Isaaq come in

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Your superior
We are one of the wealthiest and smartest clans in Africa. Certainly the smartest and wealthiest in East Africa. No one comes near us when it comes to business. Why don't we establish links with jews.They are literally winning in life. petty somali politics is literally beneath us, we should be targeting domination
Eydoor go build some roads in xaargeysa if you were like Jews Somaliland would have been recognised

Eydoors get used as a condom by most ppl


We are one of the wealthiest and smartest clans in Africa. Certainly the smartest and wealthiest in East Africa. No one comes near us when it comes to business. Why don't we establish links with jews.They are literally winning in life. petty somali politics is literally beneath us, we should be targeting domination

The Jews betray Americans and Britain who they've had a very long relationship with. Do you think they would accept you? They believe every none Jew is created to serve Jews (it's in the Talmud) and they call us (non Jews) goyim (dumb cattle). He thinks Isaaqs are so prestigious that they should make links with Jews. Do you want to be a Jewish sheegato now? What next? You going to claim Ishaaq (AS) son of Ibrahim (AS) the ancestor of Hebrews?


Your superior

The Jews betray Americans and Britain who they've had a very long relationship with. Do you think they would accept you? They believe every none Jew is created to serve Jews (it's in the Talmud) and they call us (non Jews) goyim (dumb cattle). He thinks Isaaqs are so prestigious that they should make links with Jews. Do you want to be a Jewish sheegato now? What next? You going to claim Ishaaq (AS) son of Ibrahim (AS) the ancestor of Hebrews?

You are the product of a drunk Indian/arab sailors and hutu women. Your opinion is as useful as the tree xabashi soliders rape darod women under


Bro this man is a relative of mine from my tribe and he is part Israelite. There's an cadcad tribe called 'Amraani who are Israelite.

Btw my tribe is called Hatimi and we have nothing to do with Indians and very little to do with 'Hutus'.

If you're lucky you might be accepted in to the black Hebrew Israelites in North America



Your superior
Bro this man is a relative of mine from my tribe and he is part Israelite. There's an cadcad tribe called 'Amraani who are Israelite.
View attachment 466

Btw my tribe is called Hatimi and we have nothing to do with Indians and very little to do with 'Hutus'.

If you're lucky you might be accepted in to the black Hebrew Israelites in North America


You are such a minority. Always talking about acceptance, I am talking about linking, building relations with Yahuud, Allah chosen people


You are such a minority. Always talking about acceptance, I am talking about linking, building relations with Yahuud, Allah chosen people
Astragfirullah about Allah's chosen people. They WERE Allah's chosen people until they angered Allah. The 'chosen people' to deliver the message to mankind were Arabs.

"Indeed, Allah chose Ismail from the sons of Ibrahim, and chose Kinana from the sons of Ismail, and chose Quraysh from the sons of Kinana, and chose the sons of Hashim from Quraysh, and chose me from the sons of Hashim." (Al Tirmidhi)

The yahuud think you are worth less than the dirt under their shoes man.


Your superior
Astragfirullah about Allah's chosen people. They WERE Allah's chosen people until they angered Allah. The 'chosen people' to deliver the message to mankind were Arabs.

"Indeed, Allah chose Ismail from the sons of Ibrahim, and chose Kinana from the sons of Ismail, and chose Quraysh from the sons of Kinana, and chose the sons of Hashim from Quraysh, and chose me from the sons of Hashim." (Al Tirmidhi)

The yahuud think you are worth less than the dirt under their shoes man.

So Is Allah racist, he likes the middle east more then anywhere else


Astragfirullah about Allah's chosen people. They WERE Allah's chosen people until they angered Allah. The 'chosen people' to deliver the message to mankind were Arabs.

"Indeed, Allah chose Ismail from the sons of Ibrahim, and chose Kinana from the sons of Ismail, and chose Quraysh from the sons of Kinana, and chose the sons of Hashim from Quraysh, and chose me from the sons of Hashim." (Al Tirmidhi)

The yahuud think you are worth less than the dirt under their shoes man.
The whole Ummah are Allah's chosen people


So Is Allah racist, he likes the middle east more then anywhere else
What's wrong with you? I said chosen to deliver the message. What language is the Qur'an in? is it not Arabic? how then can none Arabs deliver the message? the most superior in the sight of Allah are the most righteous of humans. Luqman (AS) has a surah named after him, although scholars say he wasn't a prophet, he was one of the most righteous man of all times (btw narrations mention he was a black ex-slave with thick lips). Allah (SWT) loves those who are righteous regardless of his tribe, status, wealth and ethnic background. If an muslim 'adoon' called Tyrone gets one good deed more than a 'hashemite', then the 'adoon' will be more beloved to Allah (SWT) and attain a higher rank in Jannah.

'O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.' 49:13.

Some of the worst people that ever walked under than sun were Qurayshites for example Abu Lahab and Abu Jahl. Allah's chosen people are muslims in general.

You are (the) best (of) people raised for the mankind - enjoining the right and forbidding [from] the wrong and believing in Allah. And if believed (the) People (of) the Book surely would have been good for them. Among them (are) [the] believers, but most of them (are) defiantly disobedient. 3:110


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Eydoors maxa weeyey very similar to the Jews, jews say we will never forgive & never forget, likewise eydoors are the same. The most cuqdad prone things in the world, the chosen who, chosen khat miya :)
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