Israeli soldiers killed three men waving white flag


Forza Somalia!
They killed them while seeing they were waving white flag, but found out that they were the hostages, then everyone pissed off, not for shooting the a person waving white flag but because they were israeli who were killed.


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Forza Somalia!
Post like this tell me that the world is full of cruel genocidal ppl. Here one is saying that the IDF couldn't tell if these men were the hostages because they were wearing civilian clothes.
Imagine that!!

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Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Israel is looking down the barrel of a strategic defeat.

A ruined reputation globally and an emboldened Hamas will remain in power at this rate.

The entire younger generations in Western countries associate Israel with genocide. This will have repercussions in future foreign policy when these generations become more prominent at the ballot box.

What will be interesting is what happens when Joe Biden eventually tells Israel to stop.

Will they oblige? If they tell him to f*ck off, how will he respond?


Forza Somalia!
Israel is looking down the barrel of a strategic defeat.

A ruined reputation globally and an emboldened Hamas will remain in power at this rate.

The entire younger generations in Western countries associate Israel with genocide. This will have repercussions in future foreign policy when these generations become more prominent at the ballot box.

What will be interesting is what happens when Joe Biden eventually tells Israel to stop.

Will they oblige? If they tell him to f*ck off, how will he respond?
I hope so. I am tired of GOP and DEMs being in AIPACs pockets