Wtf this guy is retarded. He looks like the crackfiend from Power raising Kanan. No wonder they are lost, at least I don't have to fake cheer from the side anymore.Listen this

Wtf this guy is retarded. He looks like the crackfiend from Power raising Kanan. No wonder they are lost, at least I don't have to fake cheer from the side anymore.Listen this
Listen this
He also said: I ordered SL army to leave 04:11, there're no SL troops inside the city, SSC commander Falaalug is inside the city with his soldiers.Listen from 2:30 onwards, 'ciidamada Somaliland ma bixin, mana baxayaan'.
Dad idinka caqli yar ma arkin, ciiddan oo quwadda geeska Africa ah, ayaa qosol ku baxaya iyo madadaalo.
This nigga is gooooone-You can see it in his eyes-He is true somalilander-Straight brainwashed himselfListen this
There's no way he isn't a drug addict. The idoors have been lacing his qaat with sixir for the past 15 yearsThis nigga is gooooone-You can see it in his eyes-He is true somalilander-Straight brainwashed himselfView attachment 248061
I can see this guy raiding Dhulbahante camels on behalf of habar jeclo-He is more snm than bixi.There's no way he isn't a drug addict. The idoors have been lacing his qaat with sixir for the past 15 years
He is truly despised by his people Cambaashe is the Sayid Aden of his clan. DisgustingThis nigga is gooooone-You can see it in his eyes-He is true somalilander-Straight brainwashed himselfView attachment 248061
Waryaa Don't politicise this rare united front of Daroodism-Control your self.He is truly despised by his people Cambaashe is the Sayid Aden of his clan. Disgusting
Your right Viva OgadenWaryaa Don't politicise this rare united front of Daroodism-Control your self.
He is truly despised by his people Cambaashe is the Sayid Aden of his clan. Disgusting
Some heavy words dam. He is threatening lives and property if protests don’t stop by tomorrow. No carrot straight to stick crazy strategyListen this
You are a loomaooyaan Garxajis, maybe you have stockholm syndrome you need freedom yourselfCambaashe supports his people benefitting from democracy under JSL. He is much better than a certain westernGedo warlord allowed his wife to raped by TPLF commander in the 1990s and yet he remained pro TPLF with that TPLF leader walking around free in Gedo as @Sheikh Kulkuli relayed this
Cambaashe supports democracy under JSL for his people. Maybe he should be sent to to the South if JSL and Somalia Italian reunite and we expand democracy to western GEdo
Dameer guurguurte afduub ka ha ka soo dhamaado before he talks about Sool affairs.Criminal Garguurte speaks on Laascaanood now, calls them “dadka xaduudka ka baxsan” essentially recognizing Somaliland claim of independence. What a weak, spineless coward he should of just stayed quiet
Lol it sounded like he recognizing somaliland. Farmajo was scared to answer question over las canod which was cowardly, this is just as cowardly. Fgs ain’t shit glad darood coming together to make things happens iA we will have las canod back. F these fake wadani politicians
They’re mourning
Did your folks benefit from democracy under SL? Dont worry about others((IiCambaashe supports his people benefitting from democracy under JSL. He is much better than a certain westernGedo warlord allowed his wife to raped by TPLF commander in the 1990s and yet he remained pro TPLF with that TPLF leader walking around free in Gedo as @Sheikh Kulkuli relayed this
Cambaashe supports democracy under JSL for his people. Maybe he should be sent to to the South if JSL and Somalia Italian reunite and we expand democracy to western GEdo