Isaaq Y-dna results

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Your superior
I can imagine somali in Jeremy kyle show and those sheekh Isxaaq, darod, etc being told you are not the father and they start celebrating


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
So far Issa, Cidagalle and HY are T haplogroup, while HA are E-V32. It would be very interesting to find out what Gadabursi and HJ are.
The division in Woqoyie seems to be between T and E-V32, and it does not correspond to clan identity.
I find it a bit peculiar that i share a paternal ancestor with issa even though i'm reer Caynaashe subclan of HY , who live in the Hawd region near the Somaliland Ethio border (Dururuksi , Gaashaamo) and that Sacad muusa who are geographically closer to issa/gadabuursi and who even intermarry withem are E1b1. I wonder why that is ?.

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Did any of you study haplo groups or DNA formally, or do you just get a online $100 test and decipher the results yourself :ayaanswag:. I studied a little bit of it in my college days and you guys really over simplify it:lol:


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Did any of you study haplo groups or DNA formally, or do you just get a online $100 test and decipher the results yourself :ayaanswag:. I studied a little bit of it in my college days and you guys really over simplify it:lol:

It is actually straightforward, if your clan has subclans with different haplogroups, your clan is not based on agnatic descent but is a confederation. Isaaq is a confederation because 1 or more of its subclans does not share an ancestor with the rest. We also know that Hawiye subclans are not based on agnatic descent, for example Hiiraab and Hawadle are not descended from a man called Hawiye. They are a confederation at a higher level like the Isaaq, while Rahanweyn are a confederation at a lower level, even to jilib and reer level.
We don't yet know if Darood is a confederation or not, but from looking at 23andme almost all are E-V32.

Even knowing that your clan or subclan is all one haplogroup is not enough to prove common descent. You have to look at the various markers and when it becomes cheap enough in the future, see if you share a common ancestor in the past 1000 years. This is a very interesting field because it may upset a lot of xeer that has been established for centuries. Imagine if HA and Gadabursi turn out to be the same clan,.


It's kinda weird that Somalis only seem to have two main haplogroups. Either T1a1a or E1b1b-V32.

What an inbred population.

If you look at European ethnic groups, Middle Eastern or Ethiopian groups they usually have 4 or 5 different dominant lineages.
@Al Dhoobe No , i have never studied Dna , what i know about Dna is from Wiki and the jaamacatu dna fadhi ku dirir crew. Looking at my Haplotree what can you tell me about results ? . How closely related am i to other Somalis whi got T ?
I only did the Ydna 12 test because 100 bucks is all farax can spare, plus 12 markers is sufficient enough to match close relatives.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
It is actually straightforward, if your clan has subclans with different haplogroups, your clan is not based on agnatic descent but is a confederation. Isaaq is a confederation because 1 or more of its subclans does not share an ancestor with the rest. We also know that Hawiye subclans are not based on agnatic descent, for example Hiiraab and Hawadle are not descended from a man called Hawiye. They are a confederation at a higher level like the Isaaq, while Rahanweyn are a confederation at a lower level, even to jilib and reer level.
We don't yet know if Darood is a confederation or not, but from looking at 23andme almost all are E-V32.

Even knowing that your clan or subclan is all one haplogroup is not enough to prove common descent. You have to look at the various markers and when it becomes cheap enough in the future, see if you share a common ancestor in the past 1000 years. This is a very interesting field because it may upset a lot of xeer that has been established for centuries. Imagine if HA and Gadabursi turn out to be the same clan,.

Nigga are you basically telling us shiekh isaxaaq is a myth :deadrose:

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Like I said you guys are reeeeeally over simplifying it. I'm not one to throw away tradition with something I learnt through wiki and fadhi kudirir:childplease:.

TGS I wish it was as simple as you mentioned but it isn't by any means, people base their thesis on haplogroups for their doctorate degrees(PHD ):axvmm9o:
My STR markers ,


Al dhoobe DNA expert waaku kaa , ku shaqo tag , we are waiting for your conclusions :dabcasar:


Suicidal men adore me.
The complete opposite.

DNA has destroyed the myths that keep us apart.

Wallahi Somalis are stupid! Genetic testing created so Americans can know where they are from is what we use to find out what has been know for centuries, that we are homogeneous? And what's up with the myth of being descended from some clan in SA?


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
So far Issa, Cidagalle and HY are T haplogroup, while HA are E-V32. It would be very interesting to find out what Gadabursi and HJ are.
The division in Woqoyie seems to be between T and E-V32, and it does not correspond to clan identity.

Dir seems to be consistently T, I have a few relatives that are Surre and Qubeys that are T.
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