Kikuyus are now having church sermons about Somalis


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
There is noo threat, i would recognize it if there had been any incidents, but there are none.

You guys just want something bad to happen to Somalis and focus on some tribalist rethoric online in an attempt to insight
Im sorry but everything points towards us being targeted how can you just brush it off when you have them paralleling our existence to jews? Saying we own everything and are taking over??? And yes there have been incidents of Somali phobia educate yourself.
Im sorry but everything points towards us being targeted how can you just brush it off when you have them paralleling our existence to jews? Saying we own everything and are taking over??? And yes there have been incidents of Somali phobia educate yourself.

Post an incident of Somalis being victim of kikuyu hate crime or violence?

Take your time
Not beating the blm allegations at all

blm as in black lives mater ? You are even more demented than i thought.

Lets bring up a real American police brutality problem to a topic about Kenyan Somalis and yall's fantasy of Somalis getting killed with machete and slapped up by kikkuyus.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
blm as in black lives mater ? You are even more demented than i thought.

Lets bring up a real American police brutality problem to a topic about Kenyan Somalis and yall's fantasy of Somalis getting killed with machete and slapped up by kikkuyus.
Only demented one here is you refusing to see clear incitement against somalis for what it is. Yes your blm ideology is reeking and seeping into your comments. This thread is literally about kikuyus spreading somali hatred in the midst of their churches yet you with your little head sit here and lecture us about how there is no threat. They dont like you ka fuq dadkan ma ku rabaan
Only demented one here is you refusing to see clear incitement against somalis for what it is. Yes your blm ideology is reeking and seeping into your comments. This thread is literally about kikuyus spreading somali hatred in the midst of their churches yet you with your little head sit here and lecture us about how there is no threat. They dont like you ka fuq dadkan ma ku rabaan
There have been this level of rhetoric about Somali people taking over and having wealth for decades and it hasn't led to anything. So let them chatter. There is no violence or real hate. Just frustrations. What the hell is a blm ideology?

And also if something were to happen, Somalis will able to handle it. I am not worried at all.
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Given the history they should be extra cautious of kikuyus
Only a demented person drops an image of machete and says ''stay safe somalis'' after. School shooter type of waali.

When i first commented ''Waa dad xanuusan'' i should i specified it towards you.

That's different as it was a war between governments & people, Somalis are now an an integrated part of Kenya with political and economic clout. There is no need to be cautious

Kikuyus are not the problem. The problem is Kenyas tribalism, where ethnicity is being politicized.

Somalis on the other hand have no care about this political ethnic squable are more united and supportive of eachother. That's really the bigger difference. You don't see us voicing dissent or opinion on any group wether be kikkuyu or lou or what have you. We are just focused on ourselves.

I mentioned a bit about this in one of the hundreds threads they made about this topic:
Ok let’s assume my comment was distasteful….As I said before, as a man I’m happy to take that comment back if it came across as distasteful.

You still haven’t explained why you lied by trying to insinuate I make hateful comments towards Somali Bantus? Why did you lie about me posting those muh Bantus taking over threads or being “obsessed” with finding anti-Somali sentiments? Why did you have sensationalise this by making some nonsensical claims about Somalis not proposing due to one little comment?

You done this even though you are well aware of the type of content threads or type of content I post?

You’re a bloody narcissist like a few of the other fellas on here.
Only demented one here is you refusing to see clear incitement against somalis for what it is. Yes your blm ideology is reeking and seeping into your comments. This thread is literally about kikuyus spreading somali hatred in the midst of their churches yet you with your little head sit here and lecture us about how there is no threat. They dont like you ka fuq dadkan ma ku rabaan
Apparently I hate Somali Bantus and I’m tying to cause problems for Somalis because of one little joke…..on the other hand, it’s normal for a whole damn pastor to make hateful comments about an entire ethnic group. Imagine if this was a somali sheikh making similar comments. If this was a civilised country the somali community would be taking this so-called pastor to court. Apparently “they always do this”, so the focus should be on thought police on Somali forums.

I have never heard such retarded logic in my life.
Post another picture of a machete and say ''stay safe somalis'' you demented person.

I am not listening to anyone who wishes and fantasizes about violence/genocide happening on a group and brings this topic to foretell it. Waa walaan tahay.
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Its clear much of this is rooted in Islamaphobia and Christian dogmatism than genuine ethnic hatred. The British and their colonialism in Africa has been an utter disaster.

