Jileecnimado ha warto!

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that's what im told. my bro used to use that as an excuse to grow long hair when my mom would deny him

My mom cusses me out everyday because of it and tells me "uuufff ufuf timo da dheer sida naago baa raabta? Absoulutely not"

I will have to unfortunetly Say good bye to it.:kendrickcry:

I dont understand tho our awoowes back in the day use to grow their hair rock the dhoore and Shit.
Tight buns can cause baldness.....bidar ba ku soo socota :chrisfreshhah:

Naw doubt it. My hair line is pretty perfect. if bidaar comes i will embrace it like destiny

Geeljire, you my nigga and everything, but that hairline....:tacky:

You're only 16 and your forehead is already encroaching on your hairline. Quit tying your hair up like that before it's too late. :urgh:

I shaved the sides . My forhead isnt actually enroaching Abaayo. Although it sort of looks that way. Picture is misleading.

Lool why are niggas paranoid and Shit.
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My mom cusses me out everyday because of it and tells me "uuufff ufuf timo da dheer sida naago baa raabta? Absoulutely not"

I will have to unfortunetly Say good bye to it.:kendrickcry:

I dont understand tho our awoowes back in the day use to grow their hair rock the dhoore and Shit.

Because in the West it is associated with homos and your mother is fearing that you are one. :sass1:

Just kidding man
5 months and a half. It isn't very long tho. i don't have it usually tied back at this point. I only did it for this picture since i got my hair cut yesterday.

get this hair style because it never fails with the chicks



Bro Reer Magal are just urbanized Reer Baadiyo same dhaqan iyo fikir ,(except reer miyi are more noble) .Get with it saaxiib soon dhoore style cuts will make a comback in Somalia.
I meant the meaning of the word niyow :whoa:
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