Jeegaans start talking about rejoin with Somalia!


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Show some respect to SNM who sacrficed their lives for their people as your clan voluntarly joined us and safafriced some of their men for the cause :comeon:
Install another leader means someone else who’s not Bihi, originally SNM didn’t even want to separate, they were just freedom fighters. Bihi is the most toxic ideology formed from SNM like Al Shabaab is to ICU.
Install another leader means someone else who’s not Bihi, originally SNM didn’t even want to separate, they were just freedom fighters. Bihi is the most toxic ideology formed from SNM like Al Shabaab is to ICU.
SNM has been gone for over 30 years now and Biixi doesn't represent the movmemnt nor does he in the past 5 years in the madaxtooyda ever formed an "ideoloigy" and yes he's the most failed politician to come in power in the hisory of the Republic
This is most unwelcome news for Al Hartiyah wal Jabartiyah. We will have urur samaale 2.0 on our hands, with or without D5 president. They absolutely cannot come to the table as equals. This has to be sabotaged and scuppered early on.

you guys are thinking I’m being paranoid but what happens when an isaaq president is elected and can actively stifle and block investment to PL or SSC or Jubaland, HAG are manageable in large part due to the fact SL is locked out of xamar. But don’t be so naive to think they wouldn’t join together again if SL returns to the union.

Al Hartiyah doesn't exist, they want to make SSC and Maakhir simply to get away from Puntland.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
SNM has been gone for over 30 years now and Biixi doesn't represent the movmemnt nor does he in the past 5 years in the madaxtooyda ever formed an "ideoloigy" and yes he's the most failed politician to come in power in the hisory of the Republic
Your talking about the same muse that joined SNM just to apply pressure on warsangeli and dhulbahante with Ethiopian weapons? You could see through his actions in recent years that he’s still stuck in the civil war.
Your talking about the same muse that joined SNM just to apply pressure on warsangeli and dhulbahante with Ethiopian weapons? You could see through his actions in recent years that he’s still stuck in the civil war.
What does him being former member of SNM has to do with his polices as a presdient??


On a break
What does him being former member of SNM has to do with his polices as a presdient??

He said SNM was made to attack Warsengeli and Dhulbahante, lol. He's just doing propaganda.

SNM was fighting the SNA 26th Division and South African mercenaries. There were more divisions in Somaliland too by 1990. SNM was fighting maybe most of the SNA. I'm sure some people know the full details.
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SNM has been gone for over 30 years now and Biixi doesn't represent the movmemnt nor does he in the past 5 years in the madaxtooyda ever formed an "ideoloigy" and yes he's the most failed politician to come in power in the hisory of the Republic
Muse is coming back. All SL big businessmen support his re-election campaign and just yesterday he introduced Somaliland Airlines and Dugsiga Duulista Somaliland. Cirro will go back to his qaxooti status to collect caydh in Finland or wherever he received asylum.
He said SNM was made to attack Warsengeli and Dhulbahante, lol. He's just doing propaganda.

SNM was fighting the SNA 26th Division and South African mercenaries. There were more divisions in Somaliland too by 1990. SNM was fighting maybe most of the SNA. I'm sure some people know the full details.
SNM did attack hartis after the collapse of 1991. the qooro taag incident in Bancadde which they killed unarmed Dhulbahante civilians also subsequent attacks in Daraweyne and Sanirgood.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
What does him being former member of SNM has to do with his polices as a presdient??
His separatist nonsense is his very own then, maybe SNM is innocent of that. Where is this talk of gocaan deriving from then?

confederation is fine if there is a leader that is tolerant of dhulbahante and won’t help gurgurte marginalize every other clan sxb. I’d rather have us unite, but you know damn well that these two would turn somalia into an isku dir playground.

He said SNM was made to attack Warsengeli and Dhulbahante, lol. He's just doing propaganda.

SNM was fighting the SNA 26th Division and South African mercenaries. There were more divisions in Somaliland too by 1990. SNM was fighting maybe most of the SNA. I'm sure some people know the full details.
It’s common knowledge. And never said that first part.
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Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Muse is coming back. All SL big businessmen support his re-election campaign and just yesterday he introduced Somaliland Airlines and Dugsiga Duulista Somaliland. Cirro will go back to his qaxooti status to collect caydh in Finland or wherever he received asylum.
Yeah saw this, on the same day we see the Somali flight training too. It’s like him and gurgurte are playing at twins.

who in their right mind would be ok with gurgurte who is worse and Bihi ruling Somalia until the end of time. Wali waan farhaya hadu Somalia islayimado, wadani soo ma ihi? Xitaa markay dhacdo, daahyada ba la u furi doona qabiilo iis dhabo sooconaya. Lacaagta la uu dheeqi laha gobolada kale, hargeisa ba gurandhoonta🤣

@Ducaalee sxb hoyaday wa dhulbahante, saas waye
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At first glance I thought this thread said Japan joined Somalia and then realized it was just SL and was immediately disappointed:mjcry:


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
"ideoloigy" and yes he's the most failed politician to come in power in the hisory of the Republic
cheers☕️, that’s all there is to it. Bihi signed the MOU and other tribes in north can’t sleep with him as president because of how much of a lunatic he is. If we agree on this, there’s no issue besides me saying his actions are freedom fighter related.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Supposed “freedom fighters” and “mujahids” only creeping over the Ethiopian border when HAG chimpery kicks off in xamar, real geesi niggas wlhi

Afweyne send majority of his armed forces in the north where he imposed a martial law as SNM was a serous threat to his regime and that threat was realized when SNM entered the country in 1988 took much of the north and held briefly Hargeisa and Burco during that year.

USC formation and armament of that group was done by SNM to open a southern front that will quickly bring down the regime.



A large proportion of the remittances of the Isaak went to supply arms to the rural guerillas who helped overthrow the Barre regime.
as Hawiye and other clans rebelled, receiving crucial financial and logistical support from the SNM. Eventually, the SNM would aid Gen. Mohamed Aideed’s successful ouster of Siad Barre from Mogadishu.

Gen Caydiid ⬇️


You should be thanking SNM and Muse Bixi for your freedom. Just say thank you for your service and keep quiet.
Dumb post. YOU should be thanking us for FREEING you from Muuse last August. If it weren’t for us Muuse would win this election by a landslide and you know it. The only reason you folks want to vote him out of office is because he lost all your tanks and your shoes within 30 mins :russ: