Isn't it weird?

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Especially those gaalo mother fuckers they left Islam so they wouldn't care for their mother tongue nor their mother and father waa qashin


There's no excuses those that don't know Somali just don't care for it.
I'm just saying, there have been very few occasions where I've had to write in Somali IRL. I'm sure I could personally cope, but I'd rather not spend 5 times as long uncomfortably typing out a message in Somali when I could just as easily convey the message in English. That said, it would be nice to have a strictly Somali-spoken section.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I'm just saying, there have been very few occasions where I've had to write in Somali IRL. I'm sure I could personally cope, but I'd rather not spend 5 times as long uncomfortably typing out a message in Somali when I could just as easily convey the message in English. That said, it would be nice to have a strictly Somali-spoken section.
Let me guess you're a gaal right? The self hatred in these vermin is unparalleled don't quote me with your calaacal waskan yaho


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Wallahi you are one abrasive negro. How the f*ck did you deduce that from my post?
What sort of a Muslim would have what the Christian would call the sun of God as his avatar and Kanye durag hesus which is the Spanish version of Jesus,That's blasphemous to say the least.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Who you calling nayaa? Qof diin leh wa iska digtaa laakin runtii qof adab daran ayaa tahey. Hadaa dooneysid inaan af soomali barano, ina caawi. Cabaadkaan maala yacni waa laga fiicanyahey.
So you think you're Allah and know what lies in the hearts of men? You're not fit to be my judge naaya


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
We judge by what is apparent.
Allah is the best of judges cause he judges by what lies hidden in ones heart, personally I couldn't care less what you think, I ain't here to cater to no one I reiterate you're not fit to be my judge naaya qumayo
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"I'd kill for a Noble Peace Prize"
Meeshan Af Soomaliga aad ayaa loogu fara-xumeeyay walee! Dambi caadi ah waxa lagu hayaa luuqada:farole:

Allahahayoow Afka hooyo noo daa Afar cisho:yacadiim:


What sort of a Muslim would have what the Christian would call the sun oh God as his avatar and Kanye durag hesus which is the Spanish version of Jesus,That's blasphemous to say the least.

It's a very, very obvious photoshop of some cadaan man made up for cadaan people and Partynextdoor. It's a running joke about shitty Toronto-inspired latino soundcloud 'artists'. I'm 90% sure this isn't the first time you've called me a gaal even before my DP. And no, I don't worship Kanye you absolute reprobate. Nor am I self-hating because I can't be bothered typing everything out in Somali when there's an easier way to get my message across. I speak more than Somali and English and to be blunt Somali is probably my lowest priority when it comes to languages. I bet that'll make your head pop.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
It's a very, very obvious photoshop of some cadaan man made up for cadaan people and Partynextdoor. It's a running joke about shitty Toronto-inspired latino soundcloud 'artists'. I'm 90% sure this isn't the first time you've called me a gaal even before my DP. And no, I don't worship Kanye you absolute reprobate. Nor am I self-hating because I can't be bothered typing everything out in Somali when there's an easier way to get my message across. I speak more than Somali and English and to be blunt Somali is probably my lowest priority when it comes to languages. I bet that'll make your head pop.
Hesus=Jesus in Spanish, the million shilling question is why call yourself the son of god as so many Christians believe him to be? I don't care what you say no self respecting Muslim would call themselves Jesus, why would you not being able to write nor read your mother tongue make my head pop? It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest since you idolise Kanye west it's obvious that you would want to imitate your idol.


Hesus=Jesus in Spanish, the million shilling question is why call yourself the son of god as so many Christians believe him to be? I don't care what you say no self respecting Muslim would call themselves Jesus, why would that make my head pop? It would surprise me in the slightest since you idolise Kanye west it's obvious that you would want to I imitate your idol.

Hesus = also one of the more common names in South America. Just like Isa/Cise is a common name in the Muslim world. Whatever has been added/left out by Christians doesn't really concern me as I don't believe it to be true. Isa (a.s) is still referred to as Isa by Arab Christians who believe he is the son of God. Are you against the name Jesus in itself? Because otherwise anyone named Isa is also proclaiming to be the son of God by your logic. It literally could've said Durag Juan but you see, it ruins the double joke of the south american pnd-style sc artists and my DP. Furthermore, If there is a legitimate religious gripe with my DP, why couldn't you have pointed it out instead of calling me a gaal for the second time?

If you're presuming I idolise Kanye because have him as my DP let me stop you now. I don't idolise Kanye west.

You should be careful with being quick to call people gaalo. This whole aggressive rude boy act is getting old quick. You're just coming across as autistic to be honest. Talking about wanting to imitate Kanye west... saqajaan.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Hesus = also one of the more common names in South America. Just like Isa/Cise is a common name in the Muslim world. Whatever has been added/left out by Christians doesn't really concern me as I don't believe it to be true. Isa (a.s) is still referred to as Isa by Arab Christians who believe he is the son of God. Are you against the name Jesus in itself? Because otherwise anyone named Isa is also proclaiming to be the son of God by your logic. It literally could've said Durag Juan but you see, it ruins the double joke of the south american pnd-style sc artists and my DP. Furthermore, If there is a legitimate religious gripe with my DP, why couldn't you have pointed it out instead of calling me a gaal for the second time?

If you're presuming I idolise Kanye because have him as my DP let me stop you now. I don't idolise Kanye west.

You should be careful with being quick to call people gaalo. This whole aggressive rude boy act is getting old quick. You're just coming across as autistic to be honest. Talking about wanting to imitate Kanye west... saqajaan.
You called yourself Jesus & your display picture is of Jesus bradar how long have you been worshipping Kanye


Ppl who can write Somali (numbered) use it freely all over the forum. If it had its own section, I can bet it would be inactive.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Ain't you met faaraxs called Ciisa/Ciise?

@Kanye is being a little blasphemous and disrespectful to our Prophet Ciisa ('aleyhi salaam) but lets not act like Ciisa is exclusively an important figure in the Christian religion.
Ciisa is a prophet of Allah Jesus is the Christian son of god very big difference & yes he is being blasphemous don't let your hatred for me cloud your judgement naaya after all you did say to me "you act like someone who's got religion but really you're someone who hasn't got etiquette" slyly implying that I ain't a Muslim smh qumayoda foqol qumayo who makes you the judge naaya when you get your menstrual cycle every other week?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Next time I implore you to test the water before you decided to dive in at the deep end capiche vaffanculo stronzo
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