Jabuuti is behind the Sitti conflict

Kkk maya huuno😅 thank goodness I have no foreign blood hooyo is Mohamed Zubeir so is aabo. Btw you should see Ogaden vault on Facebook. They post Ogaden history there it’s nice.
This is a 1920 report of the Jubaland Ogadens they posted recently.
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I have been involved with OG vault for a while now, one of the big time backers told me about it when it was started to give them support

masha Allah, good to know you have no foreign blood is a pure Absame Kuumade in terms of ethnicity and race brother,

I know farjano walald very well, one could say i was his teacher, i inspired him, my greatest student, i am glad his works have inspired younger generations of our RACE.

Do not ever forget one thing, your enemies are Darood, Somali, Habashi, oromo, Arab Gulf countries that armed Ethiopians, Turks of today since Erdogan gave drones to ethiopia about to collapse, then Ibliis and in that order. never ever forget these universal enemies and principles
Liyu was never disbanded. That was all just for show so Abiye could fight the Amhara. I tried to tell people here multiple times but their Ogaden cuqdad wouldn't allow them to listen
I wonder how those who celebrated would react😅 do you think they will be covering this on the news soon maybe?

Abdi Iley is back and the Liyuu army is still here they have captured more land and onlf have been finalizing the referendum working with the cia they are going to hold shir wada tashi ah while Amhara and Oromo are going to war over Addis’s Abeba soon inshaAllah we will see independent Ogadenia🙏
You are mistaken naya,

Ogaden and Absame Kumade conquered Ogadeniya how can someone else conquered when they came to the land after we conquered it and with our permission?

There is the landlord and tenant, if the tenant misbehaves, then he can be thrown out

There is a reason the Portuguese explorers in 1600s named the land Ogaden and the British named it also Ogaden in 1884

its because of the landeere owners of the land, notice how its not named after the marti guests?

Please remind me who has conquered land in Ogadeniya other than Kuumade? do not spread nonsense online warya :ftw9nwa:

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So you liberated sitti and give it to ciise, liberated liibaan and gave it to digoodi and garre, liberated the in between and distributed to gurgure, gurre, karanle, sheekhaal and gugundhabe :deadpeter:

Doqonkii ogaadeen ahaa never fail to make his own happiness by claiming everyones land, you doqon live in only a tiny triangle in the middle of the DDS, and my lands were never called ogaden

I still can't beleive you said tenants, you are acting brave online like you are not the same miskeen cagdheer that get karbaashed by clans like sheekhaal and gaadsan last time they tried to step foot into their territories:pachah1:

Am I supposed to feel threatened, cimrigaago raaggaa ogaden hanjabayana wuu ku tusaa:pachah1:
So you liberated sitti and give it to ciise, liberated liibaan and gave it to digoodi and garre, liberated the in between and distributed to gurgure, gurre, karanle, sheekhaal and gugundhabe :deadpeter:

Doqonkii ogaadeen ahaa never fail to make his own happiness by claiming everyones land, you doqon live in only a tiny triangle in the middle of the DDS, and my lands were never called ogaden

I still can't beleive you said tenants, you are acting brave online like you are not the same miskeen cagdheer that get karbaashed by clans like sheekhaal and gaadsan last time they tried to step foot into their territories:pachah1:

Am I supposed to feel threatened, cimrigaago raaggaa ogaden hanjabayana wuu ku tusaa:pachah1:

Doqonki Idoor, when i realised your idoor, i realised your the people the Sayid made muslims,

kkkkk, idoor has no land in DDS except one degmo we gave him, gaashambo, no wonder your salty,

all the langsb you mentioned have had their degmo designed by Ogaden

get salty, end of the idoor has a president and that president will always be an Ogaden man insha Allah,

must really hurt idoor claming fake hawd and only has one degmo out of the 94 degmos in Ogadeniya

ciil ku dhimo , langab garhajis ah, the untouchables of idoor, no power or land in DDS or Somaliland
:deadmanny: :chrisfreshhah:
So you liberated sitti and give it to ciise, liberated liibaan and gave it to digoodi and garre, liberated the in between and distributed to gurgure, gurre, karanle, sheekhaal and gugundhabe :deadpeter:

Doqonkii ogaadeen ahaa never fail to make his own happiness by claiming everyones land, you doqon live in only a tiny triangle in the middle of the DDS, and my lands were never called ogaden

I still can't beleive you said tenants, you are acting brave online like you are not the same miskeen cagdheer that get karbaashed by clans like sheekhaal and gaadsan last time they tried to step foot into their territories:pachah1:

