Just went to Danish pastry house to get a coffee

@caanoshaah don’t got a problem with you but please for the love of god stop abusing


You’re driving me crazy 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Wallahi i think I’m gonna have dream of this man now if I keep seeing him
I’m sure y’all already know where I’m going with this

……….all the employees were Indian fobs

once the gates of importing people are open they tend to never close. There's a problem we are facing in the west and no one what's to address and solve. The main issue the government takes more than it needs and society is breaking down to the point no new children are being born from that society instead of giving back to the people and help them get housing and free health care the west just decided to f*ck its citizen and use them as slaves. this why they will never stop importing pajeets. The only way to solve is to take yourself out of that society.
Why tho🤣I shouldn’t be exposing details ab my qabil but they’re not 🌚👀
Nah I'm just imagining if you where and you responded with a text of you asking why or your surprised with this lander leader
On the other hand I'm not a Qabilist. I just views Somali's as Somali's.