Isaaq Y-dna results

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Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
My STR markers ,


Al dhoobe DNA expert waaku kaa , ku shaqo tag , we are waiting for your conclusions :dabcasar:

Dee wax maba arki karee. Ma sawir baad soobaandhigtay
Nigga are you basically telling us shiekh isaxaaq is a myth :deadrose:

When Major sub clans of the same qabiil have different Haplgroups and when those Haplogroups in question are not even Arab Hp's and are native or ancient ones ,then something is wrong with this 12th century Arab sheeko.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Wallahi Somalis are stupid! Genetic testing created so Americans can know where they are from is what we use to find out what has been know for centuries, that we are homogeneous? And what's up with the myth of being descended from some clan in SA?

These people honest to god believe some Arab sex tourists came to Africa a few centuries ago and gave rise to millions of black af somalis


We've been butchering each other over fairytales. Darood climbed a tree and wouldn't come down until Dir himself gave him his daughter, Isaaq defeated a magician and was rewarded with Somali wives, madhibaan ate carrion and refused to throw up making him an outcast


Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
@ReerCaynaashe I'm on my phone I'll check it later.... ina abti maa sheekh Wikipedia bala rumaysan karaa? In the words of the mujaahid "Ano Wikipedia bedeli kara duco qaadan maaye...":fittytousand:


People are missing the point. This doesn't proof anything about Sheikh Isaaq(the man himself), but it only proofs some
Isaaq groups are not related which is something I have said before. If I had a couple of sons and some of them were
adopted doesn't mean they are all adopted.


Suicidal men adore me.
These people honest to god believe some Arab sex tourists came to Africa a few centuries ago and gave rise to millions of black af somalis


We've been butchering each other over fairytales. Darood climbed a tree and wouldn't come down until Dir himself gave him his daughter, Isaaq defeated a magician and was rewarded with Somali wives, madhibaan ate carrion and refused to throw up making him an outcast


LMAO the rest of the world had rejected myths and fairytales, why are we so far behind

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
These people honest to god believe some Arab sex tourists came to Africa a few centuries ago and gave rise to millions of black af somalis


We've been butchering each other over fairytales. Darood climbed a tree and wouldn't come down until Dir himself gave him his daughter, Isaaq defeated a magician and was rewarded with Somali wives, madhibaan ate carrion and refused to throw up making him an outcast


1200 years of tradition is more believable then somali forumers solving their lineage through fadhi kudirir, $100 "DNA" tests and Wikipedia :damedamn:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
People are missing the point. This doesn't proof anything about Sheikh Isaaq(the man himself), but it only proofs some
Isaaq groups are not related which is something I have said before. If I had a couple of sons and some of them were
adopted doesn't mean they are all adopted.

If Isaaq was banu Hashim as the myths go, he would have been J2.


Suicidal men adore me.
These people honest to god believe some Arab sex tourists came to Africa a few centuries ago

The funny part of that is, that even if that happened then it was most likely rape. That's like when African Americans celebrate "good hair" and light skin, two features that came from white slave owners raping them.


If Isaaq was banu Hashim as the myths go, he would have been J2.

Not all Banu Hashims are J2, Middle East is a very diverse place with
many types of Haplogroups including T. This only tell us not all present day
Isaaqs are related, which is logical.
@ReerCaynaashe Sheikh Isaaq properly existed, but not all sub clans are his descendants. Besides we don't know
what Haplogroup Sheikh Isaaq was but he properly had T.

I owned a book about sheekh Isaxaaq and it contained his abtirsi , and what i found was that his supposed ancestor that connected him to the prophet was actually a man died who died childless and who the shi'a call the occulted imam mahdi. It's all myth sxb , ha isku daalin. The Romans themselves had a myth about about their origin, the Romulus and Remus myth but Romans(Italians) today acknowledge it as a myth , why cant you do the same ?.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
1200 years of tradition is more believable then somali forumers solving their lineage through fadhi kudirir, $100 "DNA" tests and Wikipedia :damedamn:

I don't put much stock in tradition when it flies in the face of clear evidence.

I'm quite certain had the Prophet been Chinese, you'd be descended from Shaykh Zhang and I'd be descended from Shaykh Chan :lol:

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
I owned a book about sheekh Isaxaaq and it contained his abtirsi , and what i found was that his supposed ancestor that connected him to the prophet was actually a man died who died childless and who the shi'a call the occulted imam mahdi. It's all myth sxb , ha isku daalin. The Romans themselves had a myth about about their origin, the Romulus and Remus myth but Romans(Italians) today acknowledge it as a myth , why cant you do the same ?.

That's a man the shiica believed is the Mahdi, but he was a sunni scholar that passed away according to majority of Islamic historians and all sunni tradition.
Banu Hashim is a way of life, it doesn't necessarily have to correspond to a Haplogroup so no need for the technicalities. Sheikh Isxaaq was probably E-V32, his tombs needs to be opened to know for sure.
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