Am I supposed to feel threatened, cimrigaago raaggaa ogaden hanjabayana wuu ku tusaa:pachah1:
At this point I would actually suggest we take Sitti as Ogadens since we shed blood for it. Ciise really are irrelevant at this point. It should be split between Reer Dalal and Reer Amadin.
Doqonki Idoor, when i realised your idoor, i realised your the people the Sayid made muslims,

kkkkk, idoor has no land in DDS except one degmo we gave him, gaashambo, no wonder your salty,

all the langsb you mentioned have had their degmo designed by Ogaden

get salty, end of the idoor has a president and that president will always be an Ogaden man insha Allah,

must really hurt idoor claming fake hawd and only has one degmo out of the 94 degmos in Ogadeniya

ciil ku dhimo , langab garhajis ah, the untouchables of idoor, no power or land in DDS or Somaliland
:deadmanny: :chrisfreshhah:
Reer Isaaq Cali iyo Haruun lived there until one day the idoor with their British superiors attacked Cali iyo Harun and all the idoor came running and settled in what’s now Hawd, what’s crazy is the British banned Ogaden from getting weapons by blocking our trade routes Gadabursi used to supply French machine guns while arming the good loyal idoor army kkk🤣 but then a Dhulbahante man was irritated by this and said “doqonki Ogaden Doolo laga qaad” it was to inspire Ogaden to take back their land which they did and left some idoor families in the Hawd. Till this day idoor claim Hawd some say they conquered it😂and some would say they lived there for centuries😂
At this point I would actually suggest we take Sitti as Ogadens since we shed blood for it. Ciise really are irrelevant at this point. It should be split between Reer Dalal and Reer Amadin.

he is idoor, even worse, a garhajis who was kicked out of somaliland by habar cawal, and

Doqonki idoor claims the fake Hawd, they get away with it online, the doqon doe snot know hawd incldues the Ogaden heartlands of Dagaxbuur, Wardeer Dollow and Jidwaq Jigjiga

out of the 11 provinces in Ogadeniya, idoor has zero, Absame has 9 provinces

out of 94 counties idoor has been given one by ONLF in 1991 , Absame has 84 degmos

out of 282 MPs idoor has 3 Mps, Absame has 252 Mps

out of 6 charter cities in Ogadeniya Absame has 5, idoor none,

do not let them bamboozle you with hawd fake BS
Reer Isaaq Cali iyo Haruun lived there until one day the idoor with their British superiors attacked Cali iyo Harun and all the idoor came running and settled in what’s now Hawd, what’s crazy is the British banned Ogaden from getting weapons by blocking our trade routes Gadabursi used to supply French machine guns while arming the good loyal idoor army kkk🤣 but then a Dhulbahante man was irritated by this and said “doqonki Ogaden Doolo laga qaad” it was to inspire Ogaden to take back their land which they did and left some idoor families in the Hawd. Till this day idoor claim Hawd some say they conquered it😂and some would say they lived there for centuries😂

Lafa Ruug war 1910/11, idoor got 10,000 men trained by british and armed with many weapons, Ogaden allowed idoor to come deep inside Ogaden then Ogaden did a double encircling and wiped out the gaal raac idoor

its called lafa ruug as Ogaden blocked every exist and idoor were forced to eat the horses and camels then the very bones out of hunger

Ogaden could not be defeated despite idoor being armed with super power british empire wepaons

also dhulbahante and many other langab clans were on the side of the British, like figishni, marehan etc

do not let them claim fake hawd, they got away with this online many times these children like clan, they must be reminded no such thing as hawd exists and if they misbehave about gaashambo they will be deported back to the triangle desert
Doqonki Idoor, when i realised your idoor, i realised your the people the Sayid made muslims,

kkkkk, idoor has no land in DDS except one degmo we gave him, gaashambo, no wonder your salty,

all the langsb you mentioned have had their degmo designed by Ogaden

get salty, end of the idoor has a president and that president will always be an Ogaden man insha Allah,

must really hurt idoor claming fake hawd and only has one degmo out of the 94 degmos in Ogadeniya

ciil ku dhimo , langab garhajis ah, the untouchables of idoor, no power or land in DDS or Somaliland
:deadmanny: :chrisfreshhah:
I ain't no salty but I should tame your sheegato ass for trying to ignore hundreds of KM of lands my garhajis clan alone owns in DDS

You changed the whole point of discussion the minute you realized every corner of DDS there is this large clan and probably you liberated not even an inch of land but following the footsteps of garre, degoodi, gurre, karanle and ciise :russ:

