Jobless incel records xalimo and her bf in public


Plotting world domination
Furthering the disconnect. Because of guys like him halimos have to be on the guard 24/7 smh. Reer Holland find him and give him a proper lection lol

These lame miskeens that wouldn't even consider marrying western xalimo are the main ones causing havoc on social media.

These niggas are hurting our reputation with this bs. Why waste time policing western halimos if your gonna end up marrying some random from back home??


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
I cant even defend us no more bro.

And its mostly the european ones dragging the rest of us down.


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
Hopefully this Halimo never tricks a miskeen Faarax after being defiled by Abu Tyrone. He did an excellent service for our community, great job.


Plotting world domination
Hopefully this Halimo never tricks a miskeen Faarax after being defiled by Abu Tyrone. He did an excellent service for our community, great job.
Hopefully, she will marry the j and not bring his leftovers back to the Somali community.

This obsession about protecting miskeens is stupid.

Most of these guys that are truly worried about this don't even marry western xalimos.

Worrying about protecting these men are stupid. f*ck these niggas. The trolls believe their doing some sort of noble thing exposing xalimos to protect a group of "miskeen" Somali niggas these chicks would never date.

No one is checking for these niggas :mjlol:
This is disgusting. That person deserves to be reported to the police, as it is actually against the privacy law in the Netherlands to record someone without their knowledge or consent. ILLEGAL!
When will Somali men realise that they are in fact, part of the greater 'dhagax' nation, carrying up to 50-60% of Madow DNA. I've seen a good number of you guys, especially some pictures from back home, and not all of you have timo jilicsan, and don't even get me started on those of you with visible 'dhagax' admixture, by way of Bantu/Banadiri/Shansi/Barwani or whoever your ancestor married.

Somali women are mostly with Somali men out of ethnic loyalty, religion and so forth. What do you think happens when people are exposed to other races/ethnic groups? Same thing that happens when Somali men are running around impregnating women, who go on 23andMe years later to find their father.

Insecure weirdos, shaqo yeesha. There are millions of Somali women, if you can't attract one yourself, your loss.
Why are you getting qashined,I said it in another comment most of the Somalis are two or three features away from being madhow some look more Nilotic/bantu
Whelp…feel for you younger generation.

I think if this carries on and with everyone now being on the internet and even now spilling to real life with people being recorded, it’s just going to cause a lot of push back of younger Somali girls feeling nothing but distrust of Faraxs.

Let’s be real, this is taking to too far. Even Somali girls who’d never consider an ajnabi will feel repulsed if this continues. It won’t deter young girls from marrying out, it will just increase it.

Im older, married and never once in a million considered an ajnabi, but if I had to deal with this younger gen I’d consider leaving the community.

In my days we might have had a lot of drop out, boys who aren’t doing as well, maybe even ones who have brushed with crime….but at least they were….normal and somewhat trustworthy. Normal boys that could be reasoned with.

This is not it. I’m sorry for the younger gen, both girls and boys. Living in an age of phones and everything recorded is hell.
I was asking myself this question,we did lots of crazy things growing up both the boys and the girls but we ended up ok there’s was no exposing we trusted each other
This is disgusting. That person deserves to be reported to the police, as it is actually against the privacy law in the Netherlands to record someone without their knowledge or consent. ILLEGAL!
I do not condone his behavior. But, it's not illegal to film someone in public in the Netherlands, and you don't need to ask for permission. However, if you're filming inside a business, like a restaurant, it depends on the specific rules of the chain.
I do not condone his behavior. But, it's not illegal to film someone in public in the Netherlands, and you don't need to ask for permission. However, if you're filming inside a business, like a restaurant, it depends on the specific rules of the chain.
Nice.. Could you provide me a reliable source for that? I assume you can read this and will be able to debunk this aswell then. 🤷‍♀️
Nice.. Could you provide me a reliable source for that? I assume you can read this and will be able to debunk this aswell then. 🤷‍♀️

In deze situatie komen twee rechten met elkaar in conflict: het recht op vrijheid van informatiegaring en het portretrecht.

Vrijheid van informatiegaring houdt in dat je informatie mag verzamelen, zoals door te filmen of foto's te maken in openbare ruimtes.

