Kabtan Ayuub headed to Cabudwaaq


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Grandpakhalif, do you have a fetish for MJ men?

Ilaahi haku caafiyo.
They try to insult me for being a woman, but I am proud to be a woman. Especially since you'll never catch a woman, acting like a desperate groupie for another woman, let alone call her "Hooyo".

Exhibit 1:

Screenshot 2024-08-24 at 04.56.34.png

Exhibit 2: A trinity of 'Aabbos'

Screenshot 2024-08-24 at 04.52.38.png


Exhibit 3: Random men are also called Aabbo, or in this case, BABA

Screenshot 2024-08-24 at 04.47.16.png

Nothing to see here folks, just pure, unfiltered MASCULINITY


I couldn't make this up if I tried.

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Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium

Kabtan Ayuub has now visted the city of Balanbale and the surrounding towns.


The locals welcomed him with the weapons they siezed from the impounded arms shipment a month back.

Next Stop: ?
It benefit non MJ if MJ leadership believes D5. Even through you guys are adopted in the lineage I still believe MJ are Darood because many D5 clans have mix with MJ and have bah subs from MJ for 100-200+ years now. Same for MJ too in vice versa.

This MJ really being Murusade thing has been very disturbing for me though.
Like with every qabiil there are adopted lineages within the grouping, but there’s also MJ asal lineage which is Harti, and most MJ fall under that
Majeerteen are Darod, I know you may have your reservations about MX but don’t let the Colaad lead you to discount your lineage…
You do realise you can’t secede from a lineage, you’re taking PL first too far

You think I don't care for Daarood because of one clan? This is not true.

I use facts to make my decisions;

Politically incompatible

Daaroods are centralist, just like Hawiye. And the real reason federalism isn't going to work, is because Daarood clans, cannot stomach having an MJ President. They were perfectly happy to have a MX dictator, but an MJ man, who was elected democratically? Too much.
Why else do we see so many federal states popping up? If it was about poor management, this would have been evident.
To add insult to injury, MJs are always getting blamed for their internal issues.

Scientific facts

My beliefs are bolstered by facts; DNA results. We are as distantly related to Daaroods as we are to other Somalis, further even.
*I have chosen to accept what is being claimed by the people who submit these results.

Loss of power

I am also a student of history, and if we are discussing clan power sharing, go look at how many seats MJs lost since the advent of the cursed 4.5 system. How does one group go from having multiple seats across Somalia, to being stuck with what? 15 seats? MJs are one of the largest clans in Somalia, and this is what we accepted to appease 'Daaroods'? It's a disgusting offence and hardly anyone talks about it.

Historical facts

What happened from 1969 until 1991, and why did your precious Daarood stand by, as Siad Barre's government ethnically cleansed MJs? Did any of their elders speak up, or try to intervene? Majeerteen suffer from historic amnesia, waa dad qalbi wanaagsan, who don't see the truth.
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You think I don't care for Daarood because of one clan? This is not true.

I use facts to make my decisions;

Politically incompatible

Daaroods are centralist, just like Hawiye. And the real reason federalism isn't going to work, is because Daarood clans, cannot stomach having an MJ President. They were perfectly happy to have a MX dictator, but an MJ man, who was elected democratically? Too much.
Why else do we see so many federal states popping up? If it was about poor management, this would have been evident.
To add insult to injury, MJs are always getting blamed for their internal issues.

Scientific facts

My beliefs are bolstered by facts; DNA results. We are as distantly related to Daaroods as we are to other Somalis, further even.
*I have chosen to accept what is being claimed by the people who submit these results.

Loss of power

I am also a student of history, and if we are discussing clan power sharing, go look at how many seats MJs lost since the advent of the cursed 4.5 system. How does one group go from having multiple seats across Somalia, to being stuck with what? 15 seats? MJs are one of the largest clans in Somalia, and this is what we accepted to appease 'Daaroods'? It's a disgusting offence and hardly anyone talks about it.

Historical facts

What happened from 1969 until 1991, and why did your precious Daarood stand by, as Siad Barre's government ethnically cleansed MJs? Did any of their elders speak up, or try to intervene? Majeerteen suffer from historic amnesia, waa dad qalbi wanaagsan, who don't see the truth.
Fine you may politically disagree with Daroodnimo, but do you at least accept we are Harti? The genetics definitively indicate we are of Harti stock…

As for the political side of things, fine you may want to distance yourself from this Darodnimo, but we are genetically and politically Harti


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Fine you may politically disagree with Daroodnimo, but do you at least accept we are Harti? The genetics definitively indicate we are of Harti stock…

As for the political side of things, fine you may want to distance yourself from this Darodnimo, but we are genetically and politically Harti
Shiine bahaane don’t believe hartinimo why should believe we Majerteeen
Fine you may politically disagree with Daroodnimo, but do you at least accept we are Harti? The genetics definitively indicate we are of Harti stock…

As for the political side of things, fine you may want to distance yourself from this Darodnimo, but we are genetically and politically Harti

Harti in S S C, are forming a different state and we wish them all the best. If they need support, we will provide and vice versa.
Shiine bahaane don’t believe hartinimo why should believe we Majerteeen

He is an irrelevant attention seeker who needs to keep MJ out of his mouth.