Kabtan Ayuub headed to Cabudwaaq

If you could be as kind as to summarise the said genetic evidence and what it’s telling us, don’t we cluster with other Harti groups?

We are EBY8081, literally unrelated to all Somalis except for some 2700 years ago, and others over 3000 years ago. Imagine that. We are our own ethnic group, within an ethnic group.

I used to believe the 'Daaroods' submitting the test were Gabooye, but they are on here, claiming LK, MX, you name it. Who am I to argue with them. Waa uu dhaafay firkooda iyo magacooda.

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We are EBY8081, literally unrelated to all Somalis except for some 2700 years ago, and others over 3000 years ago. Imagine that. We are our own ethnic group, within an ethnic group.

I used to believe the 'Daaroods' submitting the test were Gabooye, but they are on here, claiming LK, MX, you name it. Who am I to argue with them. Waa uu dhaafay firkooda iyo magacooda.

What about the Warsangeli and Dhulbahante? Is Harti a political lineage rather than a true one? Ik that the marexan and leelkase and OG are different to us
Ik Darod is a loose grouping but surely Harti is closer and more solidly tied to us

No DNA evidence (yet).

We are discussing paternal ties btw. My theory is that we are maternally connected to Harti. There is also solid evidence of our long-standing alliance with the likes of Geri, when the Majeerteen King sent 800 rifles to them in the 1800s, and the goal was to start a war in Harar to back them.
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There is no adopted MJs. We are the most tested clan and we consistently match. We can't ignore the facts and pretend to be another clan.

There are ancestral names that are 'lost'. For example, one of the lost abtiris names of Majeerteen is Moorahante- which is also a well in Baargaal, one of the birth places of our people. Moorahante also rhymes with Mooracase and Moorasante, which are the names of Warsangeli and Dashishe. This also lends credence to my theory of being maternal siblings.

I also wonder what the "Moor" name means in Af-Sooomali.

With more DNA testing (of verified people), we can uncover the truth.


He uses his platform to promote Daroodism so of course he will be welcome in a Darood city, its a no brainer, I personally don't like the guy but it is what it is you have to respect his hard work for Daroodism, 2024 Darood are more united than ever and we will make Darood great again inshallah.