Laascaanood needs intervention!

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Where are beesha ilkaryar militias khatuumo and dhulbahante were always pro b00N president, first siyad bare and xarmaajo πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
Racial slur sxb u can’t use that against him.

Angry Fast And Furious GIF by The Fast Saga
It’s on sight if call the beesha barakayeesan β€œ b00n” again
I'm afraid Yeey (AUN) idea of a 'Harti State' has been long tarnished. Let's just support Khaatumo financially and politically.

Let the other loyal Hartis rotate vice presidency.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Ciddan ciise doesn't exist it's ciidan puntland

:mjohreally: :mjohreally:
Wa iska hadashey there is no cidan puntland where is cidanka jimcale🀣🀣🀣 puntland are malitia beeleed last war jimcale and his malitia left the battle and went straight to garowe after faroole order them to not fight… nacas ba tahay dani ba maskaxdha ka wase
Wa iska hadashey there is no cidan puntland where is cidanka jimcale🀣🀣🀣 puntland are malitia beeleed last war jimcale and his malitia left the battle and went straight to garowe after faroole order them to not fight… nacas ba tahay dani ba maskaxdha ka wase
Has db sent words for ciidan to be sent there

:hmm: :hmm:
kkkkkkk, ciyaarta naga daaf niyow. Makhir maxaa waye?

I support khaatumo cuz those people only brought madax xanuun to beesha, Warsangeli are more loyal to Dowlada Puntland.

Bah-Majeerteen land is intertwined, we cannot and will not leave each other.

As for Dhulbahante, we should help them build Khaatumo/SSC. They can get revenue by collecting tax from all vehicles and people entering and exiting Iidooria. If Iidooria acts up, gafuurka cas baa ka garaacikarnaa, not only militarily but we can also stop all their business interests in Puntland and beyond even.
Walahi I don't see Iidooria as a threat whatsoever. We just need one hardline political party that kicks them all out, from their businessmen to the Isaaq waiters and beyond. In real life, their people flood our cities looking for passports, jobs and even spouses. The only thing standing between Iidooria's economic collapse and total ruin in general, are naive "Somalinimo" people and all the people they ensnared via guur.

Let's keep it real.


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
Walahi I don't see Iidooria as a threat whatsoever. We just need one hardline political party that kicks them all out, from their businessmen to the Isaaq waiters and beyond. In real life, their people flood our cities looking for passports, jobs and even spouses. The only thing standing between Iidooria's economic collapse and total ruin in general, are naive "Somalinimo" people and all the people they ensnared via guur.

Let's keep it real.
This is accurate, when I was in Garowe last year I seen them everywhere. PL work is higher paying and our universities are less costly as SL, couple that with coming over for the Somali passport to travel and you’ve got a large Isaaq community living off our goodwill.
This is accurate, when I was in Garowe last year I seen them everywhere. PL work is higher paying and our universities are less costly as SL, couple that with coming over for the Somali passport to travel and you’ve got a large Isaaq community living off our goodwill.

They're even doing tourism and getting views from recording our picturesque seaside towns. Our people are so naive it pisses me off. It was up to me, I'd have the soldiers at the checkpoints deport the first sight of a stained tooth. I don't use Somaliland businesses either, not their telecom, not their money transfer, nada.

If Majeerteen and other Puntites have an illness, it's this incessant need to be hospitable to people and I've had enough. We need a political party that has a zero tolerance policy towards SNM and their fake "country".


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
They're even doing tourism and getting views from recording our picturesque seaside towns. Our people are so naive it pisses me off. It was up to me, I'd have the soldiers at the checkpoints deport the first sight of a stained tooth or the first whiff of khat. I don't use Somaliland businesses either, not their telecom, not their money transfer, nada.

If Majeerteen and other Puntites have an illness, it's this incessant need to be hospitable to people and I've had enough. We need a political party that has a zero tolerance policy towards SNM and their fake "country".
Wallahi it made me sick abaayo, we’re too kind. There were idoor who lived in Puntland for 10+ years with good senior positions in business. Why can’t they do that in their own town.:childplease:

But tbf they haven’t taken up begging like other non-native PL Somali communities.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL

looks like the odayaal of dhulos are asking for SL to handle this in peace and to have talks regarding the issues. They told the madaxweyne MBC and Wasiiros to fully handle this situation and bring peace back to lascaanood , they also asked the dhulos to stop the rabshad and to work with the government of SL
Wallahi it made me sick abaayo, we’re too kind. There were idoor who lived in Puntland for 10+ years with good senior positions in business. Why can’t they do that in their own town.:childplease:

But tbf they haven’t taken up begging like other non-native PL Somali communities.

I heard a man once said about Majeerteen: "Ilowsha dhowaa, ma umul baa" and walahi it's 100% correct. They forgive everything and everyone. They don't care. Any atrocity or crime against us and it's amnesia time!

"SOmAlinImO" kulaha, how the hell do you extend 'Somalinimo' to people wearing an Iranian flag and who want to destroy Somalia??!! Waxbaa ka si ah dadkeena. We need a change and insha'Allah it's coming. I pray I see the day that those people and their flag aren't allowed to step a toe onto our soil.
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