Kenya along with the rest of the Swahili coast used to be fully Islamic, all the rich history and cultural heritage there are of Muslim origin but after the British came they converted many and now you have a bunch of Christians harassing Somalis who have far more of a connection with Kenya's history and land than their pagan worshipping ancestors do. Actual ethnic Swahilis who are the heirs to Islamic Swahili civilization only number at a few million at best and all these Bantus simply adopted their language while worshipping a different religion.

Imagine if Kenya, Tanzania and others stayed Muslim? Somalis would be welcomed and treated like brothers instead of a pariah group due to following a different religion.
Post another picture of a machete and say ''stay safe somalis'' you demented person.

I am not listening to anyone who wishes and fantasizes about violence/genocide happening on a group and brings this topic to foretell it. Waa walaan tahay.
I never asked you to listen to me. I am simply asking why you lied about me hating on Somali Bantus or being amongst the trolls who are observed with race, etc? You even went as far as I start those kind of threads or have an obsession with Bantus etc.

99 percent of the forum can verify that I don’t make those kinds of threads or posts. It is disappointing to see a man who supposedly prides himself on research make outrageous lies and slander about another poster. This is what happens when you think you’re right all the time.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
I agree with @Idilinaa

When I went to Kenya for the first time, I asked my relatives what they thought about anti-Somali rhetoric and they said no one is worried.

Somalis are not only economically but politically influential in Kenya.

Kenyans talk online because they can’t do anything irl.

If they wage systemic violence, they risk losing the NFD. If they stay silent, Somalis will continue to dominate. So they are restricted to releasing their frustration online.

They don’t say anything about their South Asian community because they know that they are not-native.

What angers them about Somalis is that due to their refusal to give back the NFD, Somalis are also a native population in Kenya.


Telling that they don't have church sermons about the smelly pajeets and chinese looking down on and profiting off them...or the cadaans that take advantage of them through White Jesus.

Black Africans.....truly an accursed braindead tribe.
I agree with @Idilinaa

When I went to Kenya for the first time, I asked my relatives what they thought about anti-Somali rhetoric and they said no one is worried.

Somalis are not only economically but politically influential in Kenya.

Kenyans talk online because they can’t do anything irl.

If they wage systemic violence, they risk losing the NFD. If they stay silent, Somalis will continue to dominate. So they are restricted to releasing their frustration online.

They don’t say anything about their South Asian community because they know that they are not-native.

What angers them about Somalis is that due to their refusal to give back the NFD, Somalis are also a native population in Kenya.

Non of these kikuyus other Kenyans or whatever are worried about NFD. They know nothing about it and a lot of them conflate Somalis from Somalia with the Somalis who are born in Kenya and are mostly talking about Somalis coming to Nairobi.

In all those ''Somalis are taking over'', ''Somalis are rich'' kenyan mentions yall love jerking off to, not a single one mentions NFD but business activity in Nairobi the capital.

South Asians don't interract with Kenyans and live away from them, they used to complain about them before and Eastleigh was originally inhabited by them but their numbers are small and they are less visible now.

You all beyond delusional. It's very obvious you guys have never been to Kenya and just see stuff being said online. I asked my relatives kulaha , cool story
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Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Non of these kikuyus other Kenyans or whatever are worried about NFD. They know nothing about it and a lot of them conflate Somalis from Somalia with the Somalis who are born in Kenya and are mostly talking about Somalis coming to Nairobi.

In all those ''Somalis are taking over'', ''Somalis are rich'' kenyan mentions yall love jerking off to, not a single one mentions NFD but business activity in Nairobi the capital.

South Asians don't interract with Kenyans and live away from them, they used to complain about them before and Eastleigh was originally inhabited by them but their numbers are small and they are less visible now.

You all beyond delusional. It's very obvious you guys have never been to Kenya and just see stuff being said online. I asked my relatives kulaha , cool story

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Somalis are indigenous to kenya and you will find somali in every corner of kenya. Kenyans are 10000× times better than somalis, in somalia an isaaq can't set up a business in kismayo in peace and the same for ogaden in hargeisa while in kenya a somali can set up a business anywhere. When i decide to go back to Africa I'll settle in kenya instead of somalia
Wallahi you idiots do Somali Kenyans a disservice by fomenting hat against other Kenyans all you idiots do is see hatred against other Africans probably aren’t even going to school or better yourself just look at Somali men in the west all they are known for are being drug addicts and prison while the Bantus from Kenya are well educated
Wallahi you idiots do Somali Kenyans a disservice by fomenting hat against other Kenyans all you idiots do is see hatred against other Africans probably aren’t even going to school or better yourself just look at Somali men in the west all they are known for are being drug addicts and prison while the Bantus from Kenya are well educated
Holy fuxk man, do you use periods or what?