: "It still doesn't make sense for ancient Somalis to move from fertile lands to non-fertile lands when they could've migrated to more fertile lands like Kenya and Tanzania. I'm sorry but this theory is absurd, shambolic and there is no evidence to support this basis."

Apollo: "They went North after the camel was introduced.

U6a2 is common marker shared between Copts and Bejas/Eritreans/Agaws not found in Somalis. It looks like a marker of the Puntites.

IMO, Somalis weren't part of Punt.

Anyone with a 23andMe account can confirm. Almost no Somalis have U6a2."

Apollo, Jun 21, 2018Report

"Punt was in Eritrea and North Ethiopia and likely some geneflow happened between them and the Egyptians that Somalis weren't involved in (at least U6a2, probably others if I look into it).

The Somali Punt claims are cringy revisionist history."

NourUgaas @ Factz:

"You are right, Somalis originated from the North. There is no doubt about that. Southern Somalia was colonised by Somalis."

Apollo: "All the evidence is for the reverse."
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This is one of those instances where I believe genetics, Herbert S. Lewis, and the logic of the rivers and the camels."All the evidence is for the reverse." Apollo has this one nailed.

ApolloUseful idiotStaff MemberModerator
Aug 25, 2015
Factz: "It still doesn't make sense for ancient Somalis to move from fertile lands to non-fertile lands when they could've migrated to more fertile lands like Kenya and Tanzania. I'm sorry but this theory is absurd, shambolic and there is no evidence to support this basis."

Apollo: "They went North after the camel was introduced.

U6a2 is common marker shared between Copts and Bejas/Eritreans/Agaws not found in Somalis. It looks like a marker of the Puntites.

IMO, Somalis weren't part of Punt.

Anyone with a 23andMe account can confirm. Almost no Somalis have U6a2."

Apollo, Jun 21, 2018Report

"Punt was in Eritrea and North Ethiopia and likely some geneflow happened between them and the Egyptians that Somalis weren't involved in (at least U6a2, probably others if I look into it).

The Somali Punt claims are cringy revisionist history."

NourUgaas @ Factz:

"You are right, Somalis originated from the North. There is no doubt about that. Southern Somalia was colonised by Somalis."

Apollo: "All the evidence is for the reverse."

The Somali traditions of originating from the north has already been authenticated by the archaeologist. The oldest Somali bones have been found in the north.

Apollo theories were interesting but they were just theories.
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The Somali traditions of originating from the north has already been authenticated by the archaeologist. The oldest Somali bones have been found in the north.

Apollo theories were interesting but they were just theories.

What archaeologist are you talking about? Certainly not Sada Mire. A link might make that claim worth entertaining. In the meantime, you are missing additional critical links in this thread and in these:

Get with rehabilitating your credibility already, before dropping any more unsupported personal opinions.
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What archaeologist are you talking about? Certainly not Sada Mire. A link might make that claim worth entertaining. In the meantime, you are missing additional critical links in this thread and in these:

Get with rehabilitating your credibility already, before dropping any more unsupported personal opinions.

Changing the subject as usual once you're debunked. This is basic 101 Somali history, their origins are from the north. I don't know why we should expand on that? You might get different theories but they have all been rejected by most scholars. I don't have time for your trolling.

This is the truth. This source is from Making Sense of Somali History: Volume 1



Men are asleep but at death they will awake!
What you need to understand is northern Somalia was the ancestoral homeland for Somalis. Oromos never in their entire history ever existed in northern Somalia. Are you telling me Zeila and Berbera were originally Oromo?

Look at this medieval map. You'll see northern Somalis, Afars and Hararis sharing a kingdom called Adal Sultanate and Oromos were not seen on the map. They are very recent that came during the 16th century after the Oromo expansion.


As for Gaalkacyo, it's believed to be named after the resistance against the Italians when Omar Samatar and his forces kicked the Italian forces out. That's why it's called "Gaal Kacyo".

im pretty sure that hargeisa was a oromo city ina adeer


im pretty sure that hargeisa was a oromo city ina adeer

Hargeisa in the medieval times was stated to be a town part of Adal Sultanate. Oromos were savage pagans back then and recently came to Hararghe in the 16th century during the Oromo expansion. Northern Somalia is literally the ancestral homeland for Somalis.

Oromos living in Somali territories is a made up myth just like the Arab daddy myth.

Changing the subject as usual once you're debunked. This is basic 101 Somali history, their origins are from the north. I don't know why we should expand on that? You might get different theories but they have all been rejected by most scholars. I don't have time for your trolling.

This is the truth. This source is from Making Sense of Somali History: Volume 1


Your quote is the worst sort of BS, on a par with " History of the First Million Years BC". Check out someone who has actually thought about the issue:



Nineteen of 21 Eastern Cushitic languages are found in southeast Etjhiopia, at the headwaters of the Dawa and Genale rivers, which were used as migration routes into Somalia by V32 Somalis. There is other evidence that T1a arrived earlier, having come down the coastal strip from the Red Sea hills. The Hawiyye reached the Shabelli basin near the Indian Ocean coast by 1100, and the northern clans form in the 12th-13th centuries. Gurey 25 of Somnet estimated there were only 1000 Isaaq, total, in 1200. They were called Simur by the Harla, Somalis only become Somalis in the early 15th century.

