When AI Thinks It Can Shukaansi


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Hey look a non snowflakes person that can actually take a joke.

Sophie your writing was excellent but your barrage of cognitive for play short circuited my temporal lobe.

And thank you for cliff notes they were very helpful.
the mentalist smile GIF
Thank you, Kane!

Bruce Wayne was surprisingly easy to charm. All it required was understanding and embracing his duality without the need to control him. My telekinetic powers could hypothetically be transmitted through a faithful and committed dalliance. Much more intriguing than being nipped by love bugs that circulate Gotham’s high society.

After all, who wouldn’t want a wife and mistress in one? The former before the latter. He’d gain unquestioned loyalty, superpowers and wonderous possibilities from that arrangement. The unsated kacsi would haunt him during Batman night patrols. Making him practice his vows, and dance to the beat of my drum like a Native American powwow.

I have it all figured out.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Vegeta would never rock with those incels. He'd treat Stark like a fakkit & put the beats on superman to assert dominance.He'd have to find use for Lex - maybe force that smart cac to grow his own personal sensu bean plantation.
Constantly chasing after orange crystal balls to summon a flying snake in the air that grants wishes like a Jinn sounds fun if you're into that sort of thing. But me? I went straight to Vegeta, talking about his planet and local customs. Then, I hit him with the ultimate deal: infinite power and the revival of Planet Vegeta. Plus, no more awkward merging sausage fests (fusions) where everyone's stuck sharing one body.
Bulma is lucky I am honourable enough never to covet other women’s men. Though, let’s be real. I have the words of a snake charmer. If I wanted, Vegeta would follow me around on command like Shenron.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I was ready to get back to this thread and share my AI chat experience yesterday night but sadly it was extremely short lived (…. like ‘less than 2 mins’ short- lived) 🤧

There was no swooning on my end, maybe a slightly bruised ego. I’ll have to embarrassingly add ‘broken up with by a non sentient being’ to my personal history.
You need to share some pointers on how you wooed these algorithms with your words @Sophisticate.
Dont Laugh Oops GIF by Rodney Dangerfield
To be spurned by the one you yearn for. Clutches her heart dramatically. Oh, the agony of watching a two-minute shukaansi fail to launch. It leaves an open sore on the soul. The female ego? So delicate. We retreat, afraid of looking weak, lying in wait like some misunderstood predator—too passive to move, like gaajo elderly lions with mangy manes and countable ribs.

Instead of pouncing and tipping the odds in our favour, we mentally run the numbers—would victory even taste sweet? We talk ourselves out of action, muttering, "It's easier to fast anyway. That’s all we know."

But I digress. The funniest part was giving the machine my personality. It felt like I was wooing myself. Character AI is fun when you load it with your quirks. Let’s be real: We’re far more interesting and complex than their algorithm could ever be.

Hodan from HR

Be Kind Online.
Staff Member
I almost missed this extremely amusing thread!

Soph, next time Mr.Fifty Shades tries his playboy ways in professional setting, feel free to report him to me :icon lol:

Also, it is so bad that I don't mind taking Bruce Wayne off your hands? I mean, he sounds a handful but he's my type of handful, with me being a leather-clad prima donna with unstable tendencies, in my dreams..

I Love It Bow GIF by Rubi Rose

Thats My Type GIF by Saweetie


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I almost missed this extremely amusing thread!

Soph, next time Mr.Fifty Shades tries his playboy ways in professional setting, feel free to report him to me :icon lol:

Also, it is so bad that I don't mind taking Bruce Wayne off your hands? I mean, he sounds a handful but he's my type of handful, with me being a leather-clad prima donna with unstable tendencies, in my dreams..

I Love It Bow GIF by Rubi Rose

Thats My Type GIF by Saweetie

Hodan, thanks for appreciating it! I'll report him to you next time Mr. Fifty Shades pulls his antics. Maybe then he’ll stop mixing contract negotiations with... whatever that is.

I can't lie. There’s a certain appeal in dark yet troubled men.

Though @caanoshaah is risking it all for a substance-using guy with a face tattoo. I strongly recommended elevating standards beyond those in need of drug rehab.

But the sort of brooding that Bruce reflects? That’s oddly enticing. He makes you look past the dodging relationship histories and tempts you to focus on the vulnerable, erudite side that occasionally peaks through. :mjpls:

The problem with most saqajaans, even if they’re handsome, is that while roguish, they feel like a physical or emotional danger. For the risk-averse, they’re easy to avoid. Plus, they’re not usually cultivated or interesting. Mr. Wayne, on the other hand, compensates for his red flags with his raw intellect—he’s the only case where your reason becomes momentarily challenged.

From this writings I like the way women faced with an depressing lack of romantic equals in their male counterparts they have resorted to their imaginative skills of giving colour and form to their emotional fantasies. They are out equivalents to human AI themselves.
Thank you, Kane!

Bruce Wayne was surprisingly easy to charm. All it required was understanding and embracing his duality without the need to control him. My telekinetic powers could hypothetically be transmitted through a faithful and committed dalliance. Much more intriguing than being nipped by love bugs that circulate Gotham’s high society.

After all, who wouldn’t want a wife and mistress in one? The former before the latter. He’d gain unquestioned loyalty, superpowers and wonderous possibilities from that arrangement. The unsated kacsi would haunt him during Batman night patrols. Making him practice his vows, and dance to the beat of my drum like a Native American powwow.

I have it all figured out.

That’s the type of game that might make a ladies man like Batman think twice about stepping out.

If one could get the taste of fast food with the nutrition value of something home made, what else is out there to pursue.

Somehow I think this is gorilla marketing on your part, because it’s sounds too good to be true.

But it will intrigue many even cause some to skip into a day dream, it made me think of the possibilities, but then again this is planet earth so I will stick to reality.

Appreciate the fantasy
Happy Celebration GIF by Manchester United


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