And don't forget your madmullah were my magan, and conposed many gabays praising my muuse ismacil n1ggas in ceerigaabo and jiidali for letting him be their magan, ask what your doqon clan doing when madmullah seek refuge to my clan, your entire existance is useless:pachah1:
Lafa Ruug war 1910/11, idoor got 10,000 men trained by british and armed with many weapons, Ogaden allowed idoor to come deep inside Ogaden then Ogaden did a double encircling and wiped out the gaal raac idoor

its called lafa ruug as Ogaden blocked every exist and idoor were forced to eat the horses and camels then the very bones out of hunger

Ogaden could not be defeated despite idoor being armed with super power british empire wepaons

also dhulbahante and many other langab clans were on the side of the British, like figishni, marehan etc

do not let them claim fake hawd, they got away with this online many times these children like clan, they must be reminded no such thing as hawd exists and if they misbehave about gaashambo they will be deported back to the triangle desert
Didn’t some of the idoor men hide in the ocean during the battle of lafaruug?😂😂what’s the maah maah they said?😂 “baduba way kaa celin” something like that 🤣
I ain't no salty but I should tame your sheegato ass for trying to ignore hundreds of KM of lands my garhajis clan alone owns in DDS

You changed the whole point of discussion the minute you realized every corner of DDS there is this large clan and probably you liberated not even an inch of land but following the footsteps of garre, degoodi, gurre, karanle and ciise :russ:

And don't forget your madmullah were my magan, and conposed many gabays praising my muuse ismacil n1ggas in ceerigaabo and jiidali for letting him be their magan, ask what your doqon clan doing when madmullah seek refuge to my clan, your entire existance is useless:pachah1:

Name me one other degmo idoor get full 3 Mps per degmo other than gaashambo?

Saydka most likely made your idoor ancestor a muslim after the british converted him, be graeful

oh and he was ruling your ass in somaliland even though he was an Ogaden man from Ogadeniya

imagine being given leadership and making you muslims and he is from another tribe

Reer Isaaq Cali iyo Haruun lived there until one day the idoor with their British superiors attacked Cali iyo Harun and all the idoor came running and settled in what’s now Hawd, what’s crazy is the British banned Ogaden from getting weapons by blocking our trade routes Gadabursi used to supply French machine guns while arming the good loyal idoor army kkk🤣 but then a Dhulbahante man was irritated by this and said “doqonki Ogaden Doolo laga qaad” it was to inspire Ogaden to take back their land which they did and left some idoor families in the Hawd. Till this day idoor claim Hawd some say they conquered it😂and some would say they lived there for centuries😂
Garhajis karbaash on your loomaoyan clan had nothing to do with british, its a well documented history and there was a whole lot of string of gabays telling what has happened with no single mention of british help, so keep coping you doqonkii😂😂😂
Name me one other degmo idoor get full 3 Mps per degmo other than gaashambo?

Saydka most likely made your idoor ancestor a muslim after the british converted him, be graeful

oh and he was ruling your ass in somaliland even though he was an Ogaden man from Ogadeniya

imagine being given leadership and making you muslims and he is from another tribe

He never had influence on my lands in the first place, he deprived the privilege of living on isaaq territories the day he robbed some gx camels in hawd like a coward, we rather guided him not to rob the muslims and stop dhulbahante xasuuq when he sought refuge to muuse ismaaciil and not the other way around
Garhajis karbaash on your loomaoyan clan had nothing to do with british, its a well documented history and there was a whole lot of string of gabays telling what has happened with no single mention of british help, so keep coping you doqonkii😂😂😂
“Once the loyal isaaq troops get in touch with the rebels” kkk


These are the loyal iidoor troops of the British 😮


Forget about gaashamo, there are hundreds of other towns on each direction of the district teaming with people and livestock, but didn't get whats your problem with gashamo
Except it isn’t teaming with people. Anybody who’s ever been there will know it is depopulating. It’s a huge land that always had very low pop density and with heer sugulle and other Habar Yonis leaving for Burco, Oodweyne, Hargeisa etc, it’s fast becoming an empty land used only for grazing
Except it isn’t teaming with people. Anybody who’s ever been there will know it is depopulating. It’s a huge land that always had very low pop density and with heer sugulle and other Habar Yonis leaving for Burco, Oodweyne, Hargeisa etc, it’s fast becoming an empty land used only for grazing

a tenant has been removed from the land, so what?

the land always reverts back to the landlord native owner,

when cabdi iley brought in 2 million Ogaden in Jigjiga, idoor had no choice but to ran away back to somaliland, they tried to bully jidwaq out of jigjiga, Ogaden simply showed them Jidwaq has Absame cousins,

a foreigner idoor goes back to his desert triangle, no big deal, they paid rent whilst they were our guests