Jealuse wife killed husband first wife

I've never seen a woman who is happy in a polygamous marriage. Even the Prophet SAW's wives would get jealous of each other, and he was the best man that ever lived. Just imagine that. Now imagine a very flawed regular man who has more than one wife, you think there are no issues?

Women who are in poly marriages TOLERATE it;

1. For money
2. 'for the sake of the kids'
3. Maybe they can't have children,
4. Not romantically interested in their husband/fell out of love, but see him as a useful.
5. The husband is refusing to grant her a divorce and her family has pressured her to stay.

If men want the truth, there it is. If a woman is not jealous at all, she doesn't care for you romantically. She may love you, but it's platonic. And if she is jealous, this kind of poly marriage has a short-lifespan or has a lot of drama.

I don't get why men risk their afterlife engaging in polygamy, it is a disaster and they have a lot to answer for on the day of judgement.
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Anecdotally, I have actually found the second wives to be wayyyy more jealous than the first.

It's weird. I think they like being the "new" lady who will give the husband the "new" children etc etc.

The funniest thing is seeing the second wife getting angry about the third. Which happens a lot.

Anyways, what Somali women need is financial freedom.

Polygamy is awful for everyone besides the selfish man, who loves having multiple women fawn over him.

Second wives are definitely threatened by the first wife. The first wife rules the nest and has the love and respect from his family/friends. She doesn't even do nothing but exist but the second wife is threatened by it, and usually, intimidated, because the first wife tends to be older, and is wiser.

I do pray all Somali women are financially freed, because these men get access to girls they do not deserve. I hate seeing their sad eyes and forced smiles on their wedding days.

