Is this the greatest pickme to exist in modern history?


finish him video games GIF
Didn’t even need to go Ham. @Kane wrote the most brain dead drivel and actually disappointed in him.

I think that’s what’s so frustrating about redpillers and why you’ll hardly find an intellectual man believing in it.
Didn’t even need to go Ham. @Kane wrote the most brain dead drivel and actually disappointed in him.

I think that’s what’s so frustrating about redpillers and why you’ll hardly find an intellectual man believing in it.
Worst of all, you could formulate an airtight counterargument that dismantles their justifications for misogyny and they would dismiss it without a moment's thought on account of you being a woman.

Our situation feels bleak and yet, hopeful with the advancements in women's rights over the prior decades.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I don't know what I did to deserve redpill/manosphere content to pop up in my YouTube recommendations but this video appeared under it by some channel called "Manosphere Highlights Daily" summarizing a book titled "The Manipulated Man" by Esther Vilar (born in 1935), an Argentinian-German writer who spent the later part of her life, following her retirement from being a doctor, writing and publishing books not only condemning feminism and the concept of woman's rights BUT insisted that for centuries, women have been oppressing men this whole time via a carefully laid out system while also being intellectually inferior to men.


The video (Part 1) which I watched for the comedic value of how silly her rhetoric was, was a summary of her most well-known work published in 1971, titled "The Manipulated Man" and it was hilariously farfetched and contradictory in its anti-woman rhetoric, I couldn't be arsed watching the second part:

Some of her key quotes from her works (not limited to her seminal work "The Manipulated Man") include:
  • “It is quite incredible that men, whose desire for knowledge is unbounded in every other field, are really totally blind to these facts, that they are incapable of seeing women as they really are: with nothing else to offer but a vagina, two breasts,....”
  • Women do not use their mental capacity: they deliberately let it disintegrate. (…) It is not essential for their survival. Theoretically it is possible for a beautiful woman to have less intelligence than a chimpanzee and still be considered an acceptable member of society.
  • "What a great advantage a man can have over women, if he only knew what cold and calculating thoughts are going through her mind... while her eyes are brimming with tears."
  • "By the age of twelve at the latest, most women have decided to become prostitutes. Or, to put it another way, they have planned a future for themselves which consists of choosing a man and letting him do all the work. In return for his support, they are prepared to let him make use of their vagina at certain given intervals."
  • "Someday it will dawn on man that woman does not read the wonderful books with which he has filled his libraries, and though she may well admire his marvelous works of art in museums she herself will rarely create, only copy."
  • "Instead of probing the depth of woman’s "mysterious" psyche – "mysterious" only because there is nothing behind it – they should study their own psyche."
  • "...women are good for almost nothing."
Which hot woman hurt her so bad that she went this hard against the feminist movement during its earliest days as a medical doctor who quite literally benefitted from feminism itself to convince the whole world that we have no value outside of sex?


Today, it would seem her work is massively influential in incel/redpill circles as they view it as a 'rare' smart woman exposing her gender's dirty little secrets. Should've stayed being a medical doctor smh

Confused Little Girl GIF

Internet Nomad

Funny thing is despite fascists co-opting his image he hated westernisation and didn’t like hitler.
Hitler was a political genius, but not a hero. He was completely lacking in the freshness and radiance needed for a hero. Hitler was a dark figure as the twentieth century was a dark century.
He would probably hate most of his western fans.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Funny thing is despite fascists co-opting his image he hated westernisation and didn’t like hitler.

He would probably hate most of his western fans.
He was a Japanese nationalist he hated the west. But cadaans starter cooming for him lolol
Women give birth. Women now
Work. In fact more than 60% of households have women that contribute. Kane, what world do you live in?

What world do you live in? We live in a world in which woman are just as educated if not more. Literature programs have more women than men, and now stem subjects like medicine have more women than men.

Again Kane, what world do you live in?

This is a basic fact. Women have less violent tendencies, have less sociopathic disorders ect which are a marker of being more chaotic.

Crazy that? Within less than 80 years most medical schools have more women graduating, women are becoming more educated than men and you have many women inventing things.

It’s crazy how emotionally driven and easily debunk-able everything you wrote. This is the issue with redpillers. Nor the most intelligent of people.

Everything I wrote is a fact and if you looked at the world around you and read facts you’d know this.
The only thing I’ll contend with here is your claim that women are contributing more to discovery, invention and being at the forefront of the sciences , medicine, technology and engineering side of things, this is clearly false.

As for women being more educated that’s more subjective, if you mean as whole then on average I could agree with that which makes women better followers in terms of fitting into traditional skill based (need bachelors degree etc) office work type jobs but if you mean being at the forefront of education on the PhD level then men still dominate in most cases.

Also men tend to be more educated in things the require hard logic as opposed to women who tend to be educated on more subjective knowledge.

I think this just kind of proves that there’s a greater variation in men compared to women and that social factors tend to restrict women more than men who’ll fight these social factors/expectations. In other words women will much more easily adapt to what’s wanted/expected of her and will follow the trends of her environment much more which is extremely beneficial to fitting into society making them better drones in general as opposed to men who’ll try to do what he really wants and will prefer to climb the social ranks as opposed to trying to fit in.

I think if a company had to choose between all men or all women employees in a brain based job they’d choose women as women would fit inline a lot better and would just be followers even if men end up being more productive they’ll also cause more turbulence and competing for ranks/ higher pay/ better status etc.
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The only thing I’ll contend with here is your claim that women are contributing more to discovery, invention and being at the forefront of the sciences , medicine, technology and engineering side of things, this is clearly false.
I never said that. I said more women now compared to the past are starting to invent things more compared to when they were banned from education or discouraged. Women have only been in formal education for 80 yrs.

I never said more women invented stuff than men but they are contributing at a higher level and as years go by we have a lot of women with scientific breakthroughs.

As for medicine. No it isnt. More women are in medical than men as of now. Check it out.
As for women being more educated that’s more subjective, if you mean as whole then on average I could agree with that which makes women better followers in terms of fitting into traditional skill based (need bachelors degree etc) office work type jobs but if you mean being at the forefront of education on the PhD level then men still dominate in most cases.
Public schooling hasn’t changed since the days of women not only being allowed to attend school. The current system we have in place was a system founded based on educating boys.

Now that women have been included all of a sudden, the way men have been educated for hundreds of years is an issue. Traditional skills has always been seen as a masculine pursuit which is why women were banned in the first place. After 80 yrs and now that society has realized women are now more capable all of a sudden men are coming up with theories about women being ‘better followers’ and now the school system favors women which is insane. The school system was created by and for men.

Also, degrees like social studies that are seen as subjective require independent thoughts and analysis. Philosophy isn’t a degree that one can be a follower since you need to be able to analyse, interpret and form your own ideas and be able to think critically on a deeper level.

Degrees that require mostly memorization of facts and and hard knowledge as you put it, are in fact ones that produce follower types as it’s more black and white.
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Also men tend to be more educated in things the require hard logic as opposed to women who tend to be educated on more subjective knowledge.
In the past, social studies like philosophy was seen as hard and reputable. The greatest thinkers in Western society whose laws and leaderships that are followed were men that were the fathers of the social sciences that men now look down on now since now it’s female dominated whilst in the past, social sciences like Politics, Philosophy and history were the subjects that upper class men would take

Now more female doctors are graduating. Mark my words, In a few decades, misogynistic men will down play that. Medicine requires hard logic and now women are starting to overtake men and men will try and act like medicine isn’t as reputable. The same thing happened to teaching.
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I never said that. I said more women now compared to the past are starting to invent things more compared to when they were banned from education or discouraged. Women have only been in formal education for 80 yrs.
I don’t think there will ever be a period where women are at the forefront of most things that require invention, I think men have the type of thirst for this that women will never have, it’s not in their nature and if you believe that to be the case then you’ve been sold a lie by liberal feminism. Now some minority of women will have it so don’t accuse me of absolutes.
I never said more women invented stuff than men.

Thats a misogynistic argument. Public schooling hasn’t changed since the days of women only being allowed to attend school. Now that women have been included all of a sudden, the way men have been educated for hundreds of years is an issue. Traditional skill has always been seen as a masculine pursuit which is why women were banned in the first place. After 80 yrs and now that society has realized women are now more capable all of a sudden men are coming up with theories about women being ‘better followers’.
It’s the truth, I added a bit more to my previous comment about this. You know it’s the truth. There’s nothing misogynistic about women being followers, its the way Allah SWT created us and made us different. If you want me to go on more about this then I can.
Also, degrees like social studies that are seen as subjective require independent thoughts and analysis. Philosophy isn’t a degree that one can be a follower since you need to be able to analyse, interpret and form your own ideas and be able to think critically on a deeper level.
To get a bachelors degree it’s about learning, following along and increasing knowledge, after this it’s having your assignments marked and your tests, there’s not much independent thinking in any field on the bachelor level that’s a ridiculous statement even if you’re talking about philosophy (sure the professor might encourage students to think but that won’t be what makes them graduate)
Degrees that require mostly memories and hard knowledge as you put it, are in fact ones that produce follower types as it’s more black and white.
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“Follower types” doesn’t really matter when it comes to hard sciences vs soft sciences, it makes no difference at all, women are more drawn to soft sciences due to their interests in people and society while men are more interested in the physical reality of the world and are more object interested. You’re making associations where there are none.
In the past, social studies like philosophy was seen as hard and reputable. The greatest thinkers in Western society whose laws and leaderships that are followed were men that were the fathers of the social sciences that men now look down on now since now it’s female dominated whilst in the past, social sciences like Politics, Philosophy and history were the subjects that upper class men would take
Very western thinking, as a Muslim I see western philosophy as mostly Xaar, nothing more. I don’t get the point in bringing up what men of the past thought? If I brought up what women of the past thought and held you up to those standards it’d look extremely dishonest.
Now more female doctors are graduating. Mark my words,

