June 26, Somali independence day. Not July 1

Dude the official name was "somali Republic" not Somalia.
Somalia was a colloquial name if course, but you can clearly see somali republic being used on passports and documents
In the mid 60s and after the coup the nation is referred to as Somalia up to now with the xamar govt claiming the north in the name of "Somalia"


i do it anyway i like
niyahow what's up with these isaaq kids 24/7 caacaling am f tired of it :gucciwhat:we can't even escape their in somalia independence day :snoop:yaap,aduun yada nin joogow maxaa aragti kuu laban, this just sad
niyahow what's up with these isaaq kids 24/7 caacaling am f tired of it :gucciwhat:we can't even escape their in somalia independence day :snoop:yaap,aduun yada nin joogow maxaa aragti kuu laban, this just sad
Why are you so obsessed with qabil?? issaq afka kaa qaaday
Go make a thread for your Somalia independence july 1st :ummhmm:


I do something called "what I want"
Reuters article from 24 june 1960:



I do something called "what I want"
You following me now? Ufff

Alxamdulillah, I wasn't born with your disgusting affliction, but I am a merciful Muslim and can only advise you like I advised you the other day:

Seek help.
calm down lol 😂 I forgot we even had an interaction before, but you keep track ok? saves me the effort.
Here is the result of the 1960 Somaliland election

African Elections Database: Somalia/Somaliland (tripod.com)

In clan terms: SNL was the major Isaaq party. NUF was the minor Isaaq party. The northernJabartis/northernIrir party was the USP. Isaaq parties took about 80% of the vote. The Irir and Jabarti coalition against Isaaq took about 20% of the vote. However, the British thought chose it was better to generously represent Northern minorities .i.e northernJabartis and northernIrir got extra seats

On a further note the combined vote for 1961 constitution in Somaliland was 52,17% NO

Did you also mention lieutenant Hassan Kayd and the other officers, from all clans and regions in Somaliland, whom in 1961 attempted a coup and cancellation of the union?

If you ask me Somaliland and Somalia should never had "united" as shit went left from the beginning.

I'm 100% sure that, if the so called union never had happend, Somaliland and Somalia would both be in a better place today, if anyone disagree please state your reason.

How can we forget in 1961 coup. Northern soldiers had elite military training in British military academy and war experience from WW2. Then the corrupt mafiosi elite in Somalia Italiana put Southern policemen in charge of the Somali Republic military. How? Southerners counted the police seniority of their colonial policemen.

The problem was Northerners did not have colonial policemen. The North was not heavily policed by the British. The South had a huge police force tasked with policing southerners so that Italian settlers in Somalia Italiana enjoyed their comfortable plantations

Northern military officers form Isaaq, Jabarti, and Irir communities were repulsed by seeing Southern policemen leading Northern soldiers. They, the Northenr soldiers, including the Jabarti and Irir minority soldiers, carried out a failed coup. The soldiers were sent to court. The judge said the court did not have jurisdiction over the soldiers since the 1960 SomalilandLaw ofUnion was not ratified by the South

niyahow what's up with these isaaq kids 24/7 caacaling am f tired of it :gucciwhat:we can't even escape their in somalia independence day :snoop:yaap,aduun yada nin joogow maxaa aragti kuu laban, this just sad

First see what I wrote above about the reasons for the coup. Revoking was not about Afweyne or clans. Second, see what I wrote below about the Italian/Romance language name Somalia. I agree though that Northerners, including Isaaq, Jabartis and Irirs, should not have revoked the union

Dude the official name was "somali Republic" not Somalia.
Somalia was a colloquial name if course, but you can clearly see somali republic being used on passports and documents

Somalia is the word Italian trained southerners use to refer to the land of the Somalis. Somaliland is the Anglo/Germanic name

Southerners should stop using the vocabulary of their former colonial masters
Last edited:


i do it anyway i like
Here is the result of the 1960 Somaliland election
View attachment 190293
African Elections Database: Somalia/Somaliland (tripod.com)

