Kkk maya huunothank goodness I have no foreign blood hooyo is Mohamed Zubeir so is aabo. Btw you should see Ogaden vault on Facebook. They post Ogaden history there it’s nice.
This is a 1920 report of the Jubaland Ogadens they posted recently.
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I have been involved with OG vault for a while now, one of the big time backers told me about it when it was started to give them support
masha Allah, good to know you have no foreign blood is a pure Absame Kuumade in terms of ethnicity and race brother,
I know farjano walald very well, one could say i was his teacher, i inspired him, my greatest student, i am glad his works have inspired younger generations of our RACE.
Do not ever forget one thing, your enemies are Darood, Somali, Habashi, oromo, Arab Gulf countries that armed Ethiopians, Turks of today since Erdogan gave drones to ethiopia about to collapse, then Ibliis and in that order. never ever forget these universal enemies and principles