Is it true that Somalia is going to have an electoral college system as well? I think I heard that somewhere on a Menkhaus lecture.
We are district based, so I think so. Not sure though.
Is it true that Somalia is going to have an electoral college system as well? I think I heard that somewhere on a Menkhaus lecture.
How the electoral college is going to be divided among Federal Member States, that's the main question. I'm sure we'd fight over it.@Abdalla
Is it true that Somalia is going to have an electoral college system as well? I think I heard that somewhere on a Menkhaus lecture.
A source of daily entertainment long gone. It might be saddening knowing that there will not be anymore of Trump rhetoricNot having to hear about Trump daily anymore.
Trump campaign doesn’t think it’s looking good for them.Breaking News: Trump files lawsuit to halt Michigan vote counting.
The 338 figure for Biden's bullshit, he still hasn't won Arizona yet.
Unpopular opinion, but I think the electoral college system is good. Otherwise you might get rebellions and secessionist movements. America is a huge country with increasingly low social cohesion.
Can someone plese explain to me which states are important for the win? I'm hella confused...
the ones with more electoral votes, generally smaller statesCan someone plese explain to me which states are important for the win? I'm hella confused...
Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada for Joe Biden. If he wins these three, He will be president. Trump has more difficult road to presidency as Electoral votes stand.
Nevada should've started reporting the numbers 1 hour ago as they promised but they didn't. Biden has 8k vote lead over there, it could go either wayall Biden needs is for Michigan and Nevada to lock in and It's over
In the UK the post goes to whoever gets the most votes overall. It doesn't matter where its generated from.