I see a bias toward women choosing human centric type professions as to the more human removed type professions, you’re proving my point
In a few decades, misogynistic men will down play that.
We’ll see. Seems like women have a bias towards human centric type medical professions and maybe they’ll dominate even more there but only time will tell.
Medicine requires hard logic and now women are starting to overtake men and men will try and act like medicine isn’t as reputable.
Medicine is proven to be reputable if something works it works lol, if women start to overtake men in medicine type jobs it honestly wouldn’t be surprising to me especially the ones the involve human interaction like pharmacy etc but I don’t think we’ll see women overtaking men in the research side of things. Now if I’m wrong and there are more female medicinal researchers then please show me, I’m open to being disproven.
The same thing happened to teaching.
? Women have always been the teachers for children, this isn’t questionable they literally bare children and raise them, how is that not a form of teaching? I’m not sure who you’re arguing against but it ain’t me, always with the strawman type arguments.
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I don’t think there will ever be a period where women are at the forefront of most things that require invention, I think men have the type of thirst for this that women will never have, it’s not in their nature and if you believe that to be the case then you’ve been sold a lie by liberal feminism. Now some minority of women will have it so don’t accuse me of absolutes.

Example: Hedy Lamarr, a pioneering woman in technology, co-invented frequency-hopping spread spectrum technology, which laid the groundwork for modern WiFi. Historically, women have made significant contributions to computer science, with figures like Ada Lovelace and Grace Hopper playing pivotal roles. In the early days of computing, women were key contributors and crazily enough computer sciences was seen as a feminine career in the 50s to 80s btw. You’d never believe this now.

Historically, societal norms claimed that learning was not in women's nature, leading to their exclusion from formal education. However, this has changed significantly. In many countries, women now enroll in and graduate from college at higher rates than men. The argument that women lack a natural inclination for learning or inventing overlooks the historical context of exclusion and limited opportunities. When denied education, funding, and time due to caregiving responsibilities, it was challenging for women to pursue inventive careers.

Inventing has largely been a privilege of those with access to resources, historically white upper-class men. As barriers are breaking down, women are increasingly excelling in various fields. This shift underscores that opportunity, not inherent ability, has been the primary driver of who becomes an inventor.

It’s the truth, I added a bit more to my previous comment about this. You know it’s the truth. There’s nothing misogynistic about women being followers, its the way Allah SWT created us and made us different. If you want me to go on more about this then I can.
It’s misogynistic due to the fact the assertion that the education system inherently works for women overlooks the historical context in which it was developed. The modern education system, particularly in Western countries, was originally designed at a time when formal education was primarily accessible to boys. This legacy means that many educational structures and practices have their roots in a male-dominated context.
To get a bachelors degree it’s about learning, following along and increasing knowledge, after this it’s having your assignments marked and your tests, there’s not much independent thinking in any field on the bachelor level that’s a ridiculous statement even if you’re talking about philosophy (sure the professor might encourage students to think but that won’t be what makes them graduate)
In the past, many argued that women couldn't pursue bachelor's degrees because it supposedly went against their nature. However, as millions of women have successfully earned degrees, some detractors now downplay the value of these achievements, suggesting they don't require much independent thought. I really can’t take men who talk like this seriously as the goal post will always shift. As women go against their perception of women they’ll forever change it up. One minute, they’ll argue women don’t have the intelligence for learning at Uni level and once they realize women do, they’ll say downplay degrees. It’s male Kibir at its height.

This perception overlooks the reality of degrees in humanities and social sciences, which demand substantial independent thinking. For instance, I have a degree in a humanities subject, and my dissertation required me to develop independent ideas, support them with evidence, and present a logical argument. This process honed my ability to argue my case effectively, grounded in the skills of point, evidence, and explanation that I learned during my course.

The skills developed through rigorous academic work are essential and demonstrate the depth of independent thought required in these fields.

“Follower types” doesn’t really matter when it comes to hard sciences vs soft sciences, it makes no difference at all, women are more drawn to soft sciences due to their interests in people and society while men are more interested in the physical reality of the world and are more object interested. You’re making associations where there are none.
Medicine isn’t seen as a soft science but I suppose it will be since women are dominating. TBH, computer science in the past was seen as feminine in the 70s when the first computers were being produced and now it’s seen as a wholly masculine endeavor.

