Suicidal men adore me.
Omg its warabe or whatever his name ia
Omg its warabe or whatever his name ia
I'm not gay. A gay person would never have a problem with admitting they're gay on a forum. Try harder.
I gave the three answers, just match them with the statements loooool
@CrazyWadaad arent you going to play the game?
Nope.1. steviewonder
2. Crazywardaad
3. waaraabe
did i get it XD
Almost there...1 Stevie
2 waraabe
3 crazywadaad
Thank you lmfaoAlright enough with these Big narstie gifs
Suki just needs a late night Big mac.Thats why shes angry right now
Crazywqdad. The shade from your cap makes your nose look like what your penis aspires to be.
Crazywqdad. The shade from your cap makes your nose look like what your penis aspires to be.
Wallahi i could have said something so horrible.But for the sake of your feelings.I will lowe you this one timeCrazywqdad. The shade from your cap makes your nose look like what your penis aspires to be.
Wallahi i could have said something so horrible.But for the sake of your feelings.I will lowe you this one time