Portretrecht beschermt individuen tegen ongewenste publicatie van herkenbare beelden. Als iemand een redelijk belang heeft, zoals bescherming van hun privacy of reputatie, kan hij of zij bezwaar maken tegen de publicatie, zelfs als de beelden in een openbare ruimte zijn gemaakt.

Regels voor filmen op de openbare weg:

Wanneer je filmt met een handcamera in openbare ruimtes, ben je niet verplicht om mensen van tevoren te waarschuwen dat ze in beeld komen.

In de meeste gevallen weegt het algemeen belang van nieuwsgaring zwaarder dan het portretrecht, omdat het van publiek belang kan zijn om te weten wat er is gebeurd.

Toch kan de rechter in specifieke gevallen oordelen dat het portretrecht voorrang krijgt, hoewel dit meestal niet het geval is.
Video is most likely fake (As most of these "MostHated" posts are), a ploy to garner attention and reaction

But because idiots (like you guys) not only believe this shit, but actively spread it, it gains traction. This in turn leads to others being exposed to this "somali incel" mindset and being influenced by it, some even adopting it, and this is how it spreads.

For as much negativity that exists within Somali culture the idea that this new incel rhetoric is a part of our culture is a lie, ask anyone about our racial identity or some shit in 2017 and no one would question it. However what our culture does have is an undying need to be seen, meaning the ones that adopt it make it their first priority to spread it first and foremost. Combine that with the fact that we have a zillion unironically mentally ill ppl in our community and we now have this whole mess
Video is most likely fake (As most of these "MostHated" posts are), a ploy to garner attention and reaction

But because idiots (like you guys) not only believe this shit, but actively spread it, it gains traction. This in turn leads to others being exposed to this "somali incel" mindset and being influenced by it, some even adopting it, and this is how it spreads.

For as much negativity that exists within Somali culture the idea that this new incel rhetoric is a part of our culture is a lie, ask anyone about our racial identity or some shit in 2017 and no one would question it. However what our culture does have is an undying need to be seen, meaning the ones that adopt it make it their first priority to spread it first and foremost. Combine that with the fact that we have a zillion unironically mentally ill ppl in our community and we now have this whole mess
Do you know how to deal with this bullshit????


When we first saw signs of these incel losers in 2019 we should've nipped it in the bud then and there, mass report and completely remove their association to our culture, instead you guys laughed at their edgy shit and simply didn't care, now it's grown to a point in which it is too large to ignore, and has slowly mutated into the pre-existing negativity we have, making it seem like it's always been a part of our culture, to foreigners and also to ourselves. Now that it's taken root to this degree it's here forever 👍🏼
Long story short them incel n!ggas won lol, it's a part of our culture now like those black israelite dudes for black americans, learn to live with it

Gojo Satoru

Staff Member
This obsession about protecting miskeens is stupid.

Most of these guys that are truly worried about this don't even marry western xalimos.

Worrying about protecting these men are stupid. f*ck these niggas. The trolls believe their doing some sort of noble thing exposing xalimos to protect a group of "miskeen" Somali niggas these chicks would never date.

No one is checking for these niggas :mjlol:
That's what gets me the fact that these incels think they have a chance with xalimos. Most of them probably haven't left their hooyo's basement in years :wow:
Whelp…feel for you younger generation.

I think if this carries on and with everyone now being on the internet and even now spilling to real life with people being recorded, it’s just going to cause a lot of push back of younger Somali girls feeling nothing but distrust of Faraxs.

Let’s be real, this is taking to too far. Even Somali girls who’d never consider an ajnabi will feel repulsed if this continues. It won’t deter young girls from marrying out, it will just increase it.

Im older, married and never once in a million considered an ajnabi, but if I had to deal with this younger gen I’d consider leaving the community.

In my days we might have had a lot of drop out, boys who aren’t doing as well, maybe even ones who have brushed with crime….but at least they were….normal and somewhat trustworthy. Normal boys that could be reasoned with.

This is not it. I’m sorry for the younger gen, both girls and boys. Living in an age of phones and everything recorded is hell.
It’s too late I am afraid. The horse has left the stable and the bolt cannot be closed on the door anymore after it escaped. This toxicity is sunk into majority of Somali youth and it’s only going to get worse and worse. Bleak future ahead for the next generation

