Jabuuti is behind the Sitti conflict


Garhajis karbaash on your loomaoyan clan had nothing to do with british, its a well documented history and there was a whole lot of string of gabays telling what has happened with no single mention of british help, so keep coping you doqonkii😂😂😂
You clearly don’t know the history. The British armed forces were called Rayad and were composed of 3,000 iiddoor and 1,000 dhulbahante with orders to attack the Ogaden (majority of Dhulbahante at this point were pro British). Even Ismaaciil Mire joined them after the Darawish defeat. Dhulos only raided for camels then returned to their land. The iiddoor wanted conquest and land and went as far as Qoraxey. But it wouldn’t last because the Ogaden counterattack led by Suldan Rafle would soon chase them out of most of the land they trespassed on except for Gaashaamo which the Suldan didn’t reach due to lack of supplies
You clearly don’t know the history. The British armed forces were called Rayad and were composed of 3,000 iiddoor and 1,000 dhulbahante with orders to attack the Ogaden (majority of Dhulbahante at this point were pro British). Even Ismaaciil Mire joined them after the Darawish defeat. Dhulos only raided for camels then returned to their land. The iiddoor wanted conquest and land and went as far as Qoraxey. But it wouldn’t last because the Ogaden counterattack led by Suldan Rafle would soon chase them out of most of the land they trespassed on except for Gaashaamo which the Suldan didn’t reach due to lack of supplies
I think the suldan was being nice we should’ve went as far as hargeisa waa fulay reerka kkk😅
The past few days I have been doing an undercover investigation. I have uncovered some shocking information. Many thanks to my anonymous informants in Sitti and Jabuuti.

1. TPLF and Ismail Omar Geelle (IOG) had a decades long secret agreement to keep the Afar-Isse border an unstable warzone. This benefitted IOG by preventing Afars from focusing on their status as second class citizens in Jabuuti. This benefitted TPLF by preventing the birth of Afar irredentism (diverting their attention elsewhere). IOG is more than happy to sacrifice his own kin for political agendas. Since the fall of TPLF, IOG has maintained this policy. I don’t know if Abiye is onboard.
2. The current uptick in violence was sponsored by IOG. The aim is to weaken the Ogaden controlled Liyu police. IOG like many actors in the region believes Ethiopian balkanisation to be inevitable and is preparing for it. One such preparation is to bleed the Liyu of manpower and experienced commanders in a never-ending war in Sitti.
3. IOG’s agenda for when Ethiopia collapses and balkanises is to grab Sitti region and add it to Jabuuti. To do this, he has to deal with the much stronger Liyu. Part of the strategy is above. Another part will be to arm the Iiddoor in Somaliland and encourage them to attack DDS from the North. With the Ogaden heartland threatened by such an attack, Ogaden leadership will have no choice but to withdraw from Sitti and defend their heartland. IOG’s army will then walk into an undefended Sitti and plant Jabuuti’s flag. The local Ciise leadership is onboard with this plan.
4. IOG encourages the displaced Ciise to not come to Jabuuti but to remain in the Diridhabe area. The plan is when Sitti is finally annexed by Jabuuti after Ethiopia’s balkanisation, they will return to their former districts. If they come to Jabuuti, he knows they will never return.

In short, the Sitti conflict begins and ends with IOG.

A Ciise man from DJibouti who is opposed to IOG told me a couple of years ago that it was IOG who was arming and funding the Afars against his fellow Ciise in Sitti. He stated he was doing it to make sure the rest of Issa, with the exception of Mamaasan who don't live there anyway, to be preoccupied with this conflict and leave him alone.

He constantly worries about military coup from other Ciise military officers. Therefore, his goal is to make sure the non-Mamaasan Ciise fellas focused on that conflict.
A Ciise man from DJibouti who is opposed to IOG told me a couple of years ago that it was IOG who was arming and funding the Afars against his fellow Ciise in Sitti. He stated he was doing it to make sure the rest of Issa, with the exception of Mamaasan who don't live there anyway, to be preoccupied with this conflict and leave him alone.

He constantly worries about military coup from other Ciise military officers. Therefore, his goal is to make sure the non-Mamaasan Ciise fellas focused on that conflict.
It all makes sense now😅 I just wasn’t expecting this from IOG it’s so random