Laascaanood needs intervention!

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The leader of the Federal Government of Somalia must resolve this issue by transferring the federal seats to the Somaliland Federal Member state which would empower reer Dhulbahante to elect leaders that represent them.

Confirming the federal member state of Somaliland with borders would solve everything :banderas:

Just imagine being able to vote your federal MPs through 1 man 1 vote in 2026 in Somaliland Federal member state :lawd:

Sheekada federal seats ma taagna. Again, why does bihi always blame mugadisho and the other regional presidents whenever PL declares war on SL? Sheekadi aabow kan yar iga celi kan wayn aan iska ceshee comes to mind.
The leader of the Federal Government of Somalia must resolve this issue by transferring the federal seats to the Somaliland Federal Member state which would empower reer Dhulbahante to elect leaders that represent them.

Confirming the federal member state of Somaliland with borders would solve everything :banderas:

Just imagine being able to vote your federal MPs through 1 man 1 vote in 2026 in Somaliland Federal member state :lawd:
Saxib let's be honest Dhullos will never fully come under SL. Hell you have Buhoodle that's in Togdheer and it's not even in your hands wtf. You call yourself a country?:russ:


Sheekada federal seats ma taagna. Again, why does bihi always blame mugadisho and the other regional presidents whenever PL declares war on SL? Sheekadi aabow kan yar iga celi kan wayn aan iska ceshee comes to mind.

FGS is the government and Puntland comes under it.Anything PL does will always be associated with FGS.

Secondaly, a few days prior to the incident's FGS issued a statement against General Oil exploration in Sool (the agreement was signed back in 2012). Now 11 years later they issue a letter against it? Let's not talk about conspiracies.
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Saxib let's be honest Dhullos will never fully come under SL. Hell you have Buhoodle that's in Togdheer and it's not even in your hands wtf. You call yourself a country?:russ:

I'm trying to provide a solution to make Somaliland a Federal Member State of FGS!

Let people decide their Federal MP's and not be handpicked by a state leader that won't even fight for their rights!
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I actually caught a glimpse of both speeches by Deni, and Biixi, and I must admit Deni came across as a measured, and deliberative leader whereas Biixi seemed angry, if arrogantly nervous staring down at his nose, as one would expect. The old man Saleebaan Gaal was a mess. Trouble with Biixi & S Gaal is their ears do not hear what their mouths are spewing, let alone the deadly bullets their murdering militia is firing.

I caught video feeds of the ill-fitted, sandal-wearing, ill-fed, if uncouth ragtag militia in the city, and think this is an easy battle for the people of Laascaanood to win.

I say, let us give it a few more days, and support the uprising.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Deni going down sad as the most weak, indecisive leader in the history of PL. Muse Biixi speech was much more afront and clear. Its a relationship of Aabo in law and son
This isn't a puntland vs somaliland war. The terrorist snm militia are killing unarmed civilians in Laascaanod. We can't let them change the narrative.
Agreed, reer Laascaanod have this is the bag. They just need a push to the right direction with a bit of a moral support, means, and staying courage by the brethren elsewhere.
Kill all the Horgallo starting with Ina Koore & Indho going down the list, shutdown SL aligned businesses starting with Dhiigshiil & Somtel, and set up a strong leadership council to save the day.


The leader of the Federal Government of Somalia must resolve this issue by transferring the federal seats to the Somaliland Federal Member state which would empower reer Dhulbahante to elect leaders that represent them.

Confirming the federal member state of Somaliland with borders would solve everything :banderas:
You'd actually take that deal? Give up ictiraaf for control of British SL?


Send African union troops and 5k Eritrea soldiers to terrorist regional state of somaliland for crimes against humanity: Dhulbahante genocide, putting oromos in chicken cages, exporting terrorism, destabilizing south, giving people liin treatment for just waving πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄ flag. Enough is enough what kind of place is this


Bantu Liberation Movement
Muse is unhinged, I hope he wins again. Anything that derails their recognition bid is welcome. Deni looks like a pro.
Anything that derails their recognition bid is welcome.
Come on, we do not want to wish our civilian neighbours up north any harm, but just need to prick the bile, let a tad bit of sap trickle out to bring them down to planet earth.

Their blowheart 'tookh' of launching spaceships in their 'dacas' is deafening.

Plus we want them to stay in their triangle: Hargeysa - Berber - Burco in harmony. After all, they are Somalis.
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You should spend all this time and effort in restraining and muzzling your Isaaq brethren who do not take a break from telling us all about your agenda.

View attachment 247816

My agenda is the reuinification of Somaalia Italiana and Soomaliland but as long as Somaalia Italiaanf suffers from clan confederalism and defacto independent FMS syndrome then JSL has to impose democracy on eastern Sool/Badhan for nationa security and eventual greater Somali unity purposes

Now I hope you give up on your agenda of dividing up Somaali Italiana

There are only two solutions to this problem
1. War
2. Somaliland leaving Sool peacefully

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Who is going to fight the native Laas Caanood residents who support democracy under JSL and who will. The good thing for you is it might not come to that is thar reer Bookh wont get past the Hawd the people of garadkaa guud beesha eastern Sool is just as anti PL as his predecessor

This isn't a puntland vs somaliland war. The terrorist snm militia are killing unarmed civilians in Laascaanod. We can't let them change the narrative. Somaliland is using puntland as a way to deflect from the innocent people they are murdering

SNM was dissolved for about 30 years now but their decendents are also not in Laas Caanood. Laas Caanood has patriotic residents who support democracy under JSL against riots instigated by men from from southern Xuddun
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