What’s the point of a our constitution ( federalism) if the international community wants the government to run the ports and airports ? I highly doubt that’s what’s going on. This sort of things will never happen in somalialnd or puntland. A centralized somalia will never happen bro and if it happens it will be a reer cabudwaaq led somalia hhhhYou’re both thinking in HAG terms/agenda like in 2013.
This is the IC wanting centralise Somalia to get access to loans and expect them to find a way to pay them back as the FGS would have larger revenues by having control of more than Xamar economically. Very little to do with HAG imo.
HSM won’t have a choice over how funds are split. He won’t get to use those loans to bribe his HG allies.
Also IC quickly sanction anyone who backs out of these sorts of deals. Both FGS and FMS will have to honour them.