I don’t deny that women are more interested in people. We have enough wealth of research to illustrates this, but how can we explain why in the Middle East and places like India woman are doing STEM at the same rate or more than men?

Very western thinking, as a Muslim I see western philosophy as mostly Xaar, nothing more. I don’t get the point in bringing up what men of the past thought? If I brought up what women of the past thought and held you up to those standards it’d look extremely dishonest.
Whether it’s seen as Xaar doesn’t change the fact that it requires independent thinking. Thats the whole point. It’s like you’re not able to keep up. Coming up with philosophical ideas that shape society is indeed a form of leadership skills.

I see a bias toward women choosing human centric type professions as to the more human removed type professions, you’re proving my point

We’ll see. Seems like women have a bias towards human centric type medical professions and maybe they’ll dominate even more there but only time will tell.
It’s only now that women are dominating medicine btw. Before we had the stereotype of women being nurses and men being doctors. Why? Because medicine was seen as a hard science that only men can overcome
Medicine is proven to be reputable if something works it works lol, if women start to overtake men in medicine type jobs it honestly wouldn’t be surprising to me especially the ones the involve human interaction like pharmacy etc but I don’t think we’ll see women overtaking men in the research side of things. Now if I’m wrong and there are more female medicinal researchers then please show me, I’m open to being disproven.
I haven’t researched that.
? Women have always been the teachers for children, this isn’t questionable they literally bare children and raise them, how is that not a form of teaching? I’m not sure who you’re arguing against but it ain’t me, always with the strawman type arguments.
No, you’re not getting it. It’s like I’m talking to
Someone who doesn’t understand any form of history. Teaching was a male profession in the late 1800s and early 1900s. It was a masculine profession since schooling in general was a male affair. Women weren’t even allowed to get degrees at one point. There is nothing strawman about the history I’ve just mentioned to you. Teaching did indeed go from being mostly a male profession to being a lower paid profession dominated by women.

The fact that you think women have always been teachers of children in organized schooling shows you don’t know what you’re talking about.


The idea of men dominating in STEM isn’t universal. In the Middle East and India women are doing STEM just as much if not more than men are prospering. Culture also plays a part as well.
Hedy Lamarr, a pioneering woman in technology, co-invented frequency-hopping spread spectrum technology, which laid the groundwork for modern WiFi.
People credited with pioneering/inventing WiFi: Dr. John O’Sullivan, Dr. Terry Percival, Diet Ostry, Graham Daniels, and John Deane.
Historically, women have made significant contributions to computer science, with figures like Ada Lovelace and Grace Hopper playing pivotal roles.In the early days of computing, women were key contributors, although they didn't make up the majority of staff in the 50s and 60s.
People also responsible for pioneering computer science: Charles babbage, Leonardo Torres Quevedo, Vannevar Bush, Charles Sanders Peirce, Henry M, Sheffer, Lee De Forest, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Walther Bothe, Konrad Zuse, Akira Nakashima, Claude Shannon, Alan Turing, Kurt Gödel, Alonzo Church, Stanley Frankel. Etc I can’t go any further it’s exhausting how many men contributed to this field of study, literally for every female here there’s like 30 guys.

Historically, societal norms claimed that learning was not in women's nature, leading to their exclusion from formal education. However, this has changed significantly. In many countries, women now enroll in and graduate from college at higher rates than men.
More strawmans, please just stop fighting the ghosts of the past and have a conversation instead.
The argument that women lack a natural inclination for learning
Women don’t have a lack of a natural inclination for learning.
or inventing
They also don’t have a lack of ability in terms of being able to invent, they have a lack of interest and drive instead
overlooks the historical context of exclusion and limited opportunities. When denied education, funding, and time due to caregiving responsibilities, it was challenging for women to pursue inventive careers.
Women have had decades of time in learning institutions and for the past couple decades have had hard pushes to get more involved in studies they aren’t interested in, they’ve also had ample opportunity to be the majority pioneers in the latest types of technology and research coming out now but it’s still dominated by men, you can’t use the excuse that women are discouraged from it anymore. It should’ve happened by now.
Inventing has largely been a privilege of those with access to resources, historically white upper-class men. As barriers are breaking down, women are increasingly excelling in various fields. This shift underscores that opportunity, not inherent ability, has been the primary driver of who becomes an inventor.
Well we’re seeing the reverse as to who is getting into collage/university now aren’t we? This is no longer an excuse as to why they’re not at the fringes of discovery and research. It’s still overbearingly men.

