Laascaanood now under civilian control

Didn't I say time and time again that they send women to weaken our resolve and infiltrate our families? Someone else on here said they have a name for Isaaq women that come to Puntland to find non-khat addicted husbands.

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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
You were right and a genius it seems like fataalnimada fokin street are using seal diplomacy :kanyehmm:

Majeerteen and Isaaq don't have an extensive history of inter-marriage, we never did. It's not a common thing for us. So, how come with the creation of Puntland, all of a sudden Isaaq women have stormed our land in search for husbands. I know that it's mostly to do with seeking healthier men (less khat addicts) and men with money, but I am 100% convinced there is a political espionage angle.
Are we supposed to believe it's a coincidence that Deni's son is allegedly married to Biixi's daughter? Xagee la isku arkay ama la iska helay? I even hear they got to the PMPF (Marines) and one of the commanders has an Isaaq wife now.
We should put you in charge, methinks. I like your 'take no prison' approach, but I am afraid you may fall for it yourself, and get trapped.

I want the word to spread about Somaliland using their women as honeypots to destroy us. I want all the Goverment buildings and homes of political elite, swept for bugs and these men with Isaaq wives, cannot be allowed to work in intel and other sensitive matters. We have a huge security breach and waa la iska hurdaa. SMH!
Majeerteen and Isaaq don't have an extensive history of inter-marriage, we never did. It's not a common thing for us. So, how come with the creation of Puntland, all of a sudden Isaaq women have stormed our land in search for husbands. I know that it's mostly to do with seeking healthier men (less khat addicts) and men with money, but I am 100% convinced there is a political espionage angle.
Are we supposed to believe it's a coincidence that Deni's son is allegedly married to Biixi's daughter? Xagee la isku arkay ama la iska helay? I even hear they got to the PMPF (Marines) and one of the commanders has an Isaaq wife now.
Are you familiar with the old saying 'magacuba i deeq' ?
I want the word to spread about Somaliland using their women as honeypots to destroy us. I want all the Goverment buildings and homes of political elite, swept for bugs and these men with Isaaq wives, cannot be allowed to work in intel and other sensitive matters. We have a huge security breach and waa la iska hurdaa. SMH!
I am not as concerned as you are, as I suffer from 'somalinimo' syndrome, but would agree somewhat, and it is not only the wives, but the extended qaraabo in and out the border is a major issue.
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