Laascaanood now under civilian control


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
A Reer Sool girl was brutally murdered in Hargeisa, the filthy seccessionists killed her for her tribe AUN May she be granted in jannah as a shahiida :kendrickcry:



A Reer Sool girl was brutally murdered in Hargeisa, the filthy seccessionists killed her for her tribe AUN May she be granted in jannah as a shahiida :kendrickcry:

this goes against dhaqan and Somali culture, no one should be killed for their tribe.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Criminal Garguurte speaks on Laascaanood now, calls them “dadka xaduudka ka baxsan” essentially recognizing Somaliland claim of independence. What a weak, spineless coward he should of just stayed quiet



Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Marxuumka finally wake up from death after 10 days of #SSCGenocide with a very soft condemnation. Iscasil doqonoow, Darood kugu ba’ay!

A Reer Sool girl was brutally murdered in Hargeisa, the filthy seccessionists killed her for her tribe AUN May she be granted in jannah as a shahiida :kendrickcry:

posting fake news come on man ha nijaaseen reer ssc halgan against the secessionist somali hating maamul.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Reer Burco Man says that Muse Biixi must stop attacking Laascanood and stop forcing people he also says we refused xoog from Siyaad Barre so you cant xoog Laascaanood



Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
The man who the SL regime calls wanted and The Father of SSC triumphantly returns to his homeland after years of resistance

Apparently the army was moved out of the city to spare the citizens after the army was attacked.

This is the Mayor inside of the city.

And the army confirming the pull-out, now they are at the 2 main exit points and a place above the city.

They had 2 choices.

Pull out of the city.

Fight inside the city and then it would look like the people who were trying to set up a narrative that they are being massacred is right. They were ordered to leave and did not get kicked out. 🤷

Game Over

An insider informed me NOW, it's over guys, Laascaanood will be back to normal from tomorrow. Hadda ayaa la saxeexayaa as I type, Somaliland military generals and the Garaads reached an agreement 🤝.

Watch this space.
@Vito Rizutto @TimaJilic What's the word walaalayaal yall have gone quiet.:pachah1:
Listen from 2:30 onwards, 'ciidamada Somaliland ma bixin, mana baxayaan'. :win:

Dad idinka caqli yar ma arkin, ciiddan oo quwadda geeska Africa ah, ayaa qosol ku baxaya iyo madadaalo.