Again it’s a man’s drive that women don’t tend to have that makes the difference here. Women much prefer settling down and living a comfortable life, especially post 30 where most women are settled into their careers and try to balance that with family life. Men do not mind sacrificing most of their time to their pursuits.
It’s misogynistic due to the fact the assertion that the education system inherently works for women overlooks the historical context in which it was developed. The modern education system, particularly in Western countries, was originally designed at a time when formal education was primarily accessible to boys. This legacy means that many educational structures and practices have their roots in a male-dominated context.
So where’s the misognistic remark that I made? Again more fighting the ghosts of the past.

As to what my theory is, is quite simple, boys are worse at falling in line, following orders, sitting in a classroom and being socially attentive (due to hyperactivity), obeying their teachers, are more passionate about finding their own interests and pursuing that rather than having to listen to things they’re not interested in aka ADHD like symptoms which are much more common in boys compared to girls and they’re less emotionally mature at a younger age by as much as a years difference.

in other words academics especially at a young age is much more suitable to girls than boys. Now i’d like to hear your theory.
In the past, many argued that women couldn't pursue bachelor's degrees because it supposedly went against their nature. However, as millions of women have successfully earned degrees, some detractors now downplay the value of these achievements, suggesting they don't require much independent thought.
Are you being silly? You have to be joking if you think bachelors degrees require independent thought? You’re a STUDENT, you’re there to learn and pass, sure you can contend with what you’re learning and have a few back and forth with a professor but ultimately if you answer questions with your “independent thought” on a test you get a FAIL period, please stop being silly.

This perception overlooks the reality of degrees in humanities and social sciences, which demand substantial independent thinking. For instance, I have a degree in a humanities subject, and my dissertation required me to develop independent ideas, support them with evidence, and present a logical argument. This process honed my ability to argue my case effectively, grounded in the skills of point, evidence, and explanation that I learned during my course.
Yes, a lot of degrees will have a dissertation that will tell people think independently and to come up with their own theories, it’s also ironically these essays that are easiest to pass, why? Because they’re usually done in groups and are presented to the professor at hand most students bottle their presentations hard and even come up with horrible theories that make no sense yet pass anyway, I’ve seen it with my own eyes. It’s the least serious part of a degree cause everyone knows they’ll pass it.
The skills developed through rigorous academic work are essential and demonstrate the depth of independent thought required in these fields.
No skills developed through rigorous academic work show professionalism, that one can live up to standards of what’s expected of them, it’s when people get into their masters and beyond, that’s when people start to take independent work seriously.
It’s important to recognize and respect the intellectual labor involved in humanities and social sciences, rather than dismissing their value.
When did I do this?
Medicine isn’t seen as a soft science but I suppose it will be since women are dominating. TBH, computer science in the past was seen as feminine in the 70s when the first computers were being produced and now it’s seen as a wholly masculine endeavor.

I don’t deny that women are more interested in people. We have enough wealth of research to illustrates this, but how can we explain why in the Middle East and places like India woman are doing STEM at the same rate or more than men?
Whether it’s seen as Xaar doesn’t change the fact that it requires independent thinking. Thats the whole point. It’s like you’re not able to keep up. Coming up with philosophical ideas that shape society is indeed a form of leadership skills.
Everything you’re saying is done a the PhD level.
It’s only now that women are dominating medicine btw. Before we had the stereotype of women being nurses and men being doctors. Why? Because medicine was seen as a hard science that only men can overcome
I haven’t researched that.

No, you’re not getting it. It’s like I’m talking to
Someone who doesn’t understand any form of history. Teaching was a male profession in the late 1800s and early 1900s. It was a masculine profession since schooling in general was a male affair. Women weren’t even allowed to get degrees at one point. There is nothing strawman about the history I’ve just mentioned to you. Teaching did indeed go from being mostly a male profession to being a lower paid profession dominated by women.
Again what’s the point of discussing what people thought in the 1800s and early it’s extremely dishonest and adds nothing to the conversation. In fact there’s literally no point talking about what people think now, I thought this was a conversation about our personal thoughts, I didn’t realize I was defending all men’s thoughts throughout all time.
The fact that you think women have always been teachers of children in organized schooling shows you don’t know what you’re talking about.
I never said anything about organized schooling, I was talking about mothers being the primary teachers of their children, teaching very much suits women when students are at younger ages/ prepubescent


The idea of men dominating in STEM isn’t universal. In the Middle East and India women are doing STEM just as much if not more than men are prospering. Culture also plays a part as well.
I need strong proof of this, are you telling me the most liberal places in the world where women can do what they want don’t have women who want to do STEM but Middle East and India does? Are you implying that they’re forced into it?
Okay so I was super confused about the more Middle Eastern/indian women in stem thing so I looked it up.
This is the evidence I found, on page 21. So I looked up theories as to why when women are given more liberties they choose not to pursue STEM degrees and I found this article

Ripley theorizes that this a result of a lack of freedom that girls have. She quotes 17-year-old Riima Al-Sabbah: "If I study five hours a day, it would not be enough. If my brother studies one hour, it would be a miracle."
Girls don't have the freedom that boys have, and as a result, their lack of freedom leads them more towards STEM. It's their lack of options. Ripley writes:
Women and girls, on the other hand, have far fewer choices. They must either score high on the end-of-school exam (which only half of students typically pass) so that they can get admitted to a university and get a reputable job like a teacher or a doctor--or they must marry right away. It is considered dishonorable for a woman to work alongside men in service jobs at restaurants or hotels. "A boy doesn't need to study hard to have a good job," [16-year-old Nawar] Mousa said. "But a girl needs to work hard to get a respectable job."

Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede, a professor and division head of chemical biology at Chalmers University in Gothenburg, Sweden, was surprised when she returned to Sweden and found that there was still an imbalance in gender in the sciences in Sweden. But what Swedish women do have are choices. They aren't limited to a few careers or housewifery like they are in many Middle Eastern countries. She blames the problems on gender bias, but that doesn't explain why countries with overt gender biases have "better" outcomes than Sweden.

Taken from the article. I’m not really convinced by this argument though, I think the answer is a lot more simple and staring at our faces, which has been hidden/ not considered by the UNESCO study. International students from the Middle East

Basically all the males who would’ve done their studies in their homeland are probably much more inclined to do it overboard in good universities with prestige instead.
There are many contradicting studies out there but one that really stands out and you find in UK schools is that girls in single sex environments do better in subjects traditionally seen as ‘masculine’. That fits perfectly with why women in ME choose STEM.


What’s incredible interesting is that studies show that female students do better in STEM When in female dominated or female only classes and they tend to have more of an interest in it. Some studies have found that girls in single-gender STEM classes report higher levels of confidence and interest in STEM subjects compared to their peers in co-educational settings. For example, a study published in the "Journal of Educational Psychology" found that girls in single-gender classes were more likely to express interest in pursuing STEM careers.

This clearly fits in with the fact that in the Middle East young women dominate the STEM fields an uni are just as likely if not more to choose STEM. Countries like IRAN, Saudi, Qatar have more women in STEM by the way and their classes are single sex classes.

What does that tell you? When women are way from misogynistic men who tell them that certain subjects are mostly not for female nature ect, they clearly choose it and do better in it. In single-gender environments, girls may face fewer gender stereotypes that suggest boys are more suited for STEM. This can boost their confidence and encourage greater participation in STEM activities.
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When did I do this?


Everything you’re saying is done a the PhD level.
Thats not true. My whole disso at uni when I was doing my BA was based on me proving my view using secondary sources?! That was BA level. When you’re writing essays you need to argue using point evidence and explaination and argue your point in the most concise possible way. That’s a skill you learn at Uni depending on the course!

I’m curious, what did you study at University?
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More female medical students than men now. Look it up. With the way the trajectory is going, there will be more women. From
2012 to 2019, there was an increase in female doctors of about 20% btw. In N. Ireland there we are more female doctors at about 51%. In the UK it’s about 48% of practicing female doctors. The differences is decreasing as older male doctors are retiring and now there are officially more women in medical school. The reason why there are more male doctors in many countries is that without doubt there are more older male doctors than female. Women only started to overtake men in medical school in the last few years.
Again what’s the point of discussing what people thought in the 1800s and early it’s extremely dishonest and adds nothing to the conversation. In fact there’s literally no point talking about what people think now, I thought this was a conversation about our personal thoughts, I didn’t realize I was defending all men’s thoughts throughout all time.
OMG, do you lack understanding? I used that to show you that jobs that are once male dominated and become female dominated become downgraded and made to seem easier later on down the line by male bias and they tend to loose their prestige. Once women weren’t even seen as having that capability. My point is, as more women break into a certain industry, men will come up with excuses.
I never said anything about organized schooling, I was talking about mothers being the primary teachers of their children, teaching very much suits women when students are at younger ages/ prepubescent
I was the one that mentioned organized schooling previously and I did it for a reason. It is now you shifting the goal post because of your lack of understanding and your inability to connect historical context and how it shapes our modern world. Wake
Up young man. I’m talking about jobs here, not gender roles at home.

You think that now, you now think that women are more suited when historically when schooling was more male dominated, that wasn’t seen as the case before.

Right now, you don’t think women are suited for STEM. I’m showing you how sexist men are and how their views evolve. In decades time when more and more women are in STEM, I wonder what the narrative will be? What excuses will you come up with?

