The truth seeker
Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
They join the EU and all the special privileges they used to have are gone they’ll be treated like ItalyTheir only hope is joining the EU. And making deals with Russia for cheap Gas/Oil. Otherwise they’re Effed
They'll never accept Russian gas due to the fact that there a satellite state they’ll buy from there yankee cousins who sell at higher prices
This war in Ukraine has been killing Europe due to the high energy costs manufacturing is fleeing to Asia and even America the tech companies they wanted to create in order to compete on the world stage and regain some of there lost hegemony won’t be able to keep the lights on and are stuck dealing with high taxes and insane red tape
German economy the engine of the EU has collapsed and the other nations are dealing with economic stagnation and a welfare system that is increasingly unsustainable they’ll be Japan 2.0 in 5 years