Is this the greatest pickme to exist in modern history?

Women give birth. Women now
Work. In fact more than 60% of households have women that contribute. Kane, what world do you live in?

What world do you live in? We live in a world in which woman are just as educated if not more. Literature programs have more women than men, and now stem subjects like medicine have more women than men.

Again Kane, what world do you live in?

This is a basic fact. Women have less violent tendencies, have less sociopathic disorders ect which are a marker of being more chaotic.

Crazy that? Within less than 80 years most medical schools have more women graduating, women are becoming more educated than men and you have many women inventing things.

It’s crazy how emotionally driven and easily debunk-able everything you wrote. This is the issue with redpillers. Nor the most intelligent of people.

Everything I wrote is a fact and if you looked at the world around you and read facts you’d know this.

This is exactly why I accuse you of short changing me all the time.

Your entire post is summed up in few words from the post that you quoted.

Modern women have neither the traits, the skills or any idea of mens love language.

Now if a woman is lacking all the previously mentioned qualities, what other than cookies does she offer a man? Degree, job title, attitude.”

You said women get pregnant, that’s neither a trait nor a skill. It’s an extension of the cookies.

You said women are educated, that’s about a degree.

You said women work, that’s about a job title.

And your disrespectful tone speaks to the Attitude.

So do modern women even know what their values are, or are they only capable of copying male values, to compensate for their lack feminine values.?