I need strong proof of this, are you telling me the most liberal places in the world where women can do what they want don’t have women who want to do STEM but Middle East and India does? Are you implying that they’re forced into it?
There is actual studies that say women in female only environments tend to choose stem. Since the ME tend to have women only environments, girls tend to feel more confident choosing it and doing it.
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I don't know what I did to deserve redpill/manosphere content to pop up in my YouTube recommendations but this video appeared under it by some channel called "Manosphere Highlights Daily" summarizing a book titled "The Manipulated Man" by Esther Vilar (born in 1935), an Argentinian-German writer who spent the later part of her life, following her retirement from being a doctor, writing and publishing books not only condemning feminism and the concept of woman's rights BUT insisted that for centuries, women have been oppressing men this whole time via a carefully laid out system while also being intellectually inferior to men.


The video (Part 1) which I watched for the comedic value of how silly her rhetoric was, was a summary of her most well-known work published in 1971, titled "The Manipulated Man" and it was hilariously farfetched and contradictory in its anti-woman rhetoric, I couldn't be arsed watching the second part:

Some of her key quotes from her works (not limited to her seminal work "The Manipulated Man") include:
  • “It is quite incredible that men, whose desire for knowledge is unbounded in every other field, are really totally blind to these facts, that they are incapable of seeing women as they really are: with nothing else to offer but a vagina, two breasts,....”
  • Women do not use their mental capacity: they deliberately let it disintegrate. (…) It is not essential for their survival. Theoretically it is possible for a beautiful woman to have less intelligence than a chimpanzee and still be considered an acceptable member of society.
  • "What a great advantage a man can have over women, if he only knew what cold and calculating thoughts are going through her mind... while her eyes are brimming with tears."
  • "By the age of twelve at the latest, most women have decided to become prostitutes. Or, to put it another way, they have planned a future for themselves which consists of choosing a man and letting him do all the work. In return for his support, they are prepared to let him make use of their vagina at certain given intervals."
  • "Someday it will dawn on man that woman does not read the wonderful books with which he has filled his libraries, and though she may well admire his marvelous works of art in museums she herself will rarely create, only copy."
  • "Instead of probing the depth of woman’s "mysterious" psyche – "mysterious" only because there is nothing behind it – they should study their own psyche."
  • "...women are good for almost nothing."
Which hot woman hurt her so bad that she went this hard against the feminist movement during its earliest days as a medical doctor who quite literally benefitted from feminism itself to convince the whole world that we have no value outside of sex?


Today, it would seem her work is massively influential in incel/redpill circles as they view it as a 'rare' smart woman exposing her gender's dirty little secrets. Should've stayed being a medical doctor smh
Feminism deserves nothing but contempt and hatred along with andrew Tate and his ilk

The last article you’ve included about how all the men would be studying at prestigious universities abroad is a null and void and indeed not a very thought out point. In Saudi, Qatar and the like, it’s usually the government that gives some sort of financial help and helps facilitate these young men’s education abroad. The government would
Indeed record and know what they’re doing abroad and they’ll be represented since many of them are given allowances. I know for a fact since I live in the ME and have many friends whose brothers are abroad. A female friend of mine was also offered the same thing to finish her masters in America. They have various government programs for this.
People credited with pioneering/inventing WiFi: Dr. John O’Sullivan, Dr. Terry Percival, Diet Ostry, Graham Daniels, and John Deane.
Yes and let’s look at the historical time period. The first time women were able to get degrees is 1948.
People also responsible for pioneering computer science: Charles babbage, Leonardo Torres Quevedo, Vannevar Bush, Charles Sanders Peirce, Henry M, Sheffer, Lee De Forest, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Walther Bothe, Konrad Zuse, Akira Nakashima, Claude Shannon, Alan Turing, Kurt Gödel, Alonzo Church, Stanley Frankel. Etc I can’t go any further it’s exhausting how many men contributed to this field of study, literally for every female here there’s like 30 guys.
Yes and let’s look at the time period. Whats amazing about some men is that they’ll compare men and women when women were essentially not allowed an education and then be like look! More men have achieved something! Now that finally men and women are on equal playing fields, the narrative is changing.

I posted these women because they lived in a world in which they were denied an education and or had to fight tooth and nail to be able to sit in and take part in Uni courses as before 1948, they’d allow a select women to sit in classes. Even then? They managed to achieve a lot.

More strawmans, please just stop fighting the ghosts of the past and have a conversation instead.
The ghosts of the past impact the present day. Example, the reason why we have more practicing doctors but now more female medical students is that in the past, more men were admitted than women and more men were attending uni hence you’ll find a lot more older male doctors in their 60s.
Women don’t have a lack of a natural inclination for learning.

They also don’t have a lack of ability in terms of being able to invent, they have a lack of interest and drive instead
That’s not true. What you are basing it on? What makes you different to men of the past who believed in women’s lack of inclination to learning but were proven wrong? Now you’re being proven wrong about women’s drive since medicine is probably one of the hardest jobs and more women are now in medical school.
Women have had decades of time in learning institutions and for the past couple decades have had hard pushes to get more involved in studies they aren’t interested in, they’ve also had ample opportunity to be the majority pioneers in the latest types of technology and research coming out now but it’s still dominated by men, you can’t use the excuse that women are discouraged from it anymore. It should’ve happened by now.
Tech was in fact seen as a feminine job until the 80s and 90s. Once pay increased men started to dominate.

