Kenyan MP Farah Maalim : “LGBTQ Is Worse Than Murder!”

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
I hate lagaroones but adeer should have articulated himself much better. Also isn’t murder a worse sin then homosexuality?


You are right! I for got abu jahal

My dear i strong recommend go to YOUTUBE and type Mufti menk Ismael Lut and watch the entire video. He quotes Quran ayat one by one in this matter.

I also recommend u listen to ALL his other videos on Prophets. This videos are responsible to making me a Sheikhaad!
Thank you


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I hate lagaroones but adeer should have articulated himself much better. Also isn’t murder a worse sin then homosexuality?

no huuno do not hate lagaroones hate the act of lagarooniimo


Nothing is true; everything is permitted
I meant--- killing a person is not only a dhulm for your creator Allaah swt-- but also a dhulm to the soul u killed.

Because that soul victim was denied opportunity to LIVE and repent their sins and do good deeds to their creator Allaah swt.

Not to mention maybe cause casscade of things-- like the victims future children etc etc

Not to mention the hadith that states if u kill a human it is like u killed an entire humanity population.
i think there is an ayah that said this as well
Its an extremely liberal platform, so that is where the minority of liberals of each region of the world flock to.

That is partly why I much prefer Somalispot, although it doesn’t have an ounce of PC, this platform espouses far more truth and facts than any post on r/Somalia, where any non-PC comment gets downvoted and/or deleted by mods. I believe Somalinimo and being PC can never co-exist, its not in our nature to not make outlandish comments. I’ve seen many times that they actually look down on Somalispot/somnet as uncivilised form of discourse and forums, while they neatly discuss topics with grace and intellectualism.

r/Somalia downvotes that type of shit lol