It’s no longer glorious to get rich in China - it’s dangerous


Based China W




Let him cook
The rich bully America. Spread chaos with the filth they promote. Sex,gambling, drugs , gluttony all some billionaire getting rich off it in America with army of scientist working to get you addicted, and no one with guts to muzzle them and think about morality and what’s it’s doing to fabric of society.
I am no commie by any sense, but a past time of mine is to see billionaires get "cheated" out of their billions. In the above article, of course, they all started to artificially devalue their companies stock, in order to remain the arbitrary ceiling they thought was safe, like rats really.
The rich bully America. Spread chaos with the filth they promote. Sex,gambling, drugs , gluttony all some billionaire getting rich off it in America with army of scientist working to get you addicted, and no one with guts to muzzle them and think about morality and what’s it’s doing to fabric of society.
There were movements with guts, for example The Occupy Wall Street movement, the phrase "99% vs 1%" shone a light on them like never before and it scared them. After 2012, their was a sudden uptick of race wars, gender wars, sex wars, trans issues. They used distractive phrases like "white privilege" to mask their upper class "1%" position, and it worked.

Suddenly, the white homeless guy was just as privileged as Tony Blair or some "white" banking CEO, same with the dumb Feminists who equated working class men with upper class men. It worked, Classism which was at the forefront just years ago is now nowhere to be seen, multi national corporations like Amazon, Nike and their CEOs get to LARP as "socially conscious" individuals who want to break the glass ceiling of sexism and racism with diversity and inclusivity, there is never any talk about their wealth, how they poisoned the environment, their tax avoidance or how they steal the labour of foreign and domestic nationals.


Let him cook
There were movements with guts, for example The Occupy Wall Street movement, the phrase "99% vs 1%" shone a light on them like never before and it scared them. After 2012, their was a sudden uptick of race wars, gender wars, sex wars, trans issues. They used distractive phrases like "white privilege" to mask their upper class "1%" position, and it worked.

Suddenly, the white homeless guy was just as privileged as Tony Blair or some "white" banking CEO, same with the dumb Feminists who equated working class men with upper class men. It worked, Classism which was at the forefront just years ago is now nowhere to be seen, multi national corporations like Amazon, Nike and their CEOs get to LARP as "socially conscious" individuals who want to break the glass ceiling of sexism and racism with diversity and inclusivity, there is never any talk about their wealth, how they poisoned the environment, their tax avoidance or how they steal the labour of foreign and domestic nationals.
Good point. All those ceos get bailed out but average person gets home taken and lose everything. CEO’s when they win get hundreds of millions when they lose get bailout and golden parachute worth millions. Game is stacked against pooor and middle class


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