Also, using the ample time argument is silly. 1948 is the first time unis fully opened their doors and allowed women to get degrees. However social culture didn’t change until the 70s. In those days women upper class girl would go to uni to find a husband since marriage and motherhood was seen as the be all and end all. Women working wasn’t encouraged and they’d get laid off when they got married and become mothers.

So technically we have 45 yrs or even less of
Women truly being seen as equal to men. So please explain as to why you’d think in less than 45 yrs women would be on par with men when it comes to everything education wise?!
Well we’re seeing the reverse as to who is getting into collage/university now aren’t we? This is no longer an excuse as to why they’re not at the fringes of discovery and research. It’s still overbearingly men.
Again it’s a man’s drive that women don’t tend to have that makes the difference here. Women much prefer settling down and living a comfortable life, especially post 30 where most women are settled into their careers and try to balance that with family life. Men do not mind sacrificing most of their time to their pursuits.
Men can make that sacrifice since they’re not the one birthing kids. You can have a drive when you don’t have to sacrifice having a family. You can get married, get a woman to cook and clean and look after your children whilst you go off and do ‘research’.

Isn’t it telling that women who are making huge strades in society are either childless or have househusbands the way a man will have a wife who mostly looks after the home?

The thing is, a woman that wants kid doesn’t have the same luxury. Men can and do abandon their kids and or just make their wives do everything.

There are enough studies that explores motherhood and not enough support from husbands halts female career prospects. It’s called the motherhood tax.

A Harvard Business Review study found that 43% of highly qualified women with children leave their careers for a period, compared to only 24% of men . Additionally, research from the Institute for Women's Policy Research indicates that women with supportive partners are more likely to advance in their careers . Lack of support exacerbates the challenge, making it harder for women to balance professional and personal responsibilities.

Harvard Business Review - "Off-Ramps and On-Ramps: Keeping Talented Women on the Road to Success"

So where’s the misognistic remark that I made? Again more fighting the ghosts of the past.

As to what my theory is, is quite simple, boys are worse at falling in line, following orders, sitting in a classroom and being socially attentive (due to hyperactivity), obeying their teachers, are more passionate about finding their own interests and pursuing that rather than having to listen to things they’re not interested in aka ADHD like symptoms which are much more common in boys compared to girls and they’re less emotionally mature at a younger age by as much as a years difference.
Funny how those theories never came about when boys where mostly at school alone without female competition and when they were doing better in the early days when women first started joining.

The school system was created for and by men. Thats why I find it laughable. All of a sudden there is an issue in the very system created for boys now that women are doing better. How fascinating.

Also, there is a contradiction. Young men don’t have issues with obedience since they thrive in army and military environments in which there is clear stricture. One man hand we are told men need structure and on the other hand, rules is an issue which is why they do worse than women.

It’s a joke. They make up many excuses as well when ethnic miniority kids do better than white kids. The premise is that naturally white kids are meant to do better and if they’re not there must be something wrong with the system. You’re going down that same path.
in other words academics especially at a young age is much more suitable to girls than boys. Now i’d like to hear your theory.
I have no theory since the same schooling we have now was created for boys. Now that funnily enough girls have joined and are doing better, all of a sudden the academic institutions first created for your gender doesn’t cut it any more.

It’s waffle of the highest order.
Are you being silly? You have to be joking if you think bachelors degrees require independent thought? You’re a STUDENT, you’re there to learn and pass, sure you can contend with what you’re learning and have a few back and forth with a professor but ultimately if you answer questions with your “independent thought” on a test you get a FAIL period, please stop being silly.
And how would I do that with my disso? My disso was based on me trying to prove an opinion. I couldn’t simply memorize as my course is based on analysis of texts. Are you ok?

English literature, sociology and the list continues are subjective subjects as you put it.

I can’t believe I have to explain this. The subject I did wasn’t based on having a right answer. I had to logically argue as to why my view makes sense?!

Yes, a lot of degrees will have a dissertation that will tell people think independently and to come up with their own theories, it’s also ironically these essays that are easiest to pass, why? Because they’re usually done in groups and are presented to the professor at hand most students bottle their presentations hard and even come up with horrible theories that make no sense yet pass anyway, I’ve seen it with my own eyes. It’s the least serious part of a degree cause everyone knows they’ll pass it.
Dissertation isn’t done in groups. I don’t think you went to Uni. It’s a 10 thousand word essay with research you do by yourself Walal. It also isn’t a presentation Walal.