In clan terms: SNL was the major Isaaq party. NUF was the minor Isaaq party. The northernJabartis/northernIrir party was the USP. Isaaq parties took about 80% of the vote. The Irir and Jabarti coalition against Isaaq took about 20% of the vote. However, the British thought chose it was better to generously represent Northern minorities .i.e northernJabartis and northernIrir got extra seats

How can we forget in 1961 coup. Northern soldiers had elite military training in British military academy and war experience from WW2. Then the corrupt mafiosi elite in Somalia Italiana put Southern policemen in charge of the Somali Republic military. Southerners counted the police seniority of their colonial policemen.

The problem was Northerners did not have colonial policemen. The North was not heavily policed by the North. The South had a huge police force tasked with policing southerners so that Italian settlers in Somalia Italiana enjoyed their comfortable plantations.

Northern officers form Isaaq, Jabarti, and Irir communities were repulsed by policemen leading soldiers. They, including the Jabarti and Irir minority soldiers, carried out a failed coup. The soldiers were sent to court. The judge said the court did not have jurisdiction over the soldiers since the 1960 SomalilandLaw ofUnion was not ratified by the South

First see what I wrote above about the reasons for the coup. Revoking was not about Afweyne or clans. Second, see what I wrote below about the Italian/Romance language name Somalia. I agree though that Northerners, including Isaaq, Jabartis and Irirs, should not have revoked the union

Somalia is the word Italian trained southerners use to refer to the land of the Somalis. Somaliland is the Anglo/Germanic name

Southerners should stop using the vocabulary of their former colonial masters
isn't the name somali/somalia from samaale :gucciwhat: :drakewtf:
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A brief history

1. The State ofSomaliland became independent from the British on June 26, 1960. Curadka Soomaliweyn waxaa weeye Wuqooyiga

View attachment 190161
Somaliland leaders from the dominant Isaaq clan as well as from the the minority clans of the Irif and Jabarti confederations signing freedom papers
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The reason for uniting with the South was to help liberate those territories, especially the Hawd andReservedAreas

2. State ofSomalilandParliament passes the act of union of 1960. The Trusteeship of SomailaItaliana has not ratified it, ever. From 1960 to the FGS era of Mr Cheese


3. The Trusteeship of Somalia did not just fail to sign union law. They fraudulently violated both the letter and spirit of the Law

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3. The union was revoked by Northern clans in 1991 after SNM felt betrayed by anti Caydiid elements in the USC liberation movement. Caydiid opponents violated the Caydiid agreement with SNM and SPM on rebuilding government after Afweyne was defeated. Once, Caydiid his agreements were ousted by civilians in USC , SNM felt there was no reliable Southern partner. SPM was also part of the deal and they also disheartened by civilians who lived comfortable lives under Afweyne betraying the hard work of liberation fighters

Cumar Jees the OG leader of SPM condemning the USC civilians for trashing the covenant between Caydiid, SPM, and SNM. He suggested they were doing the work of Afweyne

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Peace and reunification between southern clans then discussion of the terms of reunification with the north. I guarantee the North will reunite once a strong sovereign government led by honorable women and men is rebuilt in Muqdisho

So does how the term "wanlaweyne" came about :ooh:
I know wanlaweyne very good , didnt know the reason why somalilanders called us that , the 100% YES vote got yall mad like that huh ? Reer wanlaweyne wa tru wadaniis
lol no it was because of the voter fraud in 1961 referendum where the town reported more votes for yes than the north when the town was only 3,000 population
lol no it was because of the voter fraud in 1961 referendum where the town reported more votes for yes than the north when the town was only 3,000 population

The fraud and is dabamarin they learned from their colonial master the fascist Italian state..
lol no it was because of the voter fraud in 1961 referendum where the town reported more votes for yes than the north when the town was only 3,000 population
It just proves that from day 1 they were never interested in Somaliweyn or the interest of Somalis. They were just power hungry, in the same way that they are blowing eachother up on a daily basis today, for power and control.
Never again should we unite with people like that.


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