Care needs to be taken when identifying groups before the early 1500s. Prior to that the clans thought of themselves as Marehaan, Harti or Dir. Many groups were just "proto something." , as you saw with the Jarso, not yet set in their identities and subject to change. In 900 there were no Somali clans in the North as such.


Your quote is the worst sort of BS, on a par with " History of the First Million Years BC". Check out someone who has actually thought about the issue:

View attachment 52385


Nineteen of 21 Eastern Cushitic languages are found in southeast Etjhiopia, at the headwaters of the Dawa and Genale rivers, which were used as migration routes into Somalia by V32 Somalis. There is other evidence that T1a arrived earlier, having come down the coastal strip from the Red Sea hills. The Hawiyye reached the Shabelli basin near the Indian Ocean coast by 1100, and the northern clans form in the 12th-13th centuries. Gurey 25 of Somnet estimated there were only 1000 Isaaq, total, in 1200. They were called Simur by the Harla, Somalis only become Somalis in the early 15th century.

Care needs to be taken when identifying groups before the early 1500s. Prior to that the clans thought of themselves as Marehaan, Harti or Dir. Many groups were just "proto something." , as you saw with the Jarso, not yet set in their identities and subject to change. In 900 there were no Somali clans in the North as such.

My sources came from Abdullahi Abdurahman who is one of the greatest Somali historians. He quotes from other scholars and archaeologist so the debate is over. That book the origin of Somali and Galla is outdated, bullshit and refuted by most historians. I knew you was going to pick up some bullshit debunked sources, you have nothing better to do but take sources that were already thrown away.

Let me debunk every bullshit you stated.

1. Grant said "The northern clans form in the 12th-13th centuries". Ughh post a source because Jarso clan were mentioned in the 10th century for establishing Dawaro Sultanate in the 10th century. Here:

Al-Yaquubi mentioned ethnic Somalis in the 9th century and he also mentioned the Dir clan ruling the early Adal Kingdom. Here:

In fact, in the 7th century Dir were mentioned for converting to Islam during Hijra. Source: The Cambridge History of Africa, Volume 3


Just remember that some scholars claim that the Somali identity is more three thousand years old. Oldest Somali mentions is in the 9th century and Somali clans have been mentioned since the 1st century so your theory on 15th century has been utterly debunked.

2. Grant gets his sources from a user from Somnet that stated there were 1000 Isaaqs in 1200. Where is the source for that bullshit? So 1000 became millions today? Yeah, alright. Keep exposing your stupidity.

3. Grant said Harla call Isaaq "Simur". According to Ethiopian sources, they referred Somalis as Simur. You've exposed your lack of knowledge about Somalis again.


I think we're done @Grant, you're proving me day by day that you don't have a freaking clue what you're talking about.
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My sources came from Abdullahi Abdurahman who is one of the greatest Somali historians. He quotes from other scholars and archaeologist so the debate is over. That book the origin of Somali and Galla is outdated, bullshit and refuted by most historians. I knew you was going to pick up some bullshit debunked sources, you have nothing better to do but take sources that were already thrown away.

Let me debunk every bullshit you stated.

1. Grant said "The northern clans form in the 12th-13th centuries". Ughh post a source because Jarso clan were mentioned in the 10th century for establishing Dawaro Sultanate in the 10th century. Here:

Al-Yaquubi mentioned ethnic Somalis in the 9th century and he also mentioned the Dir clan ruling the early Adal Kingdom. Here:

In fact, in the 7th century Dir were mentioned for converting to Islam during Hijra. Source: The Cambridge History of Africa, Volume 3


Just remember that some scholars claim that the Somali identity is more three thousand years old. Oldest Somali mentions is in the 9th century and Somali clans have been mentioned since the 1st century so your theory on 15th century has been utterly debunked.

2. Grant gets his sources from a user from Somnet that stated there were 1000 Isaaqs in 1200. Where is the source for that bullshit? So 1000 became millions today? Yeah, alright. Keep exposing your stupidity.

3. Grant said Harla call Isaaq "Simur". According to Ethiopian sources, they referred Somalis as Simur. You've exposed your lack of knowledge about Somalis again.


I think we're done @Grant, you're proving me day by day that you don't have a freaking clue what you're talking about.

Learn to read, Dude.

And, let's get back to basics here:



Young Popeye

Call me pops
Once again exposing your reading comprehension. I already pinpointed every bullshit you stated and debunked them with authentic sources. Now you want to change the subject? Usual Grant once he's cornered with facts.

No mention of Somalis during Amda Seyon yet you want to claim Ifat lol. We only find the Simur during emperor ishaq, and why am i not surprised your clan is named after a habasha king
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